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Posts posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. 2nd Battle of Dommelin

    Minutes 55-50

    After 10 minutes of battle, the allied withdrawal has been successful. And a good thing too. The way that the Germans have set up their ATGs, support weapons and in the way in which they are advancing in force towards Dommelin, suggests that the axis commander expected that we would be defending Dommelin. But we aren't. Consolidation is nearing completion near Deelshurk.

    While the FOO was scanning with his binoculars, he noticed this small vehicle (sarcasm):


    That MkIV has certainly put on weight! Yup, I didn't need to see that...I wonder how many Jagdpanthers the Germans have in this battle?

    At the 9 minute mark, we received our first reinforcements:  a Coy HQ, one rifle platoon, an MMG and two medium mortars, all mounted as shown below:



    After 10 minutes, the battlefield looks like this:


    The reinforcements are at the bottom of the screen. The defence of Deelshurk is being completed on the right hand side. The two infantry platoons in the center are trudging a long way. They are headed to Deelshurk with their other platoon and Coy HQ. I have a FOO and Firefly remaining in Dommelin (upper left corner) to conduct a fighting withdrawal and inflict some casualties before evacuating the town. Finally, Maj Morningwood and two troops of tanks are taking position behind the wood on the left side. They are observing. They can engage both killing zones from there, or they can act as a counterattack force or blocking force. They are my flexible manoeuvre force.

    The longer the enemy takes to assault us, the better for the allied position. The guns are preparing to strike with indirect fire, and HQ has informed Captain Chappy that possibly two Typhoons are on the way....but it will be a long time before they get here...

  2. Your repositioning is going great. I think he assumed you would dig in and defend Dommelen.

    I sometimes miss a turn as maybe you or mjkerner have the tidy up option on and delete the older turns. :D

    I think he guessed that as well...and I would be dead right now!  I must scoot to live another day :)

    I do have the tidy option on. I will turn it off. MJ doesn't use CMH

  3. 2nd Battle of Dommelin

    Minute 58-55


    After 5 minutes, the withdrawal is well under way.  Everything is going to plan so far. Some long range fire has been exchanged, but nothing noteworthy until this:



    My 2-man OP was located in the upper story of a building on the edge of Valkenswaard, hidden and watching. But the paras stormed the house. The German sniper was the first victim...



    This German leader with an MP-40 was the next one eliminated.  Unfortunately, the house was then riddled by at least a platoon of German paras, and my OP was eliminated.




    The troops are excited. Maj Morningwood has arrived!!  A brave and charismatic leader, he earned his hero reputation in several previous battles. No doubt he will be a steady influence in the coming battle


    At the end of the first 5 minutes of battle, the withdrawal is proceeding to plan. Yes, that is a lot of German contacts in Valkenswaard!

  4. Is this just part of your narrative, or is there some effect on air support if you have located enemy contact markers? I have been wondering if aircraft are more likely to spot the enemy close to markers, and if they will avoid areas with AA contacts?

    I am hoping that the umpire takes note of my narrative, and makes an adjustment :)   That was my intent!

  5. 2nd Battle of Dommelin

    Minute 60-58

            As the carrier sped on towards Deelshurk, Captain Chappy started hearing the frantic contact reports of his sub units who were well forward. The Germans were literally pouring out of Valkenswaard.

            How did they get there so bloody fast and under our noses?

            He issued some hasty withdrawal orders to his sub units in Dommelin, and those situated along the river to the north. If they didn’t get going now, they would be surrounded and overwhelmed. The force had to be consolidated, and consolidated quickly in a safe area that afforded good cover and provided for some excellent kill zones. After a quick map study and a hasty look around he made a snap decision to make a stand around Deelshurk, the destroyed bridge, and the woods to the west of the destroyed bridge.  It would be a long haul for his infantry, but they would thank him later.


    After 2 minutes, you can see the forces departing hastily from Dommelin (top left); additionally the force located along the river is withdrawing in the center. As you can see, the Germans have arrived right in our front yard, pouring from Valkenswaard. Note the Pak40 and AA halftrack.



    The hasty withdrawal from Dommelin



    Captain Chappy and his HQ dismounts from the carrier...he has arrived in Deelshurk to take command



    Yikes!  A firefly gets bogged in the ford, in the center of the battlefield...fortunately it became unstuck and traversed the ford successfully



    This AA halftrack is located on the outskirts of Valkenswaard, and it immediately began spec firing its deadly, fast firing gun....Captain Chappy passes this critical info up to higher  for the Typhoon pilot to be aware!



