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Posts posted by antaress73

  1. I saw an event in my last game where a T-90AM got the drop on my M1 at 400 meters (ambush).... it lased it warning my M1 and enabling it to turn the turret slightly before the russian round hit, saving the tank. It then proceeded to fire back and kill the T-90AM. Without lasing, at that range, there would have been no difference in accuracy and the T-90AM would have killed my tank and survived.


    Its not as much an issue for the US tanks since they almost fire at the same time they lase and anyway will likely kill the enemy tank even if the russian reacts and presents its thickest armor. 


    No lasing at battlesight range would be more realistic since I bet crews would quickly learn (if its not part of their training already) to avoid it at battlesight ranges,

  2. the T-80UM would be nice... less firepower since it cannot use the new ammo but more armored (640mm upper hull against HEAT and 800mm against HEAT on the turret) ... so it should survive better against for example direct fire Javelin or Ukrainian soviet missiles which presently kills the T-90A and T-72B3 frontally when hitting the upper front hull armor. It should be better at surviving hits by Ukrainian armor too. As for the M1A2.. well.. no amount short of 900mm will stop the M829A4

  3. it has been stated that "external units acting as commanders and using the fancy optics"  to IFV crew communications are bugged. WHen that's fixed in 1.02 the Russian BMP-2M and BMP-3 will be nasty. Let's wait. Especially the BMP-2M since Chris has also stated that they will now use the new APDFS 30mm used by the BMP-3Ms which even slice through the side armor of an M1A2 abrams in some places.

  4. I've played this scenario as the Russians... russian Total victory on warrior... lost 11 tanks against the  abrams... 3 to javelins.. one to precision arty (yeah... the AI uses it) and 1 to a TOW-2B fired from a Bradley total: 16 tanks. None of the Bradleys and Abrams survived... three Abrams were killed frontally,  2 with side shots as I had moved forward two tank companies on each side of the map with one on overwatch in the line of wood overlooking that valley. So when the abrams faced one company... they presented part of their sides to the other... and it was long range too.. you dont have much a choice since to close you need to use that choke point in the middle which is suicidal. I lost only 3 BMPS since I kept them pretty much out of the fight and took the town in the middle with the infantry they were carrying.. so they were used as taxi. One got a M3A3 with his auto-cannon and that's all. Oh and yeah, Relikt saved some T-90AM against the M1 4-5 times (at long range). I made the mistake of not waiting for the third company to be on overwatch before engaging the americans with the two companies... it arrived on position halfway into the fight so I probably lost more tanks than necessary. I will read the briefing attentively the next time. 


    88 americans killed 25 wounded... 53 russians killed (tanks) and 10 wounded.


    You can win as the russians..Rinaldi did an AAR as the russians and he lost fewer tanks than me (11 I think)  with a total victory too, The difference was probably me not reading the briefing carefully and waiting for that third company to be on overwatch before advancing into the valley.

  5. The commander has a panoramic sight in the BMP-2M ..Which means its field of view is much larger than the gunner's normal "looking through a straw" sight. Especially at close range, sights have a very narrow field of view. Easier to spot at long range than at short range with a non-panoramic sight (if you don't know already where to look). A panoramic sight will GREATLY help in spotting new contacts , especially at close to medium range.

  6. The front turret can be penetrated depending on the angle .. The gun mantlet is very vulnerable for example.. Also. The 960 mm of protection for the two turret slabs is from directly facing the tank. They are angled and in reality actual thickness is probably 700-750mm. Which means if you have lets say two tanks each facing the Abrams not totally from the front and on each side one will hit the armor and not penetrate (and die) but the other one stands a much better chance of hitting the other turret front slab at an angle of 90 degrees which offers much less protection. The Svinets-2 that the russians use in the game can penetrate 730mm-750mm at 2000 meters. Do the math. I've seen it more than once. Two nice holes at 800 meters on that right turret slab. At battlesight ranges 1000 meters and less with the Russian optics magnification (x16) its possible to hit the gun mantlet consistently if you keep your cool and remember your training. Point and shoot, the trajectory is very flat. How is this translated in the game probably depends on the experience level, motivation and current suppression state of the crew (nervous, shaken, okay).

    As for missiles like Kornets, AT-10 Stabber the key is elevation . You must be higher than the Abrams so you can hit the top armor (I've killed an Abrams hitting the top of the turret with a stabber from a BMP-3M and another with a Kornet hitting the front upper hull from a top down angle )

    It's not impossible but you must be careful and plan. Doesnt work all the time of course but it's better than nothing. But being at an higher elevation will maximize your chances.

    The best is side shots of course. Then everything will penetrate IF you shoot first and hit (even the new 30mm APDS that the BMP-3M fires).

  7. I've seen plenty of Abrams killed frontally at 1000-2000 meters (even more so at less than 800). Lower front hull, weapon mount and at a side angle even those two frontal turret slabs are vulnerable if you hit them at 90 degrees. Better not get hit and get the drop on the Russian tanks. If your Abrams are moving and the russians are not, you lose a big part of that spotting advantage.  Also, 3 on 1 attacks and more results in a bad day for the Abrams. 

  8. Anyone noticed that in my MGS video, it hit the only place where thé 105mm could achieve a penetration, the t-90am's gun mantlet .. Anywhere else its stopped by Relikt and I have a dead MGS and a dead squad! I thought i could surprise it and get a side shot but the laser warning disrupted my plans. Should really not lase at short battlesight range.

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