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Everything posted by Sunbather

  1. I progressed in the campaign and thanks to you guys, I already understand how the AAR comes into existence much better!
  2. There is one for Latvia instead of Ukraine, but it should be similar enough. It is called "The Eagle and the Bear". And there is one about Ukrainian forces fighting separatists called "Shadow of the Motherland". Both campaigns created by Dragonwynn. You can download them on his profile page: https://community.battlefront.com/profile/72591-dragonwynn/?tab=field_core_pfield_20 Or here: https://www.scenariohq.com/category/combat-mission/black-sea-cmbs/page/2/ Unfortunately there is no other campaign Ukraine vs. Russia than the one that comes with the base game. I am hoping very much for the Module to have a great Ukrainian campaign, maybe even two. Aside from the terrible things that are going on right now, it seems wasted potential game-wise to focus on the big players (US and Russia) so much.
  3. Thank you two for your fast response! I've already guessed that the battle ended because of the enemy surrendering. And considering the mission in the US campaign, I can understand that. But if you look closely at the map of the Griesenhof scenario, you will see that there are plenty of troops left on the US side and they are firmly holding two objectives and even killed a rather high number of my troops while I was trying to gain a foothold on the Gravel objective. At the same time, I wasn't gaining a single meter with my own troops. Certainly a strange time to surrender, isn't it?
  4. Hello there, I am only getting into Combat Mission so bear with me. Recently, I have played one scenario and one campaign mission, both had a lot of touch and hold objectives. Both battles ended prematurely in my favor but both times I met fierce resistance and lost a lot of troops. And to make things worse, I still only managed to occupy/touch half of the objectives. All the more surprised was I when both AARs told me that I had completed all objectives which resulted in a tacitcal victory and in the scenarios that went even worse even in a major victory. That felt somehow very wrong, and I felt a bit cheated. In no way was the title "major victory" justified. So how comes it that failing to meet ground objectives still ends up being counted as having completed them all? SPOILER alert: I will show AARs and the map without the fog of war. So if you still have to play the respective missions, be warned! Pictures of the first mission of the vanilla US campaign of Black Sea: CMBS US campaign Task Force Thunder Mission 1 AAR [imgur] Pictures of the scenarios "Grieshof Meet and Greet" of Cold War: CMCW Grieshof Meet and Greet AAR [imgur]
  5. For 3 hours or more, I have tried to eliminate or at least significantly reduce the flickering of the ground textures in Black Sea and Shock Force 2. What made me try it? Yesterday I played the Red Thunder demo (Engine 3) and the flickering there is significantly lower than in Black Sea despite using the same in-game settings and the same Nvidia Control Panel settings. I will refrain from telling you my settings in detail since in the past three hours I literally tried everything on and off but to no avail. I also tried Reshade but the SMAA, FXAA and AMD Fidelity Sharp are only of very little help (they are reshaders after all). The only thing that reduces the amount of flickering significantly is ramping up the transparency antialiasing in the Nvidia control panel. It makes the textures look very washed out and artificial though which is even worse than the flickering. To be sure, in Red Thunder there is still flickering (on a map mostly consisting of open fields) but much, much less than in Black Sea in which I nearly get a stroke when I move the camera around on stone textures. I hope someone can help! Edit: Obviously I should have stated that the flickering only occurs when the camera is moving! (It doesn't matter if I move the camera quickly or slowly.)
  6. That's true. But for some reason people really don't want to touch any of the things that happened between the Arabs and the Israeli. We really need more "less known" (depending on where you're from, of course) conflicts and wars. Only imagine: having all those early post World War II units would be very interesting! Although of course, much more fitting as module to Shock Force 2 or a stand-alone game. Suddenly having desert in Cold War seems implausible.
  7. +1 The Chechen Wars and the Soviet-Afghan War are way too underrepresented in video games and other media. Both theatres would also allow for very plausible snow maps and I guess everyone would be happy to finally have snow maps in a modern era Combat Mission.
  8. Great, thank you so much! Someone on reddit already send me their backup yesterday with the Shadow of the Motherland + Winter files in it but it is great to know that the official link is up and running again.
  9. Yep, that would be me! I would love to play the campaign with the respective mod pack you created. It seems like you did quite a bit of work and I think it would be shame if I "just" played the campaign via the .cam file. If there is a reason for why you don't want to make the mod public, you could send me a PM.
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