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Posts posted by danfrodo

  1. On 8/25/2019 at 8:32 PM, John Kettler said:


    Thanks for the heads up! Have Prime, so shall look for this series. Speaking of Gallipoli, have you seen this incredible diorama in pics, videos or live, in 54 mm no less? If not, prepare to lose youyr mind--in a good way!


    John Kettler

    Hey John, how did I miss this?  Sorry for delayed response.  That is a super cool diorama, thanks for sharing.  I don't know if the show was shot on location but the terrain was like that in the show.  Terrible hills & ravines.  The Brit leaders didn't understand what they were up against, terrain-wise, until it was too late.  

    RockinHarry, I read that one also, learned a lot about what it was like to ride in those things for extended periods.  

  2. I have Spearhead, it was on kindle sale one day for super cheap.  I first want to finish The Liri Valley and Gustav Line, two more in the Canadian series.

    And while this is a book thread, I'll thrown in a show: Gallipoli, available on amazon prime.  Made recently in Australia, VERY well done historical fiction. 7 part series, definitely had good budget, it's not cheap anywhere.  some solid small arms WW1 action.  based off this novel:


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