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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3663008-12-3-billion-for-ukraine-included-in-continuing-resolution/ $12.3 billion for Ukraine included in continuing resolution
  2. This was announced on August 19th. https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3134558/senior-defense-official-holds-a-background-briefing/
  3. You can find some more info on the developments in Dagestan from this local newspaper's web site with Google's translations turned on: https://chernovik.net/ Of course, they are likely not permitted to tell the whole story.
  4. This article: https://news.yahoo.com/congress-pushes-dod-rule-gray-202919149.html Congress pushes DoD to rule on Gray Eagle drone delivery to Ukraine offers this interesting quote from General Atomics spokesman C. Mark Brinkley
  5. Semantics. It's not the first time we are facing the prospect of a nuclear attack since WWII. But we are facing the prospect of the first nuclear attack since WWII.
  6. Someone want to do a break-down of the recent video WarGonzo posted of a failed Ukrainian attack near Pinski? Two tanks and 2 APCs moved advanced an came under artillery fire overseen by a drone, apparently. One tank was knocked out so the rest retreated.
  7. https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5557492?from=top_main_9 Municipal deputies were summoned to court after a call to try the president for launching a special operation in Ukraine
  8. The "KP" correspondent, Alexander Kots, still disputes the Ukrainians are having success in the Kharkiv region. Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/27441/4643885/ Google translation:
  9. ... except in the last part of the video he says he doesn't understand why they are there shooting at "their brothers".
  10. From the bottom of that article in The Hill: George Beebe is director of grand strategy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. He is a former director of Russia analysis at the CIA, and a former staff adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on Russian affairs. From which you can go to: https://quincyinst.org/about/ and find:
  11. Sober reminder that offensive actions are not without costs. This WSJ reporter interviews wounded Ukrainian soldiers and their doctors in the South: https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukrainian-soldiers-say-they-are-advancing-in-the-south-but-at-a-cost-11661983338
  12. Short video showing the various weapons ships the US and UK will soon be sending to Ukraine:
  13. I hadn't seen this posted yet. This is the Vampire anti-drone system the US announced yesterday they would be delivering to Ukraine: https://www.l3harris.com/all-capabilities/vampire And I found this part of the DoD press briefing from yesterday interesting where he discusses why Western aircraft and ATACMS are not currently being sent: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3138872/undersecretary-of-defense-for-policy-dr-colin-kahl-holds-a-press-briefing-on-se/
  14. Here's the DoD version: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3138105/nearly-3-billion-in-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/ where it states: Six additional National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) with additional munitions for NASAMS
  15. From a cynical point-of-view, you would think the U.S. Air Force leadership would be screaming their head-offs urging POTUS to give A-10s to the Ukrainians. They've been asking Congress for permission to retire them for years because they view them as obsolete. If they were easily shot down by Russian fighters and air defense over Ukraine, they could smugly tell Congress, "I told you so!".
  16. If the Ukrainians have ATACMS then the DoD is putting out misinformation to counter that idea: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3134558/senior-defense-official-holds-a-background-briefing/ unless someone besides the U.S. is providing them.
  17. Somewhat off-topic, but then, a lot of things on this thread are ... Several newspapers reported on recent wargames conducted by CSIS in Washington D.C. on what might happen in an invasion of Taiwan by China. Below is a link to one of the articles that is not behind a pay wall: What-if war game maps huge toll of a future US-China war over Taiwan https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2022/08/11/2003783337 https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/08/china-taiwan-tensions-flare-us-faces-shrinking-window-deter-conflict/375514/ https://breakingdefense.com/2022/08/a-bloody-mess-with-terrible-loss-of-life-how-a-china-us-conflict-over-taiwan-could-play-out/
  18. If you could convince it's GPS that it was rapidly losing altitude, that might make it climb like crazy?
  19. Maybe if the British took the lead, others would eventually follow? Wikipedia says they have some Eurofighter Typhoon that are scheduled to be retired anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_United_Kingdom_military_aircraft
  20. I thought the below article was interesting: I'll quote what I consider to be the most important paragraph: HIMARS’ Hidden Superpower and Other Acquisition Lessons from Ukraine https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2022/08/himars-hidden-superpower-and-other-acquisition-lessons-ukraine/375420/
  21. Maybe here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Army_Depot https://sierra.army.mil/ You can look in the Satellite view of Google Maps in the area north and see hundreds of parked armored vehicles and other equipment
  22. This is an interesting conversation. In addition to Kofman, they have a Ukrainian reserve colonel on the podcast:
  23. I wonder if Biden would be OK with sending this type of aircraft to Ukraine without fear of Russian reprisals? How many Ukrainians have private pilot licenses? SOCOM Orders Cropduster Attack Planes from L3Harris Technologies https://www.defenseone.com/business/2022/08/socom-orders-cropduster-attack-planes-l3harris-technologies/375234/
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