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Everything posted by Carolus

  1. 1) Basically every industrial country has far more energy generation capacity than it needs to ensure continuous production - even if several plants need to be taken off the grid for maintenance or simply damage repairs. 2) Outside of the planned over-capacity, older power plants are not immediately demolished when a newer one is finished. They remain for years as a "strategic reserve". And due to improved technology energy companies are almost always building something newer and more efficient somewhere, so there is a continuous rotation from older to newer. 3) Special government programs like in Germany, where renewables are being pushed, means that a lot of conventional power plants have been taken off the grid, but are not destroyed. Germany gets between 30% and 40% of its daily energy from renewables (and growing), and has roughly the same capacity, mostly in coal plants, dormant and ready to be fired up. Ukraine's economy before the war used 125 TWh per year, which has dropped significantly due to the war to something below 100 TWh. Germany alone has likely 200 TWh of unused capacity next to the 500 to 600 TWh it currently needs per year.
  2. I believe that Ukraine is also part of the European energy net (as of last year?), so as long as transmission lines remain to a town or city, Europe can just pump energy directly into Ukraine's grid. Most EU countries have significant unused power generation capacity. The smaller, mobile generators provide better local independence, of course.
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/zelenskiy-thanks-germany-new-patriot-system-critical-time-2024-04-13/ Germany will transfer a Patriot battery and additional missiles to Ukraine "immediately" (so, soonish).
  4. EU parliament pulled a "Republican" and refused to pass the budget by the EU council until funding for 7 Patriot batteries is found. 512 to 62 votes.
  5. Magyar drone slips into a crack in the brickwork and brings a house down. In case someone wondered where urban combat and fortifications are heading.
  6. And considering the Chinese Navy training quality, they will be as bad in repsonse to these unusual small threats as the BSF. The only problem will be that while Taiwan sits under a constant barrage of missiles while its fleet of surace drones is in range of every major Chinese port, the American government will tell the Taiwanese government not to attack the ports in order to prevent any unnecessary escalation and please not complain so much about its civilians- there is a football game scheduled on TV after all. (I woke up with some gall today, it will pass.)
  7. https://maritime-executive.com/article/south-korea-detains-stateless-cargo-ship-investigating-sanctions-violations South Korea detained a North Korean ship for potential sanctions violations Ahoi mateys, tharr be plunderr to be had in thar Yellow Sea, arr!!
  8. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/30533 A lot of 155mm ammo from Greek depots for Ukraine via the Czech initiative and shell production cooperation between USA and Turkey with new factories to be set up in Texas.
  9. Year 3 of the US operation to save the English speaking minority of northern Mexico from ethnic cleansing by the drug cartel regime of Mexico City. After dismantling the McDonalds PMC and mobilizing 30.000 men every month, President Biden orders to relocate the American weapons industry to the east of the Appalachean mountains to save them from Mexican long range drones. "Everything is going according to plan" defense Minister Lloyd Austin proclaimed in a recent press conference. "In fact, things never looked better for the American cause. Rumors of losing 10.000 Abrams tanks and M2 Bradleys are actually sign that victory is just a question of time."
  10. A new, directed EW system financed by Poroshenko is claimed to be effective against Lancet and Zala drones.
  11. Russian government announced a mobilisation for 150k men this weekend. Unless that was an April's Fools joke, they might reach 500k with that.
  12. Thread on Russian logistics and potential (maximum) force numbers. Of course there are a lot of assumptions in there, but it's an interesting piece. The attacks on Russian refineries are not significant enough yet, but they increase the stress on the Russian logistics.
  13. People, people, please. It is perfectly reasonable important to ask ourselves sometimes: how do we know the world is actually a spheroid? We all assume it is, but have you experienced it yourself? Humans are wrong with their assumptions about the world more often than they are right, did you consider this? Now, you might have a thread full of possible hints towards a spheroid planet, and you have discussed it amongst yourself, to the best of your ability determining it does a lot look like it might be spheroid - with some people hoping that it turns out spheroid and others open that it isn't qhen things go wrong. But what if all of you are just subject to a well-known phenomenon of mass hallucinations, which especially affects those of low IQ, such like the people who are not myself? And it gets worse when people are in a group for anlong time. They tell to each other that the world must be round, but what do they use? Physics? Optics? Geometry? Do you know how many times these fields have been re-written again and again? By people in authority no less, who are well-known to be conspiratorial liars whenever you don't watch their fingers closely. You might now wonder where my questions are going, but really, where would all you people end up if not someone like me, with one year of high-school philosophy under my belt, didn't engage you with aimless sophistry? This is my last and only post. Have a good night everyone. (You expected me to wish you a good day? Expectations subverted again sheeple! I will now leave to look at Hunter Biden's leaked nudes.)
  14. For those who are interested in an overlook of the Russian force organisation.
  15. Probably filled with Western chips again...
  16. Good stuff. There have been a bunch of destroyed M777 lately. Caesars will not be just replacements, but upgrades.
  17. There some Ukrainian sources who claimed that PAC-3s for Patriot are running low. Maybe Russia just hopes to outpace Patriot supplies - and since these are made exclusively in the US, and the US congress is running in circles at the moment...
  18. Considering we have SMART and BONUS rounds which prove that a tiny paragliding object is capable of carrying an EFP projector, drones could get a massive upgrade with this if the trigger mechanism is adapted. Remove the need to hover and for a human to pull the trigger. Place an EFP projector under the drone, have it circle or lie in wait (flying up based on a movement sensor), have the EFP trigger as soon as it recognizes a vehicle or person from above. It will happen in the blink of an eye. There could be different versions with different target data, though the miniaturization of systems could mean that each drone is multirole. After burning a hole through either turret or helmet, fly back to a save pick-up location for recharging and attaching a new EFP projector in a can. This is pretty close to the intelligent, self-replenishing minefield and it is not unfeasible at all with tech which exists right now.
  19. Another arms company setting up shop in Ukraine. If this continues every major European military industrial company will have a sub-branch in Ukraine.
  20. Great news after another night of Russian bombardment...
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