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Everything posted by Centurian52

  1. My overall impression of the outcome: I would call this a tactical victory for the Soviets, seeing as they hold the objective and I don't think the local US forces currently opposing them have the strength to drive them back out (I assume that was Bil's assessment when he decided to ceasefire). But this may be an operational defeat for the Soviets, or perhaps an operational draw (assuming that the operational context is that the Soviets are on the offensive) since the forces present have been so badly mauled as to be rendered combat ineffective. They will have to rotate in a fresh unit in order to resume the offensive, causing a delay and giving NATO time to set up a better defense further back. Of course the other side of that coin is that the US forces present have also been so badly mauled that NATO should probably consider rotating in a fresh unit to take over the defense of that portion of the line. If the operational context is a NATO offensive than this is just a straight up Soviet victory both tactically and operationally (NATO will have been stopped locally and will need to bring in fresh forces or find somewhere else to strike). From an attritional standpoint we know the Soviets lost more vehicles thanks to Bil's blood board, although we don't know the personnel losses yet since we haven't seen the end game screen. But the Soviets have more vehicles to lose so I'm not actually sure that either side really came out ahead here attritionaly.
  2. Ooh yes! Not only would this be epic for us to get to watch this in video format, but it would give an excellent preview of the game to potential customers who don't frequent the Battlefront forums. If Bil, Cap, and Hapless (and whoever from Battlefront would be needed to authorize it) can be brought on board with the idea then I can think of no reason why they shouldn't do this.
  3. I check back after a couple days and there are six full additional minutes of battle. You spoil us sir!
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