    One of the Shermans withdrawing from Dommelin was engaged by something deadly, but fortunately it missed. At the very end of the second minute, our soldiers spotted this on the outskirts of Valkenswaard!


     NOTE:   this battle of the Eindhoven campaign occurs immediately after Ian secured the town of Dommelen, and as such, it begins as soon as the dust settles. The AAR will also be posted here in Ian’s original Dommelen thread. Enjoy!

        Captain Chappy sat on the warm grass, pondering the vital losses the Regiment had felt today. It is said that no man is indispensable, but right here, right now, the men who were lost were indeed indispensable. Little did he know that the day was going to get a lot worse. The sound of the approaching jeep broke his reverie.

        “Sir, the CO sent me to get you. You are taking over the defence of Dommelen. But first I am instructed to take you to meet a Dutch Resistance bloke. A chap named Jan. Things are intense up front, sir. You better hurry.”

        Chappy grabbed his map, binoculars, rifle and a few other items and climbed aboard. As they were approaching the front, near a crossroads, the driver slowed the jeep and then it came to a halt. Out of the adjacent ditch came a ragged figure in dirty civilian clothes.

        “You Captain Chappy? Sorry, English not good. I am Jan. I have bad news.”

        Jan went on to explain what his Dutch countrymen had witnessed not long ago. The report was indeed grim. Apparently a battalion of “sky soldiers” and about a dozen large panzers were on their way to assault the recently won Dommelen town. Sky soldiers. Paratroopers. The dreaded Fallschirmjager. From listening to the recent battle on the battalion radio net, Chappy knew that the force he was soon to command was less than company sized, with the remnants of two troops of tanks and some mortars. To make matters worse, his outnumbered force was spread out considerably between three towns. Not the best outlook, but then, who foresaw this kind of counter-attack coming?

        This battle could be called the 2nd Battle of Dommelen. With the aid of the map below I will outline the position of the current Allied forces and expected axis approach. I will also discuss my thoughts about the defence and what decided my course of action.

        Currently, my forces are positioned as follows:

        1. Around Dommelen - two infantry platoons (minus) and one Sherman troop (one firefly)

        2. Around outskirts Valkenswaard - one infantry section

        3.  Around Deelshurk - Coy HQ and FOO, one infantry platoon (minus), 2 x 81mm mortars, one Sherman troop (one firefly) as well as 2 x 25lber batteries on call

        For reinforcements (off board)  I have been informed that I will receive, at some point, a badly battered infantry company and a troop of 6lber AT guns. And maybe a tank or two. Finally, a Typhoon(s) is on the way but it will take some time to get to the battlefield.

        The Dutch Resistance has informed us to expect the enemy approach from two directions:  

        1.  from opposite Dommelen (north) - 10-15 panzers and some infantry elements

        2.  from Valkenswaard -  one battalion FJ with light vehicles (halftracks, ACs, trucks)

    The map is so large that I had to take two zoomed out screenshots:



        Defensive Estimate

        1.  Force composition was the first thing I looked at. It is glaringly obvious that I will be outnumbered (initially) at least 3-1 in infantry. And they aren’t regular line infantry either - they are paratroopers. The Germans also have the edge in armour, and I fully expect that not all of them will MkIVs either!  I will need to be located somewhere with good defensive protection yet possess good lines of fire and kill zones to overcome this deficiency. An escape route will also be necessary.

        2.  He who defends everything, defends nothing.  As a result of gains made in the previous battle, my forces start spread out near three towns.  My first aim is to consolidate as fast as possible and create a mutually supporting defence. This will be tricky. I can try and consolidate forward, near Dommelen and under the guns of the advancing Germans, or to the rear of Dommelen where my forces will be much safer.  Either way, they must be able to support each other to give us a chance.

        3.  Reinforcements must be able to reinforce.   If I defend forward, around Dommelen for example, the reinforcements have a LONG way to travel to get there.  And the travel is over flat, open ground and fields. The enemy would have great target practice in such a case. And when the Typhoon shows up, the battle could be over before it is able to help at all.

