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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by VonLourens

  1. I know , I fought you my first online game until you captured Berlin !
  2. I see allot of the SOE games ending when Russia almost lost the war, or when the Axis is on the retreat in Russia. IMO it is still fun as the Axis to keep playing and just try to get the draw or keep fighting and prolong the war as long as possible, or as the Allies try to still get a draw although the Red Army has no offensive power anymore and is holding on to her last strongholds. Although I understand the fact that people would rather start a new game as quickly as possible instead of fighting a almost certain defeat. What do you boys and girls thinking:)?
  3. Same here, i notice the games are getting better and i have less time to play them as i get older !
  4. This is going fast, and i'm loving it again. That's a lot of losses for the Germans in France!
  5. I'am loving this AAR! The best ever, any chance you 2 will make another return to SOE?
  6. Great aar! Kick russia out of the war as soon as possible! I love it when your back is against the wall! Fight on!!!
  7. Very interested , but I have mp games running so doing a turn a day is completely impossible for me. Maybe in the near future! Let us know in this thread how the mp test game went.
  8. I agree that they are a lil too strong, i have real problems wit Serbia in my current MP game, I think they destroyd 2 Austrian corpses on attack. But this could be my skills:o . IRL they did offcource were also a though job to finish.
  9. Very nice, to see a new Great War AAR. Interesting to see you delaying the offensive in the west, very curious to see were the war of movement ends in static trench warfare. In my current game (multiplayer) as the central powers I used a strategy in Belgium were I wanted too keep the losses as minimal as possible. This ended in a Verdun type of battle for Lille were we traded corps for corps before winter set in. Belgium still alive and now the most reserves are in the east. IMO the best way is to be very aggressive and accept losses in conquering as much of Belgium and northern France or not invading Belgium in 1914 at all and defeat the Russians. Cant wait to see how this is going to end!
  10. Offcource i mean: but i wonder if Vichy France joins the AXIS if you DOW as the Allies.
  11. I did not read anything about it either, but i wonder if Vichy France joint the allies if you DOW as the allies. I will just try it out. thx for the reply
  12. Thank you for your information Bil. luckily we only did turn 1 in SCWW1:D.
  13. I got both the v1.03 patch for SCWW1 Breakthrough and v1.07 SCWW1 The Great War.
  14. I started a PBM wit the "storm over Europe" campaign wit a friend, he started as the Axis and created the game. He started it in SC wwi rather than Breakthrough, does this matter? Is the one better than the other? We have the latest patches. Great game by the way, keep it up:)
  15. I would like to compete wit someone in the storm over europe or call to arms 1914. if you are interested pm me!
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