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Everything posted by NPye

  1. Yep installed the sript and am now able to open .mdr files thats it so far...lol
  2. The .bmp file is just boxes but there is nowhere to delete the metal cage??? And it has a soft cover on the top.. Cheers
  3. Hi Guys I feel stupid asking this but how do I import the .MDR files into blender 3.3.1 I have downloaded Python, latest version.
  4. Hi Guys I feel stupid asking this but how do I import the .MDR files into blender 3.3.1 I have downloaded Python, latest version.
  5. Cheers for looking bud. Yep thats how I got mine working. All good so we can have multiple versions with different wall colours/textures. Although they would be randomly placed and not the same every time opened. Question bud... Using the same .MDR file for the Tram, Train Carriage, Box Car how do I save them to make unique so the game sees them as unique files, because if I rename the .mdr file it doesn't work any longer. So basically I want to place the tram etc at a certain place and want it to always be a tram and not switch to box car or carriage?????? How do I save each file???? Ta
  6. So you have effectively placed the flavour into a mod build and deleted the walls and windows etc????? Interesting, in the folder that down loaded all the correct texture .bmps are there how do we get them onto the live model??? Cheers
  7. There is no metal bits on the BMP file so can't see it to alpha channel it out or make rusty???
  8. Just Made the Barricades from wood and brick in between, copied from original source...What ya think... BTW This is another model from Aquilas list of 3d models called CM Hesco Barrier Flavor.
  9. Cheers Harry The sky is a .bmp for overcast skies, you can ad whatever you like, I change mine regularly depending on the mood i'm trying to achieve. Mate The ruins are good now but can be a lot better if all the textures are applied correctly... it would be soooooooo. gooood if we can get that looking as it should. Cheers
  10. Downloaded the ruins set from Aquila-SmartWargames dropbox, and to my bewilderment it worked after a bit of pissing about, although some of the textures aren't working properly, I wonder if this is something one of you tech guys could look at? I love it and we really are breaking all barriers in this game... Download Link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1tviryry89g6py7/AAAJpSvGH6u1iEx4WzwVLSnJa?dl=0&preview=CM+Ruins+Pack.zip
  11. Also I retextured the Boxcar and Lucky Strike sorted out the heavy reflections, and I made this German WWII Carriage Cheers again... also I found a free German Locomotive which I used in my Anhalter Bahnhof map... Another version of the Boxcar...
  12. I got the Ruins working for my New mod Battle for Berlin II, Cheers for supplying these awesome models...
  13. Cheers bud, interesting how trying to get things to look something close to the real thing is a massive challenge with this game...lol But we love it...
  14. Know what you mean... needs further research as for the reason that didn't happen, or did it and but wasn't effective, even in 1945 artillery surely could have blasted them somehow??? Good question.
  15. Here's my latest offering, A photo book, made in old style presentation and colouring. Whilst building the Mod I have researched through 1000's of old photos of before, during and after the conflict ended. When you see Berlin in 1900s it is such an inspired city, with culture at its foremost, the architecture is so beautiful, the layout of the streets all complimentary, it has vast retail areas like Saarlandstrasse, Alexanderplatz, Potsdamer Platz, Unter den Linden to name a few...then the huge cultural sector like Museum Island. There are Palaces and Cathedrals... Then you look at the destruction, all this gone not just in Berlin but by 1945 the whole country, as the all mighty Third Reich goes into its death throes... war is such a waste, the lives lost and the lives ruined, the cities destroyed by a conflict brought about by one man and one political parties vision. Imagine being a Berliner, what suffering they endured for years putting up with the Nazis telling them what art to like and what books to read, what cinema, the propaganda every day. From the housewife to the business man they waited in line for everything, even whilst under Russian Artillery fire in the last days as not to lose their place. Then having the news that a relation had been killed at the front... and if you were a soldier imagine seeing the destruction every time you can home getting worse and worse until total destruction and you are fighting on the streets were you live, your 14 year old son is in charge of an AA gun in the Z sector, your wife dead from Allied Air Terror attacks, your home in ruins and all your friends and neighbours all gone. Dead or moved to another location... Anyway enough already, you know the deal. So grab a coffee and enjoy my slideshow of the Potsdamer Platz battle area.
  16. How did u place those 88s up there?
  17. Ta not a bad idea just leaving the doorway free...Cheers
  18. Know what you mean but in this case you can't get near it, it can see all movement, i placed 4 spotters in there with 88mm and 128mm Artillery batteries, plus it was staffed by 300 personnel (in reality) I put a company of elite Luftwaffe Company in there. It just pounded the Soviets to Hell. 88mm on the ground to deal with tanks plus wire and trenches with another company covering the ground... Even the troops on the balconies didn't suffer to bad, maybe because the angle is very steep to fire on. Interesting at the least and shows probably why the Soviets bypassed these towers as to assault one would inflict huge casualties, but there would be a price to pay for not knocking it out, this tower in the Zoo Gardens knocked out many tanks when the Soviets stormed Moltke Bridge and the Reichstag... plus however many Russian Planes... and infantry.
  19. The Zoological Flak Tower, set in the Tier Garden Berlin, this tower caused both the soviets and the British a lot of trouble... The Soviets 1st attack on the Reichstag was completely stopped with the help of this tower 128mm Flak/AT guns and the British found it really hard to demolish... lol The tower had commanding views that spanned for miles across this sector of Berlin... I know I can't replicate this correctly (as I cant place any 88mm or smaller flak guns on the roof) but it's still a formidable obstruction for the Soviets.
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