        4.  Terrain.  I usually consider terrain higher in this list, but the three considerations above are vital.  That being said, the overriding geography of the area is long, open, flat ground/farmland. Here on this map it is punctuated by three small towns - two of which are very close to the enemy approaches/set up area. A winding river meanders roughly north-south and divides this area effectively into two pieces, crossable at one major bridge and several muddy fords. Moving from one side to the other will greatly slow the enemy forces (I am hoping he maintains a split or “canalised” force). Finally there are three thick woods - two to the immediate north of Dommelen (enemy approach) and one a kilometre south of this town.

        Decision time!   Course of action

        Our soldiers paid the price in pixel blood in getting to Dommelen, and to give it up is a decision that weighed heavily on me. But I have decided that if I make a stand there, I will be defeated in detail. Dommelen is close to the enemy arrival area, and we will feel his full might if we defend it. If I try to consolidate forward there, I expect that my forces wouldn’t make it, and they would be destroyed in the open, piecemeal, as they tried to press on. Similarly, I highly doubt my reinforcements would make it to Dommelen - they have a long way to travel and would probably arrive under blazing German fire. My forces actually in Dommelen would be surrounded with nowhere to go - the only withdrawal is across open fields. massive death and surrender.

        So…..in order to preserve the bulk of the current force, and to give the Hun a bloody nose, and to allow reinforcements to boost our defences, and to allow our forces a chance to withdraw if things go badly, I have decided NOT to defend Dommelen town. Instead our forces will withdraw and consolidate from the woods (to the south) to the destroyed bridge area to the town of  Deelshurk.  Some elements will be left behind for observation of the enemy, and to make him pause…the more I can make him pause the better.

        I will have two good killing zones, as indicated on the map below.

        If only soldiers could ride tanks in CMBN like they do in CMRT - this would be so much easier to accomplish.  Instead, some of my infantry will have a 1 km jog to the rear….




    Stonecutter has provided us with some excellent, action-packed AARs, but I have decided at this point to inform everyone of the overall picture - what has transpired and what is coming next.

    EN - the Germans counter-attacked B Coy with panzers and infantry immediately after they had crossed the newly constructed Fraser Bridge. The attack was repulsed by our ATGs and infantry (our tanks were still on the way). Several panzers were eliminated with some infantry casualties. The Germans have been conducting a skillful withdrawal since then, as we have once more begun the advance towards San Leonardo.

    FR - almost the entire battle group is now across the Moro River. On the left flank, A Coy is advancing while C Coy is in reserve behind it. In the center, B Coy is holding the bridge area, while D Coy and some tanks are advancing towards San Leonardo. On the far right, the hastily formed Combat Team Stonecutter is pinning the German panzers that have withdrawn into the woods to their front.

    Here is a picture of the current situation:


    LEFT - As you can see, A Coy has encountered small infantry elements during its advance, who are skillfully withdrawing once they can no longer hold their positions. Additionally, accurate HMG fire from the town and mortar strikes have slowed the advance. A Coy needs some mobility/manoeuvre elements in order to proceed, so a light carrier force is being formed, and two Shermans are being deployed there now.

    CENTER - D Coy recently secured an intermediate objective where it sits now (buildings and a copse of wood). To its immediate front, there were 2 x ATGs that were holding things up. One is confirmed destroyed, while the second is suspected destroyed.  However, the priority target that is holding everything up is a lone ATG to the far north (see map). It is excellently sited to cover almost our entire front and was responsible for taking out several of our vehicles. The good news is that it is now suspected destroyed as some accurate ATG spec fire of our own hit its foxholes a minute ago....once this is confirmed, D Coy and its two tanks will continue the advance

    RIGHT - Combat Team Stonecutter occupies a hull down position at the top of the ridge that slopes back down to the Moro River. With a troop of tanks and a platoon of mounted infantry, it is a mobile force that packs a punch. It has forced German infantry elements to withdraw from its immediate front, causing a fair amount of casualties. The panzers that withdrew in/near the wood are currently pinned by this force, as well as by our ATGs in the center.

    FUTURE OPS - A & D Coys will continue their advance on San Leonardo with tank and arty support. They will fight through and capture San Leonardo. This should force the hand of the panzers on the right, as they will then be outflanked and trapped between the tanks supporting A & D Coys, and Cbt Tm Stonecutter. At a suitable time, C Coy (reserve) will then spearhead the advance to Casa Berardi (just off the NE map edge).

    Pro Patria!!!



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