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Everything posted by VladimirTarasov

  1. My aunt as well as grandmother were Ukrainian citizens, Now they are Russian citizens, They aren't having any issues nor would they treated wrongly. And U.A. HQ them selves are corrupted they can try to beat highly motivated soldiers who are proudly defending their lands. (That's how a soldier in NovoRossiya sees it) Usually Ukrainian officers try to negotiate together with the Novorussian officers, To avoid conflicts altogether. Usually its the Right sector units who are front line and most determined to kill the Evil Russians who have invaded their lands. "Green men" acted very professionally and were able to take control of the Ukrainian ranks without a single casualty from either side. (Quite a few of Ukrainian servicemen switched over to the Russian armed forces in Crimea) The others were allowed to head back into Ukraine.
  2. Russian army T-64s thats new.... I in 2008 before I received training in boot camp knew to advance together with my squad, I doubt the legitness of this, I've trained a bunch of soldiers who were bright and knew what to do without me telling them... The Russian tactics in entering urban areas are heavily based off experiences in Grozny, And Georgia. And Tanks are not too scared to advance, The obvious tactic to counter that situation is to pop smoke in your advance point...
  3. Sburke, Good catch Greece sounds smarter and more effective. Although internally I'm not sure if the Greek people would support that. It looks to me NATO's strategy would be to block any Russian ships getting through to the Mediterranean. As for the Anti ship systems in Syria would be a threat, Considering the fact Russia has a fleet of ships in the Caspian sea, Ready to unleash cruise missile hell onto Injirlik base in Turkey, If NATO action is taken from there. Our ships there should be able to hold their own for a while, Just because of the sole fact that ship battles might be ignored on purpose. But if NATO is serious, Inevitably those ships would be over run. A loss in the Mediterranean is for sure, It's just a matter of taking out as much of the opposition as possible.
  4. Saddam had chemical weapons and he didn't use them? That's not true, I for one believe he would had caused lots of damage if he did. His air force was inferior to any NATO countries' Saddam stood no chance.
  5. Maybe elementary If you didn't realize I was doing a joke sorry
  6. NATO can commit, But I doubt most NATO countries would even think of starting a committed war against Russia. The only country posing a threat would be the US, The other European countries can be destroyed just from tactical missile strikes onto bases, And most of those countries are heavily under maintenance. Kalibr and Iskandar prove their worth. (those just being 2 of a few other missiles that can be used to great advantage.)
  7. You have to keep in mind in Crimea, And the surrounding black sea cities we have land based anti ship systems, Our ships are equipped with advanced long range and close range anti air systems. We could deny any entry into the black sea, Which Is all we would need. S-400 and S-300 systems on land will provide air coverage as well. The Turks would play it smart and not join the war because our Caspian fleet can unleash hell onto their bases. All we need to do is make sure NATO logsitics cannot reach the shores of our operations. A few of our submarines already out there might as well take out their air craft carriers. The Kuznetsov would be kept in the Black Sea as I said, To offer aerial protection to other ship groups. Bringing history into the modern age is silly, Now just one missile can end a whole operation. Both sides must be careful and not risk anything.
  8. In regards to navy overall, The Black Sea fleet must protect the Black sea, And try to lock down the Mediterranean so that the Black Sea cannot be accessed. As for the pacific fleet, I would assume the farthest ship groups would go from shore is 100 KM, Because then the air force can be used to advantage against NATO war ships. TU-22Ms can be tricked out with heavy anti-ship missiles, SU-35s although in low numbers have the KH-35s they can use, Ground based mobile anti-ship systems would boost the defensive capabilities of the Russian navy. NATO's navy outclasses the Russian navy in numbers by alot, But in a defensive role if done right, It could be good enough to defend. And the Russian navy's training standards are on par with NATO's new procedures and reformations have taken place, And joint naval drills with other countries, And regular drills have increased experience of most of the Russian armed forces.
