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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Several days ago Russian media reported about strange incident - fire with victims on the board of trawler "Capitan Lobanov". As became knowingly the vessel was mistakingly hit by the missile during Baltic Fleet practice shooting. As result of incident three sailors were killed, four wounded. Interesting, that this trawler already had "experience" of sinking, but this happened in the port and it was raised up and repaired. The fate.
  2. The work of pyrotechnicians of State Emergency Service this morning in Kyiv - they loaded an unexploded Kh-101 warhead, moved it out of the city and blew up. You can watch a process. Settlers of this house can celebrete own second birthday
  3. No Shaheds this mornig, missiles only.
  4. @Kinophile This war showed many things, which considered before as impossible became real. There were several cases of cruise missiles downning with HMGs. Yes, if the missile flies with a speed 200 m/s under 90 degrees from your position, your chances are almost zero. But if missile incoming directly to you, your chances raise, especially when your HMG equipped with thermal sight. All question - to give mobile group a proper engagement point. Mobile groups as usual had PDA with "Virazh" AD info system, transmitting trajectories of missiles, so the group can move and take proper position. Also, pay attention, on this video you can see only HMG shooting and missile explosion, no incoming SAM, chasing the cruise missile and hitting it. Scheme of today's attack
  5. Kh-101, intercepted in Kyiv oblast this morning with Browning HMG by mobile AD group
  6. GUR claimed all missiles, which trying to hit Kyiv this morning were targeted on GUR buildings - revenge for Belgorod %) From other aftermath of attack, which became knowingly - one shot down missile fell and detonated on territory of storages of "Rozetka" - largest internet-shop in Ukraine. One storage facility was damaged, several cars destroyed. During attack 99 eployees were on the territory, no one wasn't injured
  7. Russia claimed since February they renewed production of FAB-1500 anf FAB-3000 heavy bombs - likely they also started production of UMPK kits for FAB-3000, making it also guided. It's bad. We need more long-range AD and F-16. Or strike this factory in Nizhniy Novgorod oblast Though FAB-3000 is too heavy for Su-34, and can be used from Tu-22M3 only. The bomb has 1400 kg of HE. It already was used as free-fall bombs during Azovstal siege.
  8. It's because the attack was all directed on Kyiv with strongest AD shield in Ukraine. If each city had the same protection, the total result would be like this. It was at 5:00 I heard two Patriots launches, then heavy boom so windows shaken. It was Kinzhal or Iskander interception - it came from NE direction, were my district is located, so interception of ballistic missiles add some adrenaline %) Then, since 5 minutes one more (aero)ballistic target was destroyed, but slightly further. Then I heard 2-3 distant booms - all other missiles flew from western direction and were intercepted there - it's too far from me. But anyway, several Kh-101 were intercepted over the city and hit the ground in residental areas - 12 citizens were wounded. Damaged several buildings, one workshop, kindergarden, church, local power substation. Several cars burnt. Here fragment of missile impacted on the street not far from one of specific object %) and damaged buildings around - probably warhead detonated. Here of course "underground command bunker was destroyed" ))) People of this house were really lucky... ... Because warhead of intercepted Kh-101 fell down directly near the building and didn't explode Of course, Russian MoD made a statement "the strike, including Kinzhal missiles was performed on decision making centers - all targets were hit". Ok. 390 millions USD to nowhere. Rich country...
  9. Hm.... In this video at least 2 targets were disabled with direct or close hits of single D-30 and FPV has appeared only at the end, when survived tank already retreated. Of course, artillery fire on moving targets is not effective, but Russians were making some stops during the movement, which opened a window of opportunity for D-30 and MT-12. If we had more barrels, it could be more effective (though we could have enough barrels, but not enough shells)
  10. Serhiy Sternenko issued this video as first example of autonomous aiming and announced 50 millions UAH fundrising for these drones. For this day a half of money already was donated.
  11. RVC assaults the house in Kozinka, Belgorod oblast, occupied by Russians soldiers. The house got several FPVs, mortar, RPG and RShG hits and starts to burn. In this time small reinforcemet arrived to Russians on the car or ATV (video switch to thermal camera of the drone and picture is not so clear) and this vehcile gets in the ambush According to Russian milbloggers, Kozinka turned out into grey zone arena of small groups hunting each on other. From Russian side mostly involved for these tasks groups of 2nd Spetsnaz brigade and Rosgvardiya. Also Russian aviation with no mercy bombs all contested villages (own villages) with KABs, so villages mostly got sever damages. In own turn Russia has rised terror of border areas of Sumy oblast - dozens of atrillery shellings and KABs gradually turning out UKR border villages and towns in ruines
  12. UKR Island-class patrol boat was hit by Lancet about 18th of March on Southern Buh river near Mykolaiv. The point is about 45 km from frontline. Damages and crew losses still unknown. As told chief of "Back-and-Alive" Taras Chmut he saw aftermath of Lancet strikes inside some equipment, which were hit - he said explosion of Lancet looks very effective, but inside mostly all not so terrible and if explosion doesn't cuse intensive fire or ignition of ammo, in most case equipmnet can be repaired.
