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Everything posted by Huba

  1. Actually that might be the reason for this whole circus - giving the internal audience impression that war is expanding, we are going into WW3, etc. so it's easier to swallow the need for mobilization. Additionally it puts a bit of pressure on Ukraine/ West, even if marginal.
  2. Let's see what happens, I think their aim is a general **** stirring on Ukraine's rear. Or there's something going one that Moldova/ NATO side initiated themselves (however unlikely at this point).
  3. Not to mention that Budjak coast is so defensible by itself that territorial defense guys would do with stones and sticks probably No ports there too. Russians can try airdrops/ landings (not). Seriously though it is just posturing and desperate attempt at putting pressure on Moldova I think.
  4. More on Moldova related topic. This is the only land connection Ukraine has with Budjak region that does not lead through Moldovan territory.
  5. So regarding the Gepards, I wonder i it would make sense to use those as CIWS for protecting very high value targets (like Dnipro bridges or such) against cruise missile strikes? I'd assume that it would be a much simpler mission, not requiring the doctrinal integration in a way comparable to Gepards protecting the armored formations. That way those could be put to use much faster I think, though it would mean wasting a huge part of their potential of course.
  6. Video of queue on a way from Transnistria to Moldova. Meantime both Moldovan and Transnistrian security councils have gathered, some announcements will follow for sure.
  7. Or try to take Odessa Honestly there isn't much that they could do really, maybe make a bit of unrest in Moldova. If I was to bet, I'd say it's the other way around and Russians are about to leave soon.
  8. I saw some alleged pictures in different tweet about it. Yeah something is brewing, and I'd wager it is not good for Russian side.
  9. I'd imagine that even for Shilka crew, retraining for Gepard will take insane amount of time. Regarding Leo1s, I read that actually only about 20 + is ready now, the rest can be prepared at the end of the year or something along those lines. So really no impact at all, maybe some initial skills can be trained now, but that's it. I don't know about the Marders though, maybe the Bundeswehr ones could be moved now and replaced with ones from storage as those are being repaired.
  10. Yeah, that. Do not engage MBTs face to face unless really forced to, do not let anything HEAT hit you. Other than that, you can demolish lighter AFVs easily from huge range with HESH and reasonably withstand anything up to 30mm autocannons, which I think is a lot really. For general for support Leo1s might be better then most Ts out there.
  11. We are gettin a tad offtopic here, but mind that in this particular case: - combat ranges are short, 3km is rather maximum, it's usually around half that or less. Check @The_Capt air survey of Donbas or just Google Earth - the leos that are discussed have modernized FCS, including thermals and are of top quality in this regard compared to oposition - and finally, this isn't a OR case, getting Leo1s doesn't mean UA is not getting other stuff, quite the contrary.
  12. Sure Girkin is Russian style paranoid and it shows. OTOH, if I put my own tinfoil hat on, the unofficial NATO summit tomorrow coincidences with what's going on quite nicely. I'm getting the popcorn too
  13. Reportedly more explosions in Moldova. It's getting interesting: And here's Strelkov's opinion on what's happening:
  14. Moldovan authorities commented on the explosions/ situation in Transnistria - looks like somebody blew up/ shot RPG at local government building, no casualties, authorities suggest that "someone" is trying to create tensions in the region. https://newsmaker.md/rus/novosti/byuro-reintegratsii-vzryvy-v-tiraspole-predlog-dlya-obostreniya-situatsii-v-pridnestrove/
  15. It looks like Ukrainian counterattack around Kherson is picking up pace:
  16. High command system with proven track record for beating Russians:
  17. It is all over the Twitter now, but no more details so far. Let's wait and see, but might be important development.
  18. Imagine one hit by a Switchblade right in front of Putin. But why go for tank if the big guy is present... Laughing aside, this must be a serious consideration for RU security, and not something easily solvable. I'd imagine that any visible security measures (like putting Putin behind armored glass Pope style, or having AD present) would look like a sign of weakness.
  19. That's my thinking exactly - give them everything and a kitchen sink if it can make a difference. The talk of it being inadequate was just an excuse to obstruct. At this point the discussion is probably moot though, as the whole process of delivery wasn't even started, and in the meantime deliveries of modern stuff will hopefully be announced on this NATO conference on Tuesday.
  20. No doubt. Leo 1 would made sense only if it was about to be delivered (as would be the case if the process wasn't obstructed since it was first proposed), with the notion that modern stuff will follow anyway. It's always nice to have something instead of nothing.
  21. It may also be an argument in discussion about viability of Leo 1, which greatest shortcoming is supposedly inadequacy in tank on tank situations.
  22. Just pulling your leg It is funny though that the (one of) greatest attack on RU infrastructure to date was done by 4 guys in a van. Of all nations, I'd guess that Israeli security services must be the most terrified right now.
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