  9. This is how I think it would play out with this given scenario, Russia invades Ukraine NATO wants to punish Russia and show who's boss. So US airborne units are shipped in to Lvov possible by the 2nd or 3rd day of the offensive, Equipped with ATGMs and support weaponry. I'm sure the US would announce that it is willing to do war while this happens, This is when the whole Russian military goes on 100% readiness, Reserves called up for training and getting equipped. By the first week Ukraine's logistics would be destroyed by missile strikes, And Ukraine's military would be scattered in terms of logistics and commands. This is where NATO decides, Do we deploy fully into Ukraine? And if the answer is yes, Kaliningrad would pick this up, Tactical missiles would be launched at NATO bases through Kaliningrad, NATO would have to focus on Kaliningrad as well. With this momentum, By the 2nd week the Russian army MUST be at Kiev. Now Belarus can be used as a quick bypass route, VDV brigades and rapid reaction forces deployed from the North would make this war end even quicker. This is my opinion on how it would play out, If we are talking about a NATO war vs Russia in Europe. One main offensive heading straight for Kiev, As well as other smaller offensives with local goals would be a disaster for Ukrainian command, And logistics.
  10. Russia's navy is defensive, Submarines would be used to attack expensive air craft carrier groups. Inevitably once the Submarine unleashes its load it will be found. Imagine the US losing one of its Air craft carriers I don't think that would look good. The Kuznetsov Carrier group would most likely be in the Black Sea where it would be safe unless NATO air gets through Air defenses. Russia's coasts for the majority of it would be safe, And the Russian Navy knows that it cannot win a offensive battle against NATO. The Russian Navy is not weak, It is lacking the bigger ships that would be needed to be offensive like the US navy.
  11. Ivanov, The 86th brigade should be modernized by atleast 80% now I have a image on them but I have no clue how to upload it.
  12. RPG-7 > RPG-29, Russia didn't mass produce them for regular army service.
  13. I understand in ambush circumstances that infantry will most likely panic, But in my certain case I was the guys who were doing the ambush. Which would mean my men should be ready, I even had a cover arc set out.
  14. Currahee150, You're right there, But some of the shooting in the game really makes me angry, I wish I could be sent into the scenario and beat up my guys
  15. Steve, The military drills were obviously there to show that Russia hasn't abandoned Ukraine. The green men weren't expected, Heck I have colleagues in the military and I didn't expect it. My old unit participated in Crimea, Don't know their roles though. Of course, If a build up of military is over a week, NATO satellites will catch onto something. And You are right that it would be a predictable attack route. But either way I don't think Russia would attack the Baltics, As it is ludicrous and extremely stupid. Thousands of men will die for no reason. And I being a Pro-Putin guy wouldn't support it at all, And I'm not trying to make it sound like im a important guy just trying to say I'm not 100% pro Putin 98% yeah why not.
  16. My experiences are quite different, Our commander made us run a few laps around the training zone then he would make us shoot. And I was hitting targets very well to even 100 meters, I'm sure I still can. Soldiers have a different mentality, We sign up knowing we can die for our country. And in certain situations like combat I would say we can be more effective, We'll take orders better as we may risk the lives of others. Fatigue does make it very hard to shoot, But 25 meters should be nothing especially if you have the surprise advantage. Sburke, I usually assume the area is evacuated of civvies and I level the area out
  17. sburke about georgia, You do realize that Russia didn't go into the capital of Georgia because its main goal was to punish the Georgian government, And make sure they dont continue their killings of non-Georgians in South Ossetia I know about the problems they have I was stationed near their border and was able to speak to the people, I mean Russian jets were flying above the Georgian capital... I mean this is very ridiculous. Plus if Russia occupied Georgia, Then the goals they had set out would have been for nothing, And they would be wrong in such situation. MC is what it said on our helmets, I was with a peace keeping detachment in Ossettia just a few weeks after the war.
  18. I'm not sure if any of you have experience shooting, But when I was in the army I would shoot targets with an iron sight to ranges like 200 meters with accuracy. In game, Soldiers are missing enemies from distances of 50 meters. Especially Russian and Ukrainians, Last time when I was playing I had a Infantry squad open up one a moving US squad from 25 meters and the US squad was able to get into the building next to them with taking one casualty. Now I'm sure one soldier from 25 meters can mess up a whole squad in an ambush like this. Especially with the enemy moving in the open street. I've also opened this topic to discuss about Infantry tactics, And discussions related to it.
