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Posts posted by DougPhresh

  1. I can only speak to Afghanistan, but much more time was spent hunkered down because of mortar fire or pot shots disrupting a patrol than pitched battles with the Taliban. In my own experience it was less pinned-down hugging the earth for dear life (most of the time!) and more that, okay we now have to deploy, find cover, form into a section attack and so on. That kind of suppression is modeled pretty well in CM, as you can't carry out a routine move under fire.

    e: Quick question since a dev has responded - in CM1, how did Human Wave, Assault and Advance work?  Did units move differently under fire before?

  2. On 10/12/2017 at 1:23 AM, Battlefront.com said:

    ... it's a good place to post Bones so everybody sees them.  Do you doubt me?  Well, I'll prove it by tossing out some Bones!

    Summer is always a slower period for us than the rest of the year, but that doesn't mean we're slacking off on some tropical island somewhere sipping brightly colored drinks with little umbrellas in them.  Currently we have in the works:

    • Rome to Victory - this project got sidetracked due to a bunch of issues, but it's getting a lot of attention these days.  When completed, CMFI will have a big list of new forces and the timeframe extended to the end of the war.  It will likely be our next release
    • Untitled Eastern Front Module - active work has been going on since the Spring and it's shaping up quite nicely.  This will take CMRT up to the end of the war, including some huge Berlin maps

    Now let's see, is there anything else to talk about?  Well, there is the Alpha of Combat Mission Shock Force 2 we uploaded for testers yesterday.  I suppose a few of you might be interested in it, so I'll take some time to do that.


    I think there is just a feeling that the modules that have been in development for years could use some news over something that just entered alpha.  Going back to 2015 there was work on CMFI and CMRT!

    On 12/24/2015 at 5:33 PM, ChrisND said:

    Here's a quick update on what we are up to! Well, what we're willing to reveal just yet...

    5. After Final Blitzkrieg is out early next year, our plan is to spend 2016+ expanding our current titles with more modules and packs. The following are closest in the pipeline:

    • Fortress Italy module: this is the next big thing coming, and work has already begun on it. See #5 below for details!
    • Red Thunder module: winter combat on the East Front...
    • Black Sea module: think Marines, Naval Infantry, and VDV, among other new forces. And new high-tech toys. I want to really flesh out American, Ukrainian, and Russian forces/equipment on all levels before moving on to new nationalities.
    • More Battle Packs.

    6. The next Fortress Italy module is in the early stages of development, at this point primarily artwork by our 3D artist Cassio.

    • This new module will push the timeline for the Italian front all the way from June 1944 to the end of the war in May 1945.
    • The main operations covered will be the race north following the capture of Rome, the fighting on the Gothic Line, and the Po Valley offensives in 1945.
    • The following services will be added: British Indian Army, South Africa, French Expeditionary Corps (including Moroccan Goumiers), and Waffen-SS. Of course, existing services will be filled out with all of the new formations that have been created for other Combat Mission titles since the last Fortress Italy module released: Gebirgsjäger units, Luftwaffe Field Divisions, flamethrower units, etc. All currently existing formations will be updated to 1945 TO&E. Also: US Mountain units. :)
    • 3D work has already been done on the following equipment for the module: Sherman III Kangaroo, Churchill NA75, Sherman IC Firefly Hybrid, StuG IV, M1917 Enfield rifle, M1935 and M1982 French pistols, FN/29 French LMG, Gewehr 33/40(t) rifle, T32 37mm AT gun, and the GebG 36 75mm mountain gun. These are just the start of the work on new equipment.
    • The module will also incorporate all of the work done on the Combat Mission engine to date since since Gustav Line launched... that's a LOT of stuff to add to Italy. Off the top of my head, that includes features, units, and equipment from: Engine v3.0, Red Thunder, CMBN Vehicle Pack, CMBN Market Garden, and Final Blitzkrieg.

    Fun PRE-ALPHA image of a new soldier for the Fortress Italy module:



    I can only speak for myself, but CMFI is by far my favorite title, and the two year wait was worrisome even as we got the 4.0 update.

  3. On 2017-11-20 at 9:55 AM, MOS:96B2P said:

    Not sure if you noticed but when you're setting up a Quick Battle under Quick Battle - Service there is also South African, Indian and SS listed.    

    Wait... really?!


    Also adding the partisans, co-belligerents and facists would be amazing. Italians before armistice could use a second look as well, lots of missing equipment in CMFI!  

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