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Posts posted by danfrodo

  1. 1 hour ago, MikeyD said:

    WWII was literally the most catastrophic man-made event in human history. If you include Japan and China in the mix some 80 million people died (out of a world population not much larger than 2.3 billion) in the space of a few short years. The scale of atrocities is unimaginable. By war's end even the 'good guys' were incinerating entire city populations. Looking back on his actions in the Pacific General Curtis Lemay commented "I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal." WWII is a template for nobody for how nations should act.

    for sure, MikeyD.  I don't look at this as good or bad on the soldier level.  It's men thrown into something by powers way above them, and women and children crushed underfoot along the way.  Some are heroic in a bad cause.  Some are bad in a heroic cause.  The good guys kill civilians, the bad guys kill civilians.  

    Anyway, moving on -- when do I get more Fire & Rubble & T34s & king tigers in the snow??  You can call it No Joy in Mudville, I don't care too much just let me know when i can buy it.

  2. I think if one doesn't start by insulting everyone then one might not get such responses.  "bolshie lovers" is perhaps "So full of yourself and yet so ignorant".  Trying to be somewhat objective on this perhaps greatest of all historical tragedies does not make someone ignorant or arrogant.  If you had just said you had some names you liked it would have been a harmless post.  It's easy to say "but just look at what the Bolshies did after the war to eastern Europe!" while ignoring that they never would've been in eastern europe if Hitler hadn't invaded Russia.

  3. how about "We're F*&$ed So Let's Just Keep Pointlessly and Killing and Dying Because We Don't Know What Else To Do".  Or "Let's Justify This Somehow In Our Memoirs If We Survive" or "Oh This Whole War Was About Fighting Godless Bolshevism Not About Conquest and Plunder and a Monumental Land Grab".  Those would be good names.

    But more seriously, things like Last Stand on the Oder, or Desperation in Hungary would be fine, I don't really care I suppose as long as it's not "My Honor is Loyalty" or some such fascist drivel.  Just bring me the battles.  

  4. Bolshie lover?  uhhhhh, the wehrmacht et al killed around 25M folks in soviet russia.  Russia did not attack germany.  So yes let's 'honor' them??  for a war of murder and extermination??  Hitler's plan was for the enslavement, banishment or murder of 160M people.  So yes, the russian invasion was certainly a most 'honorable' endeavor.  As long as we all agree that those 160M weren't actually people, but some sort of subhuman eastern hordes like all those twisted german memoirs always say (I've read piles of them).    

    The last stand of the wehrmacht was utter madness, not something honorable.  It was the reckoning of their murderous actions.  Having said that, I am really looking forward to fighting on the Oder and in Hungary.  As either side.  Yes, well, I have to reconcile that somehow.....

    And having said that, I am currently fighting through Blunting the Spear as wehrmacht, so where do I really go with this......



  5. I suppose this gets into how much detail do we want vs how much new content do we want.  If we're going to get lots of new nationalities & OOBs, it's gonna be expensive in time.  If we focus on getting 80% of a given timespan correct it would go faster.  I am an 80% person myself, but I do understand & respect that others really want partisans, Brazilians, etc.  The cost for adding such details does seems high.

  6. Thunder is lots of mission, not large battles.  Really fun.  But if new to SF2 might want to do some scenarios/QBs to get used to the weapons & tactics before going into the campaign.  What until you see what a javelin missile can do, it's insane.

  7. Hi Landser, I picked up SF2 a few months ago and played quite a bit.  I started TF Thunder and got about 10 missions in.  LOTS OF FUN.  Much smaller than Blunting the Spear battles.  I will finish Thunder when I get done w Spear.  Unless distracted by new FI release.  This is a high class problem, too many good battles to fight.

  8. Great tips, thanks.  I played the big Gog & Magog scenario recently and could definitely see the advantage of german optics and I am using it in battle #1.  T34-85 tanks are quite good but at these long ranges they are at quite a disadvantage.  If one of my Pz4s gets hit it would be smashed but T34s are rarely even able to return fire since they can't see me well enough

    I am really worried about my core force, so I am being cautious, though will big map and short time (80 minutes) I will need to keep moving forward.  Good to know I can use the artillery freely.  I will probably be interrupted in this campaign by release of a new toy, meaning the new CMFI module, but will finish sooner or later.

  9. 2 hours ago, General Jack Ripper said:

    And here I thought I was the only one who did that.
    Whenever we took family trips when I was a kid, I was always staring fixedly out the window as we drove along.

    My parents thought I was some kind of nature buff, but what I really saw in my mind's eye was tanks rolling across fields in the midst of an artillery barrage.


    ...Nice. :wub:

    I agree to all this.  I still do that on car trips.  I bike to work and picture AT guns and tanks and infantry battling along the bike path & streets.  And to Markshot's point, yes, this is chess.  History chess.  Chess that's more open ended and lots more fun.  


  10. 3 hours ago, Xorg_Xalargsky said:

    You may mock us and view us as fools, but our faith in the Module keeps us strong.

    I talked with one of God's angels today and the only word he would say was "Soon". Interpret that as you see fit, but to me, it's crystal clear.

    Mocking you?  I am mocking me.  I go to this thread every day, looking at entrails.  You speak with angels?  -- can you ask them to put hair back on the top my head?  Gets cold on top in the winter.

  11. This is fascinating.  We are all watching for signs, like looking at the entrails of a sacrificed chicken, so we can predict when new module will be out.  Except that those in control don't actually know when it will be out because they are fixing this & that as they find further issues.  It'll be out when it's done.  except that the liver of the latest chicken I sacrificed was VERY healthy and fat, therefore October release.  Except that the entrails seemed to indicate a possible slip into November due to the Gods displeasure with the slightly imperfect way in which I cut the chicken's throat, which was I am sure at least somewhat offensive to some of the lesser Gods though unnoticed by the greater Gods but the lesser Gods will now lobby for delay, possibly leading to the greater Gods, being capricious simply because that's a way to exercise and demonstrate their power, reconsidering October, as they had done for September and August.  So as you can see, the omens are mixed and portend for both soon and delayed release.  Also, some of the Gods are angered by run-on sentences, so now I've done it.

  12. 4 minutes ago, markshot said:

    I have CMBN/CMFI/CMRT/CMFB and mission packs.

    For the moment, I have just two combat interests.  The ancient world (like Alea Jacta Est and FOG2 ... and some heavily modded TW (for the Roman period) and WWII (probably CM and MIUS).

    I sure wish FOG2 was WEGO realtime.  that would be insanely good.  I've only played it a little, as a change of pace from CM.  I don't have the new FOG Empires -- do you? if so, you're thoughts?  

  13. 7 hours ago, Wicky said:

    24 SAS were killed by a mortar strike in Termoli

    Following the taking of Sicily and shortly after the capture of Termoli on the Italian mainland, the Germans counter-attacked. Wiseman had just left his truck to talk to a messenger from his CO when the vehicle received a direct hit from a shell. His whole troop was killed or injured. It was, he said afterwards, the worst moment of his life.

    https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=yvrNCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT173&lpg=PT173&dq=Termoli+mortar+truck&source=bl&ots=lAosoHrlh5&sig=ACfU3U2Ycru9J9a8l8ev6lIwdpk-GrLkqQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjp1bfLtOzkAhX6SxUIHQWhBWIQ6AEwEnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Termoli mortar truck&f=false

    That's a great book.  All Ben McIntyre books are very very good.  Especially his recent The Spy & the Traitor

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