  19. Putin a dictator some guys get really desperate as it goes on.
  20. The Russian navy is practical for its doctrine (defense) It is suffering from lack of military spending and funding. Russia is going for a less tonnage but effective navy, Compared to the US whom has a huge navy with a variety of capabilities. And repairing a air base, Or any base in modern times is impossible in a count of days, Especially if your logistic lines or military infrastructure is being hit hard.
  21. Panzer, Fair enough on the numbers, East coast would be fulled of such operations I'm guessing. This is where our submarines, And Anti ship missiles, SAMs would have to do their part, Offensive operations onto the US navy in open waters is suicide. As far as I have read from articles, PAC haven't been successful in Saudi Arabia with Houthis being able to hit saudi bases with older capability missiles. http://www.thesaudi.info/en/2015/10/15/saudi-airbase-hit-by-houthi-missile/ Keep in mind, Iskandar-Ms are way faster, And more accurate. And we have dozens of these complexes in Europe. Not to mention Kalibr cruise missiles in the hundreds in range. These missiles would only be thrown against military installations of course. (just in case some one thinks the evil Russkii on the forum means destroying cities) And if these missiles are fired in salvos against the closest NATO bases, This will provide enough time for Russia to head over to Kiev. Of course, There are other threats as mentioned, the U.S. fleet. It appears in this case the Russian navy must play defensive or face totally overwhelming numbers, On any naval front In open waters.
  22. I'm failing to see how NATO in reality would be able to service 3000 fighter jets, That sounds absurdly wrong considering France, Germany, And the U.K. are having maintenance issues, Considering budget cuts they have been working with. And also lets not forget that the air bases on which these aircrafts take off from can be targeted 1000 miles away from Kalibr cruise missiles(and by alot of numbers), And also from Iskandar-M complexes and so forth. S-400 systems, And S-300 systems being shifted towards the combat zone to ensure locking of airspace over the Area of Operations. And one can argue that NATO squadrons can overrun these systems with SEAD, Sure they can if they get into range, And if their missiles survive over the TOR defense systems and Pantsirs which are made to defend against such weapons. Of course all it takes is one missile to hit the radar system taking out the capabilities of such systems. Lets remember there are other radar posts as well. NATO has the budget advantage by a lot times over if you put US into the equation. But Russia has invested into important strategic systems such as these. The Russian air force in my opinion in such a conflict would provide security to gaps in air defense rather then taking on NATO squadrons. It would definitley not go well if a 1 on 1 confrontation with NATO airforce were to happen. NATO IMO would start naval operations through the black sea to try to get into cruise missile ranges, As well as Aircraft carrier ranges so they can overwhelm Russian defenses. If this works then all hopes for team RU is lost. What I have been wondering over a scenario like this is what would happen in the east of Russia, In regards to the situation with the U.S. I mean we are practically next to each other. And with all these things I've said, I am certainly not saying that Russia would achieve victory against NATO at all. I'm saying it isn't has hopeless as put it out to be. There are many other factors which can lead to ones loss in this war. And saying one side would win without a doubt is not right. But if speaking in sheer numbers, NATO does indeed have the superiority, And organization to be a formidable force in such a scenario.
  23. If Russia wanted to annex Crimea why not do it before? If you remember the reason it secured its own interest is because some people sponsored by some foreign country protested a president for choosing to abandon the EU. (rightly doing so) And electing their own president. Furthermore the people of the East being Russian do not agree to being taken under control by western puppets. Of course, Russia will secure the interest of its own people. Much of that cant be said for NATO, Example being Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Which are not of its own peoples' interests. Before looking at the mistakes of others I believe the US government should also look at its own mistakes. And you might as well be right about our economy, I am no expert in economy and will not agree or disagree with you, Respectfully of course.
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