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Posts posted by PeterH

  1. On top of that they can also act as a rifle section. If the scenario creator was trying to be realistic/historical with the troops present they don't (and shouldn't) always give you the perfect assets for the job. So what if you could have used more space and/or another infantry platoon over that mortar platoon? Get on with it! Its being creative in challenging circumstances which makes it fun for me.

  2. I still avoid the bigger scenarios, mainly anything above company level. Too many icons scare me with their daunting turn times for orders etc.

    That being said the CM series is (apart from M&B Warband & Arma) my very favourite series of games. I wish you could replay the whole battle at the end, but that is a minor niggle when your perfect one up two down bounding assault works perfectly..

  3. Hello guys, I haven't seen this thread till now. Thanks for posting my older video but as has been said before I was very new to the series and the combination of real-time plus poor tactics lead to a slightly silly experience.

    I felt the need to film another attempt (its actually been at least a year since I last played the scenario) so if you want to check out an attempt filmed and played more professionally on the highest difficulty settings check this out:

    Yes I do win hehe! My tactics are resorting to a "fingers crossed" fire-fight with the house on the hill before using smoke and covering fire to assault the huge German MG squad in the train station. Despite a suicidal company commander (oops) and a messed-up section the result was actually really good. I didn't even have to assault the house.

  4. Once several years ago I had stopped by the local youth hostel, and there I met two young women from Denmark and we chatted for a while. At one point, one of them blurted out, "It's true what they say about Scandinavian women." Just then a lady friend of mine showed up and took me home with her, so I never got the chance to explore the girl's comment with her. But now I can see that she was right.



    Your lady-friend saved you. They be scary.

  5. For one is there any way of doing a multiplayer turn based game where you are both connected to a server and still have the "war movie"? If not is it only for real time mode?

    The normal way is by PBEM, does that not get ridiculously long and you lose track of what is happening very easily? I like doing video AARs and it will be a pain to record a match that takes place over a month or two hehe, I wish they had some sort of "record all war movie minutes" setting..

  6. Hey guys I tried something new with this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdzWi45cYYw.

    Instead of taking you through all the commands I filmed only during the action minutes, giving glimpses of the combat along with descriptions of what is happening and my thoughts. Obviously skill level is set at Iron.

    I would really appreciate some feedback regarding both my tactics and this style of video if you have the time (and patience)!

  7. Is there any way to turn off mouse acceleration? That is my only gripe, but its a pretty big one. It feels pretty unnatural to me that the screen doesn't just get dragged by mouse input but rather starts turning at different speeds etc with little room for fine tuning and lots of room for FPS lag and stuttering due to accidental camera swipes.

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