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Posts posted by antaress73

  1. People seem to be complaining about a lack of close range anti-tank capabilities for soviet infrantry. How about the RPG-43 and RPG-6 hand trown anti-tank grenades ? Those are well known ! How come are they not included in the game ? They were available in the time period depicted by RT. I did a search in the forum first to see if it was discussed earlier btw

  2. Btw, His name is Givi and he's a bataillon commander. Has been in constant combat with the "motorola" unit since may without a scratch. He's giving a press conference and he's not in combat. The ukrainians let the tanks move freely around because their air power has been severely diminished by MANPADS (lost 45 aircrafts since april), their pilots are badly trained. Their artillery is only good for hitting civilian areas. The Ukrainian army is really looking like a bunch of bloody incompetent amateurs and posers in this war except for their airmobile units and paratroopers.

  3. snakeeyes: if there is a real war in the real world between Russia and the West, there wont be a bad taste in your mouth because you'll likely won't have one anymore. There wont be much left after the inevitable massive nuclear exchange and the survivors will envy the dead. The actual Russian doctrine doesn't distinguish between conventional and nuclear warfare. Nukes will be used as soon as the shooting starts. MAD (mutual assured destruction) is still very much a reality. People have forgotten that and that's dangerous. We will all be dead or dying. 30 mins at most for Russian ICBMs to destroy everything you hold dear. Even less with the new SLBMs on the ultra-quiet new boomers the russian have that can launch near the the US coast on low orbit trajectories (10 mins) This is serious stuff best left in a hypothetical game for us to enjoy. Sorry for my bluntness but people must be told the truth to avoid the worst and I don't like the casual way people and the media currently contemplate such an horrific possibility.

  4. Hello everyone,

    I havent been on these forums for quite a few years because of family and such. This new upcoming game featuring modern russians sure ticks all my boxes ! I have a question: Will the US use the M829A4 AKE round that's supposed to be operationnaly fielded in 2016 ? It supposedly defeats the Relikt armor (precursor round) on the T-90, T-72B3 . That would unbalance the game I think unless the russians come up with a countermeasure. (they did upgrade the Kontakt-5 when NATO rounds able to defeat it came up).

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