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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. "And what's with the reference to a 'hedgerow'? We're not exactly in Normandy."
  2. " 'Hedgerow'? Don't you mean 'bush'?"
  3. "Let's stop beating around the hedgerow, shall we?"
  4. "I can't say I'm keen about all of Father's policies."
  5. The Easter Bunny is getting nervous...
  6. "And if we get caught, we'll find ourselves behind bars..."
  7. Only the Easter Bunny knows for sure.
  8. Hell, even I'd be tempted to move to Australia if that happens.
  9. Fourteen per cent?! What I wouldn't do to have a fourteen per cent exchange rate. The hit against the Canadian dollar is twenty-five per cent. Americans might want to keep that in mind before moving here en masse should Donald Trump be elected next Leader of The Free World.
  10. The original "Mein Kampf" was written behind bars...
  11. What it borders on, Dear Reader, is a series of one-liners lacking any semblance of a plot.
  12. Here's a quick fix: double the height of all HTs. Or at least the height of their so-called "protective skins".
  13. I know some of you will cry: "But that borders on plagiarism!"
  14. With larger numbers of the elderly entering the ranks it was probably deemed a necessity to use larger numbers. If only to avoid the inevitable "friendly fire". "Alles klar?"
  15. @ Combatintman I am willing to make an exception. Just for you. Have you ever seen numbers painted that big? Anywhere? Even the Bismarck's call numbers were smaller.
  16. Willy described the story of one man's struggle with his own sexuality.
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