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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. Secretary Blinken’s Remarks at the United Nations Security Council Ministerial Meeting on Ukraine
  2. Biden sits down with ABC News for an interview:
  3. EXCLUSIVE: Seven Former NATO Supreme Allied Commanders Say U.S. ‘Must Do Everything We Can’ for a Ukrainian Victory
  4. Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine Includes a bunch of UAS systems I hadn't heard of before.
  5. To my knowledge Ukraine never colonized Africa, nor Asia, nor South America. Instead, they got "colonized" by Russia. I judge the actions of the nations that do not oppose Russia's war on Ukraine as pure self-interest.
  6. There were some good speeches at the UN General Assembly on Thursday: Speech by Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock at the United Nations General Assembly on “Principles underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine”
  7. China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis China's 12 point peace plan includes: Cease Fire Removal of unilateral sanctions Avoiding nuclear escalation "Abandoning the Cold War mentality."
  8. Anyone else been listening to ISW's Overwatch podcast series this past week? The latest is: One Year of War Part 3: How Western Weaponry Has Affected Russia's Invasion of Ukraine https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/overwatch/id1477647189
  9. Taipei, Feb. 22 (CNA) Taiwan's reported plan to send a combined arms battalion to the United States for training in the second half of this year shows the two countries are significantly bolstering military exchanges, military experts said Wednesday. A joint battalion composed mainly of soldiers from the Army's 333rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade and 542nd Armor Brigade is expected to head to the U.S. in the second half of this year for military exchanges, a source with knowledge of the matter told CNA. https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202302220024
  10. ◆ WSJ NEWS EXCLUSIVE U.S. Amps Up Troop Presence in Taiwan As tensions with China rise, the U.S. will deploy between 100 and 200 troops in the coming months, up from roughly 30 a year ago, to bolster a training program for the island’s military.2945 mi
  11. A 30 minute interview with AEI and ISW's General Jack Keane. Interview starts about 5:15. He's rather critical of the Biden Administration's go-slow approach to support for Ukraine. WTH Is Going on with Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine? Gen. Jack Keane on Biden’s Response and the Ramifications for US National Security https://tunein.com/podcasts/News--Politics-Podcasts/What-the-Hell-is-Going-On-p1330068/?topicId=257854942
  12. I thought this was interesting: Tank manufacturing plant in small Ohio city plays big role in Ukraine war https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/tank-manufacturing-plant-in-small-ohio-city-plays-big-role-in-ukraine-war
  13. GOP committee chair eyeing ‘creative wargaming’ to evaluate possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3855902-gop-committee-chair-eyeing-creative-wargaming-to-evaluate-possible-chinese-invasion-of-taiwan/
  14. The updates from the UK Ministry of Defense and ISW both share the view that Russia's current offensive potential is weak, and at best, the mobiks are being sent to the slaughter:|
  15. Thanks for that. I traced down the source of the quotes for the first article you linked to, a conversation with Dr. Celeste Wallander, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs:
  16. Probably off-topic. (Hope it never becomes a real part of the topic on Ukraine!) https://www.matrixgames.com/game/nuclear-war-simulator
  17. I'm all for giving Ukraine a batch of A-10s and seeing what they can do with them. There's been already way too much of "Ukraine doesn't need this", "Ukraine wouldn't be able to use this", "Giving this to Ukraine would be a waste", and "If we gave this to Ukraine, it would just overwhelm them".
  18. So that's a proposal from two Dutch MPs, right? Sjoerd Sjoerdsma and Alexander Hammelburg But there does seem some activity there: Coalition party CDA admits color in the discussion about supplying fighter planes to Ukraine. "Now is the time to decide that we should send F16s," said defense spokesman Derk Boswijk in the WNL radio program Sven Op 1 . https://www.nporadio1.nl/nieuws/politiek/d7a1c008-49f1-4207-a3b6-a7daab7c3db8/cda-is-om-nederland-moet-f16s-aan-oekraine-leveren
  19. Yeah, but isn't it nearly always the case that the UK has to offer Ukraine the western weapons it has available to it in order to provide a demonstration/pathway/example that other western nations can follow in getting Ukraine more suitable weapons?
  20. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/spacex-curbed-ukraines-use-starlink-internet-drones-company-president-2023-02-09/ SpaceX curbed Ukraine's use of Starlink internet for drones -company president
  21. While it's nice to see this wreckage, isn't the Su-57 Russia's newest fighter jet?
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