  13. K-2 battalion of 54th mech.brigade again in action and makes us happy with own exellent videos. Here is a video how K-2 battalion HQ controls and manage process of the battle - 6 of Russian armor moved through Zolotarivka village (Siversk direction) on positions of 1st mech battalon of 54th brigade. Combined operation of mortars and artillery of 54th brigade (participated 120 mm mortar, D-30 howitzer and MT-12 with indirect fire) and FPV team of 118th TD brigade. Russian column was destroyed on AT-mines and arty fire. 5 pieces of armor were immobilized, one tank withdrew and was hit by FPV, but survuived. Disembarked infantry was eliminated by grenade frops from Mavics and by small arms of infantry - total 42 ememy infantrymen
  14. Czech Republic already supplied 300 000 artillery shells. This claimed Yan Lipavsky, minister of foreign afafirs of this country. In own turn Ukrainian representatives says this number will allow to close sharp deficite for next month and we hope further supplies will grow up. Ukraine now produce 122 mm and 152 mm ammunition and from second half of 2024 will launch produce of 155 mm shells Also WSJ claimed Ukraine month ago launched serial production of unnamed missile with 400 miles range.
  15. Four recon planes simultainously over Black Sea were today. Maybe we will see something interesting soon...
  16. Russia is finishing works on building of new military port in Ochamchira - in Abkhazia (oocupied part of Georgia)
  17. Ghana is new source of merceneries for Russia. There are rumors - France so actively now strive to help us even to sending troops, because secret agreement exists between France and Ukraine, that after Ukrainian victory we will help to expel Russians from French-interest zones of Africa. In last years France lost influence and was really pushed off from many of countries by Russia and China.
  18. Unrelevant Russian TG writes on Engels-2 airfield in result of UKR strike slightly damaged two Tu-95 strategic bombers and four servicemen of airfield personnel were killed. This TG often considered in Ukriane as our PsyOps in Russian informatin space, so let it be, until satellite images appear. Though, locals write there wer four explosions - allegedly three drones were shot down, but fourth hit airfield and they have seen that something burnt on the territory of airbase.
  19. Here is a post of Aleksandr Nevzorov - famous Russian journalist of "perestroyka" and early Yeltsyn's time. "Protestniks", demoralized by result continue liсe's movements. They poke arouns in "violation on polling stations", "ballots throwings", "rights violation". The squeaks about "not properly sealed ballot boxes" sound espacially funny. But it doesn't matter anymore. It's all acomplished. "Results" were announced brazely and categorically. The regime is confident in own full impunity, in own right to draw any digits and wipe own feet on indignant faces. Сan we consider 87 % result as true? We can. It's no matter how "vote and count". It's only matter how the people accept announced digits. But they were accepted resignedly. Threre are neither barricades, nor tires. City halls don't burn. The regime buttons his pants. Sucked Russia gratefully swallows and licks her lips. The time is coming to get rid of last illusions. 18th of March 2024 is a wonderful day to sober up and dispel a beautiful haze about Russian "people" [in means "nation"]. Yes, there is pathetic million, who still sane. But it doesn't "makes a weather" and in nearest time either will reformate itself, or will die. Today we have unique opportunity to burry this stupid myth. Only on his grave we can think about "what next"
  20. Two Russian BREM-1 ACRVs tried to steal our abandoned Leo2 near Terny (Kreminna direction), but "Azov" FPVs didn't allow to do this Later "fat FPV" of 1st National Guard brigade "Bureviy" finished off one BREM completely
  21. Reporteldy UKR tried to attack Kursk or Kurchatov city (center of nuclear researches) with 5 drones and one S-200 upgraded missile. Russians claimed all targets were intercepted, but... hm... after this part of Kursk remained without electricity - something (or debris of something) hit power substation
  22. Free-Russia fighters of RVC in NE part of Kozinka village. Russian tank got projectille in side, but, alas, too close range, the HEAT hadn't time to activate. Graivoron district of Belgorod oblast completely out of electricity - power substation was destroyed. Suddenly - Romanian volunteer unit "Getica" operates in Belgorod oblast (on the video you can hear Romanian language). Tank with LRL flag also has seen as well as Ukrainian tanks Belgorod is gradually turning out into Kharkiv 2022. Deficite of food in supermarkets is beginning, people either hide in houses or flee from the city. Attack on Belgorod oblast is sensetive blow on Russian economy. Belgorod oblast is one of not many prospering regions of Russia. It gives to country many of meat (especially pork and chicken) - up to 11% of total production, milk, sunflower oil (up to 16 %), 39 % of iron ore, here concentraten many machine-building factories, so this turmoils and "uncertainity" (C) can undermine production, trade and taxes, which Belgorod gives to central budget Interesting in Russia, which always was showing how "Kievan junta 8 years have been bombing Donbas" there is alsmost full censorship on what now happening in Belgorod oblast. Russian VKontakte social media started to block and delete posts and comments od Belgorod citizens about shelligs, destructions and hard life in the city. Hordes of bots actively deny any successes of free-Russia forces in border villages
  23. FPVs of 47th mech.brigade eliminate Russian assault group (about two squads)
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