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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://twitter.com/CovertShores/status/1582260856426930176 The first images from the exploded gas pipe on the bottom of the Baltic Sea
  2. Well yeah ... technically it's a loan. Whether it ever gets paid back, it depends.
  3. Worst case, the Biden administration, could to turn to using the The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 was is good for all of fiscal year 2023 and which they have ignored until now.
  4. That Yeyvsk crash, Google translations: https://www.kp.ru/daily/27458/4663493/ Su-34 plane crashed on a residential building in Yeysk: What is known The Su-34 aircraft crashed on a 9-storey building in Yeysk in the Krasnodar Territory on October 17, 2022
  5. I thought this was interesting: https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2022/10/ukraine-war-teaching-us-how-move-intelligence-faster/378361/
  6. Kherson authorities announced the failure of the Ukrainian offensive https://ria.ru/20221015/spetsoperatsiya-1824311164.html Google translations: https://t.me/Stremousov_Kirill/520
  7. From an AP article about what Putin said in a press conference today: https://www.wgauradio.com/news/world/putin-call-up/MVJKYQP7XIZX6NAYLCO232TLUM
  8. That Belgorod fire apparently: https://ria.ru/20221013/sklad-1823859281.html MOSCOW, October 13 - RIA Novosti. The shelling from the Ukrainian side led to the explosion of an ammunition depot in the Belgorod region, the regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel. According to preliminary data, no one was injured in the incident. Gladkov also added that local residents will be taken to a safe distance. Operational services and the head of the district, Vladimir Pertsev, arrived at the scene, the governor said.
  9. So this is what Elon Musk is in legal jeopardy for? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/953
  10. Listening to the latest Kofman dialogue, I didn't find anything too insightful but there were a few things to think about. https://podcast.silverado.org/episodes/what-the-kerch-bridge-attack-means-for-the-war He thinks the timing of the attacks on the Kerch Bridge and Ilovaisk indicate a coordinated Ukrainian strike designed to actually hinder Russian logistics. And from that, he goes on to make the point the Ukrainians have a distinct advantage over the Russians in their ability to shift units quickly to different sections of the front line in order to exploit weaknesses because of their shorter internal lines of transport. He still thinks the likelihood of Putin resorting to nuclear weapons is low. Rather, if the Russians continue to lose territory slowly, Putin will seek to extend the war as long as possible in the hope of eventually outlasting Ukraine and the West. However, if the Russians suffer a dramatic defeat, that would increase the chances of him resorting to nuclear weapons.
  11. I don't see how you can outpace a vast constellation of satellites circling the globe so THAT is not it. Starlink - dynamic 3D orbit display https://heavens-above.com/Starlink.aspx
  12. This is true ... but it's complicated. Democratic lawmakers are more concerned about climate change, while Republicans are more concerned about economic growth and increased energy production. By slowing down permitting for exploration, pipelines, and port facilities, Democrats (vs. what Republicans would do) are discouraging investment in oil production which affects how the oil companies will operate their businesses in order to maximize current profits. Also discouraging the use of coal and nuclear power, it increases the use of oil and gas for energy production for those areas where clean energy cannot meet the demand. Limiting pipelines from Canada, also reduces the possibility of replacement for American production, but may be better for the environment. It all depends upon what you value more.
  13. With Russia reinforcing their lines with thousands of under-equipped, under-trained, newly-mobilized soldiers, what is it that Ukraine most urgently needs at the moment? Or as Secretary of Defense Austin says, providing Ukraine what it needs "for the current fight"? More artillery and ammunition? Western tanks, APCs, and IFVs? Easy-to-use and support attack aircraft?
  14. The US news media is reporting on President Joe Biden's remarks today at a political fundraiser concerning the prospect of Putin resorting to nuclear weapons: https://apnews.com/article/biden-nuclear-risk-1d0f1e40cff3a92c662c57f274ce0e25 Here are some reported quotes:
  15. Is there anyone in Russia today that would be equivalent to Joseph Goebbels in the Third Reich? If so, I could see them being considered as a legitimate target.
  16. https://www.forces.net/ukraine/what-cost-nato-countries-win-war-ukraine How much will it cost NATO nations for Ukraine to defeat Russia?
  17. In today's on-the-record Pentagon briefing, they confirmed that the precision 155 mm rounds are Excalibur: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3179784/himars-excalibur-rounds-headed-for-ukraine-in-625-million-security-assistance-p/ Also in this briefing, Laura Cooper said they reason they are not providing Ukrainian weapons via Lend-Lease was because that mechanism requires Ukraine pay for any damages to equipment.
  18. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3179323/625-million-in-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  19. Also: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3179323/625-million-in-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  20. In response to this, a senior military official at the Pentagon said today: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3178292/senior-military-official-holds-a-background-briefing/
  21. RIA Russia newswire site says: The Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal from Krasny Liman to more advantageous lines The Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of troops from Krasny Liman due to the threat of encirclement https://ria.ru/20221001/minoborony-1820867747.html
  22. I find some amusement these days by perusing the readers comments on the stories posted to the Russian newswire site: https://ria.ru/ The comments range from the unflinching-patriotism to biting satire. I assume that not all of the participants are located in Russia. Here is a sample of comments on the article: https://ria.ru/20220928/rossiya-1819905099.html Russia cannot afford to lose (Google Translation)
  23. The KP correspondent, Alexander Kots, offers this advice to those about to be mobilized: What to take with you when mobilizing and how to behave: a list of things and tips for mobilized https://www.kp.ru/daily/27451/4654593/ Here is a snippet (Google Translation)
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