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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Old good drone-dropping from 5th assault brigade - next attempt of Russian small assault groups to advance toward Ivanivske (Bakhmut area) was repeleld. About a platoon has taken out by drone-dropping
  2. The fat drone with HE charge ruins a a brick house, probably occupied by Russian troops. Drone unit "Signum" of 93rd mech.brigade
  3. Russian milblogers as far as more than month or two ago began to complain UKR troops more and more have been hunting for drone teams, not sparing even HIMARS to hit their mobile or stationery control posts or deployment points. And in last three weeks losses of drone operators became very large. This have a sense - we can't shot down or supress all drones, but can affect the source of their launch. Yesterday our marines eliminated very bold Russian drone team in Krynky. The leader of this group was milblogger and owner of TG "Moisey | Reports from the front". Russians claimed his team hit about 400 UKR soldiers with drones and destroyed many boats and vehicles. Unknown how much this data is overestimated or not, but this was some sort of their "Magyar" analog, but in much less local scale. His group was tracked and destroyed likely with thermobaric charge mounted on FPV. But maybe ammo dump for their drones theer was in their house. The moment of Moisey group elimination If I already meant "Magyar" some words about him. His unit is again making level-up - now - it will be 414th separate UAV battalion, which will include not only recon and strike drones of different classes, but also SIGINT/ELINT unit as well as EW unit to track enemy drone teams, enemy drone in the air and supress them by EW systems. "Magyar" claims after this upgrade this unit can maintain 100 km of frontline with firm ELIINT/EW and strike support of troops. This will be first unit of such type in the world.
  4. There are dozens of issued videos (and how much remained unknown) how Russian soldiers in hopeless situations shoot dead or blew up by grenades themeselves, but this is something new. If you lost own rife, empty of grenades and havn't a knife, you have... harness of Esmarch! Looks like this thing on modern battlefield suitable only to choke out yourslef... Albait this is almost most painless method. You just fall asleep and since 5-10 minutes you reach no return point.
  5. UKR drone operator spotted with thermal camera wounded UKR soldier in grey zone. Because of evacuation team can't reach him, operators in next fly dropped him hot tea and a note "Pal, drink it and crawl follow the drone". They pointed him a way back. Soldier was resqued
  6. How shifted east the spotting zone of A-50 radar, since these planes now forces to fly over Krasnodar region, not over Azov sea. Red arc is current spotting range. Within spotting range A-50 can see all aircraft in the air, all missile launches, large troops formations on march or on deployment
  7. This night UKR UAVs struck Russian "Rosneft" oil storage in Klintsy, Briansk oblast. Local administration claimed AD shot down two UAVs, the third "was supressed by EW, but when was falling dropped ordnance, causing fire". Well, indeed in result of attack four oil tanks are in the fire to this time
  8. The driver was captured later, but this wasn't filmed.
  9. Crimea is joining up. Large-scale accident on Balaklava thermal power plant left without elecricity part of Crimea, including Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Kerch, Feodosia, Saky, Sevastopol (half of the city). Reportedly somewhere power already appeared again. Blackout in Sevastopol
  10. Interesting video - Russian BMP-3 attacks inside tree-plant and something lauch itself from the foxhole in dozen meters from IFV and knoked out it in big explosoin (or BMP ran over the mine?). After explosion Russian infantry flee in panic and UKR soldier of 3rd "Spartan" brigade of National Guard makes control shot with light AT weapon at BMP
  11. In addition - Russian milblogger compalins since Russia scaled mass-production of one of FPV models, UKR adapted to it and UKR EW systems quite easily supress this model, so from 10 drones only two reach tragets. And in conditions of EW fields their effective range is no more 300 m, so because this model is one of mass in army, that army can leave itself without big part of properly working drones
  12. Tsargrad this is TV-channel from which you can know about Jewish-Masonic conspiracy against Russia, about that most of anglo-saxons are reptiloids and King Charles III is main reptiloid and anyway - "Russia is a motherland of elephants" )))
  13. One more FPV hit in weak zone in hull top-behind the turret. No nuke, but cooked off anyway
  14. This was smoke grenade. ERA blocks don't activate when 23-30 mm shells hit them. You can recall video of 2014, when UKR tank got several hits in front turret from BMP-2, but Kontakt-1 ERA didn't activate
  15. I've read UKR tankers have very good opinion about Stridsvang 122 - Sweden version of Leo2 and many issues about German ones, because German Leo2 are "too tender", less stable for cold, dirt and to combat overload in that time that Sweden tanks are more appropriate for real war.
