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Everything posted by Carolus

  1. America is just playing with my feelings. I want a divorce.
  2. I am sure they will find other ways but this is not bad.
  3. I will leave the military related points to those who are militarily savvy. But this... sorry to say but this is pretty shoddy sourcing. The first two sources refer to the same incident, the source of which is a local pro-Russian official, and there have been Donetsk civilians who have been lamenting on social media that the shelling came from the Russian side as part of a "disciplinary measure". It was also apparently mortar rounds in an area where even heavy mortars with extended range can't reach from UA controlled territory. Aljazeera is not a source - it is a privately funded broadcaster whose purpose is doing marketing for its founders and islamist terrorist organisations who have the favor of these founders (and malign those who do not). Then there is Wikipedia, the purpose of which is being a collection and summary of online sources. That doesn't mean Wikipedia is bad, but one has to be aware the content is often "Party A said this, Party B said that". It is not doing investigations or journalism, it is a collection of infos. And the last one, directly in the first fat paragraph, says "a Kremlin-installed official in the eastern region of Ukraine said. This has not been independently verified" Really? After Russia's abysmal track record over the last... decades?
  4. Shot down so hard verbally before it was shot down with a gun, ufff.
  5. Heavy drone for medical transport. Is this the beginning of the new air-mobile (drone mobile?) infantry? Drone Dragoons. Drongoons.
  6. As was said in this thread before: this is one of the dumbest wars even among the list of really dumb wars in history. Extremely costly and no tangible gain - no resources, no strategic advantage, nothing. Everything Russia has is a vague manifest destiny to "make nation go big", mostly so that they can print new maps, and they are using their social acceptance of unparalleled nihilist cynicism, callousness and cruelty towards themseves and towards others to willingly go for it.
  7. There is a rumor going around that Ukraine will get JASSM with their F16s, but I haven't found a good confirmation. A bunch of outlets say the origin is Naev, the commander of the northern front in Ukraine. JASSM seems pretty new. Is it realistic that the US would give them away or even allow it after the song and dance around ATACMS?
  8. From what I read online the bill is guaranteed to get killed on the floor of the House.
  9. That makes the drones very tiny while raising the requirements to mil standard for howitzer ammo. When I think future I think about the American palletizing cruise missiles. That also makes me think of glide bombs. We are focusing on tunes a lot because that's what the Russians and Ukrainians use. I think the NATO way sounds more like a fat glide bomb that opens up like a cluster bomb and releases the drones over an area. Strap a rocket engine on for range extension if needs be.
  10. How long the productions remains interrupted depends on what part of the equipment was hit - probably hard to hit a precise part of the complex purely with GPS programming over such massive distances. But I hope UA has some oil and gas refinery grognards in their target selection chain.
  11. I wanted to link to this guy's yt channel. I think he is part of a Territorial Defense unit? He seems legit. He makes commentary videos on various weapons his squad got supplied or found or traded for. Obviously the scope of this forum is much bigger than squad-level tactics, but I still thought it is pretty interesting to hear someone give commentary from a place of more... rough field testing, so to say. Maybe there is even something in there that might change the pixeltruppen behaviour of the next game?
  12. The big problem is that even the grognards in the warroom don't know what it is needed longterm. Europe and the USA are trying to get their shell production up to 1 million per year, maybe they might want to get their plastic drone production up to 1 million per year as well. 150 more T-72 family tanks for Ukraine are great, but while tanks are still useful they are looking like they are only moving the needle by the smallest of distances per invested sum. If anything more, and more reliable, long distance strike capability seems like the only way to make Russia back off. Sanctions are slow and still have gaping holes, but they exist and China cannot fill very gap. Ukraine needs to take the tempo out of Russia and let the Moscowites slip more and more into despair. The constant grinding of the RA is costly, but it is also exhausting Ukraine and keeps them from taking the initiative. If the West knew how modern war worked on a fundamental level, this would all be easier. But in general everyone is still trying to figure stuff out. Even the UA high command most likely doesn't, though they will keep trying new ideas simply because if they don't, they know their children will still fight this war in 10 years. The only way to project force in a significant way at the moment is to go over, and Russia's air game is not up to snuff.
  13. Follow-up about the strike on Belbek airfield. Russian General Tatarenko was killed along with 9 others. Imagine the United States was losing Generals at the same rate in a war. It is bonkers.
  14. https://x.com/TreasChest/status/1753285123418853818?s=20 Link doesn't want to embed, but it shows a pic of number of Lancet strikes per month and that the numbers went down after a Ukrainain strike on a factory for optics. Deep strike works. Deeper strikes work harder. Strategic bombing affects the tactical situation for the grunts on the ground.
  15. That was exactly what I wondered after seeing recent clips of Ukrainian units from the front. Imagine you were a battalion commander and someone came up to and said: "You can have 1000 pieces of supply - either 152mm/155mm shells (no PGM) or 1000 FPV drones or a mix between these of your choice, just never more than 1000." Disregard the costs, imagine that it is a slider you can adjust in CM, and you already have both experienced artillery gunners and experienced drone teams. Just keep in mind that EW exists. Have we reached a point where the FPV drones would be more desirable than the shells?
  16. UA proclaims that they sank Russian corvette "Ivanovets" with kamikaze USV.
  17. After all the political disappointment about when, how and why to arm Ukraine over the last two years, I still have the hope that there is one guy who will not let me down: The almighty dollar
  18. Apparently this baby is finally leaving the delivery room. Should ease the pressure on GLMRS stocks.
  19. Russian. Haven't seen a confirmation yet.
  20. It is claimed by telegram channel "Crimean Wind" that a SU-24 did not return from a mission near Snake Island. We might have to see if "Fighterbomber" eventually confirms.
  21. Huh? How is that different than what we have seen from e.g. Girkin's blog? Certain Russian nationalists have been criticizing the way the war is fought since March 22 and with colorful, explicit language.
  22. Since we have been talking about the will to sacrifice for your nation a few times...
  23. Looks like a massive shaped charge on this little bugger. Unopposed approach, but it still beats risking to send a sapper team out there.
  24. Software target recognition test. Can help a human eye by highlighting suspicious shapes as well as being another step towards autonomous targeting.
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