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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. This is first page of company personnel list and here pointed Company HQ, among signed not only officers and warrant officers, but also sergeants and even two soldiers - #9 radio-orerator (private) and #11 BMP-gunner (yefreytor). I sure, on other pages you can see signs of all privates too.
  2. Kadyrov's trpoops are just formally belong to Rosgvardia (Russain National Guard). In really this is his personal army, which he equips in most modern gears and hires to train them best instructors. Putin pays astronomic budget funds to Chechnia for Kadyrov's loyality, so he can equip own troops on own taste. You can hear how troopers say "Allah akbar!" and "Akhmat - sila!", the slogan of Chehen football funs ("Akhmat" is Chechenian football club, named in honor of Akhmat Kadyrov, the father of Ramzan Kadyrov)
  3. When Russian POWs tell "we didn't know nothing, we though this is maneuvers" - this is lie. Here the captured document, "The register of personnel, who gave agreement to completing of special (combat) tasks on the territory of foreign states", military unit 01485 (34th motor-rifle brigade, Southern military district), 4th motor-rifle company. In the register you can see the list of personnel and their signs, dated by 21st Feb - for 3 days to invasion.
  4. Here is fresh Kadyrov's fighters, arrived 2-3 days ago. Now they launced counter attack on our troops on the line Hostomel - Bucha - Irpin'. Reportedly there are 4 hours of heavy clashes. The artilley battery in our district shot about each 2-3 minutes, probably in this area
  5. Destroyed Russian column in Voznesenck, Mykolaiv oblast
  6. SOF fighters ambushed small Russian convoy
  7. Reportedly Russian jet shot down over Kyiv, It fell in SW area near Chayka airfield (small airfield for training flights, parachute training and private light aircraft)
  8. What part of "average Russians" are in army service now? Their army have many servicemen with combat experience, especially sergeants and officers of Western and Southern military districts. From Afganistan to Chechnia, Georgia, Donbas 2014, Syria. Yes, all they had a moods "we will take Kiev in 2-3 days" and "Nobody can't resists to Russian overhelming power", but this is not cancelling their "breathing of war" like while Russian society, which feed agressive military propaganda. I think, when Russia will lose this war, this "average Russians" will have "national shame feeling" deeply inside themselves. And this evil will await own time to grow up again if there will no "de-rushization" (from the word "rushizm"). Russians want such leader lilke a Putin, they want "make Russia great again", but not in spheres of science, wellness etc. How said one of their politics "The greatness of nation is determined by capability to destroy a world". If Putin will gone, another similar will come.
  9. Territorial defense fighters and T-90A, already partially looted for a metal by locals
  10. Russian strike at residential area of Chernihiv about hour ago The moment of strike ... And results
  11. Bucha town, which was contested area all these days now completely our. State Emergency Service could start evacuation of civilains from this yown and nearby Irpin' Our troops on recaptured Hostomel airfield in February. On next day it was again taken by Russians.
  12. Kalynivka village, Mykolaiv oblast. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! (C)
  13. Some news of air-defense. During last evening and the night there are 4 Russian missiles were intercepted over Kyiv. One of them - over Central railroad stattion, but the missile flew to MoD building, not on the station Su-30SM was shot down over Irpin' today's morning Su-34 was shot down over Volnovakha two hours ago CBS group filmed a moment of interception over Kyiv
  14. Typical Russian style of war. Territorial defense anbushed next convoy. In medical vehcile Russians carried ammunition
  15. Just now - 72nd brigade have defeated Ruusian troops near Baryshivka, east from Kyiv. Two armored vehicles destroyed, three abandoned, Russians scatterd. Yesterday forward Russian group advanced from Pryluky direction and came close to Brovary town (10 km from Kyiv), they even made a probe on Brovary checkpoint, but withdrew and stood in Peremoha village, expecting support. Next column arrived soon throug Baryshivka, but after they crossed, the bridge over Trubizh river was demolised and Russian east group near Kyiv turned out in the trap.
  16. Russians are turning Kharkiv and other towns of Kharkiv oblast in ruines The building of Kahrkiv university campus The school in Kharkiv Residential buiding, Kharkiv Residential buildings in Izium, Kharkiv oblast. This town is a one of the centers of defense instrumental-making and optics Sumy State Univercity building For the last day and night 34 civilians were klilled and 285 wounded in Kharkiv oblast
  17. No. His last duty was deputy commander of 41st Army. Russian social networks say either sniper shot or precision arty strike. Yesterday there was an information about UKR forces hit Russian command center near Dytiatky village nrthern from Kyiv. Maybe these news are related.
  18. I dont know about defeating of Russian 1st tank army, looks like usual spirit rising propaganda, but there is a fact - yesterday units of 93rd mech.brigade engaged the Russians near Mokovskyi Bobryk village in 60 km SW from Sumy. One tank carries "4" marking, probably 4th Guard "Kantemirovskaya" tank division
  19. Of course, they have. On the middle photo, SOF fighters armed with UKR-developed bullpup "Vulkan" (other name "Maliuk") - this is a deep redesign of AK. These rifles also use army recon units (recon battalions and brigade's recon companies), but is less number.
  20. Because they shelled Ukraianian settlements. You can find this adress of SOF command and read it
  21. SOF works in such way, that they will not have a time to say "I surrernder!"
  22. No, our SOFs just meant they will eleiminate artillery crews with no mercy during night search&destroy raids. This is not the same that executing of POWs
  23. Since 24th Feb UKR forces have launced 50 Vilkha rockets (Ukr. developed guided version of Smerch, similar to HIMARS)
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