  16. Sourse of this infornation is unknown, it's as if a list of dead on A-50 and IL-22 planes: Russian TG writes, that Russian generals decided to share as official the version of friendly fire. They already pointed "guilty" AD unit and official version will be this was mistaken launch from Krasnodar region. But nobody in clear mind in troops don't believe in this The list of dead: A-50: lt. colonel V.Levchenko - vessel commander and other 5 members of crew (two majors, two captains, sen.lieutenant). This list is not complete. IL-22: colonel Burmistrov (allegedly) There is no information eirther was present onboard ot not the deputy commander of Long-range aviation Command lt.general Pchela. Some UKR sources hinted that Russian planes were hit by Patriots, but tracking radar was Ukranian/Soviet. This was a result of work of FrankenSAM program - integration of Soviet/Ukrainian AD systems into western. Probably Russian crew spotted radiation of UKR radar, but though they are safe, because S-300 can't reach them, but got Patriot missile. Air Force Command claimed this night first time was successfully used one of FrankenSAM system, which destroyed Shahed in 9 km from Odesa. Except project Patriot+UKR/Soviet radar, also exists two other - Buk+ Sparrow missiles and AIM-9+radar (I give up how it can work, maybe AIM-120 meant)
  17. Well, 92nd assault brigade is no more a single unit in Ground Forces (if not count National Guard) who has BTR-4. Now 56th motorized brigade also uses them. There was in info from soldiers in twitter that all brigades, estalished as motorized in 2015 - 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th now became mechanized, but I don't see this changes in official naming yet
  18. Hm... Our response to jet Shahed-238.... eee... jet "Bober"(?). By the way fragments of shot down allegedly Shahed-238 were shown about week ago, but Air Force Command can't confirm this was exactly this type of drone. Reportedly this UKR jet strike drone still under tests.
  19. Russian TG today shared information that units of 810th naval infantry brigade recaptured the center of Krynky and raised flag there. Though since some time other TG has writen this was stupid action of command to show for higher chiefs that "Tout va tres bien, madame la Marquise", so the flag hanged just about a hour. UKR TG refuted any Russian assaults today Approximate situation in Krynky now Some sources claimed Russian began to esteblish defensive line in 3 km from Krynky behind M-14 road. Allegedly this can be a sign that Teplinskiy, who sent to the grave huge number of troops in stupid direct assaults probably will be removed from command here and this is a sign of changing of Russian tactic.
  20. In one of latest missile attack on Ukraine 6 Kinzhals were launched. Air Force Command claimed three of them didn't hit own targets. At least two were found in fields near Kropyvnytskyi city (central Ukraine), where one of largest airfiellds. Missiles hit the ground and didn't explode. Sappers conducted controlled explosion of their warheads. If you expected some sci-fi type of warhead, that Kinzhal has slightly modified FAB-500 dumb bomb as it. PS. On today's briefing deputy of GUR chief Vadym Skybytskyi told Russians significantly modernized own Kh-101 cruisse missiles in comparison with models, which they used in 2022. Late version of missile has not only passive defense system like flares block, but also the block of EW, which should interfere to make targeting for AD systems Humilitation of the "wunderwaffe"
  21. Not always an idea of point blank shooting of enemy positions is good. Russian IFV rolled to UKR position of 25th airborne brigade, but finally turned out unlucky. Probably it has found own mine or some AT weapon and was nuked out.
  22. UKR anti-drone weapon ) Cameraman jokes: "Hey, show his hood! A snake skin on a moment! My boots cost cheaper!"
  23. The war is not always victories. The enemy is strong, cruel and learn on own failures. It was big mistake of our state-propaganda to describe Russians so-long as "pathetic chmobiks", "alcoholics" and "stupid". Yes, they have stupid command, but Russian capabilities to survive in aggressive and deadly environment, their savvy, directed to survival, their natural aggression, fatalism and fanaticism make them very dangerous enemy.
  24. I wouldn't be name our media efforts as "propaganda" in negative sense, like in Russia. During WWII US news or war chronic in cinema before movies told the same as now in Ukraine and in any country at the war - "our brave soldiers fight hard, but they are crashing the enemy". Very rare about retreats, losses, burned columns etc. And this is quite justified for public morale reasons. But this have own back side... Ordinary Ukrianian people, who track the war from time to time from TV or from internet rumors are very sensitive and can be easy affected by Russian PsyOps. When our army goes forward, they take it for granted. But if we lost some piece of field or a tiny village or OMG a town - that's all - internet is filling with a panic and defeatism.
  25. In comparison with Southern Sudan, Russia probably not so bad place. Except a winter %)
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