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Posts posted by Badger73

  1. 8 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Oh, I'm sure it started off legal.  We had a publishing agreement with Strategy First ages ago to hawk some of our aging games.  That's long since expired so none of those arrangements are valid any more.  Sometimes people don't get the memo ;)


    Hmm, reviewing that memo with your counterpart there over a friendly business lunch appears to me as a serendipitous opportunity for some unexpected revenue this quarter.  :ph34r:

  2. 7 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    BF seems to show little interest in a Deutsche Afrika Korps module since apparently CMAK didn't sell well.  Personally, I loved it and it's a major reason I found CMSF to be so much fun.  The desert, long ranges, open terrain, maneuver warfare... and the sun...

    But, once upon a time, BF said  not to expect a CMSF2... so if enuff of us keep nagging...?

    I wonder whether CMAK's reception is less about the topic and moree about actual game mechanics or other market factors.  Matrix Games recently released "Desert Warfare 1940-1942".  Graviteam has "Tank Warfare Tunisia 1943".  Panther Games has Command Ops 2 "The Cauldron".  If one could get a sense of the commercial success for those games, one would have a better idea about CMx3 "Combat Mission North Afrika" as a good idea or not.

  3. On 5/31/2018 at 4:31 AM, Bulletpoint said:

    I never really understood why tanks drive so slowly when going over train tracks in this game..

    In real life, so as not to crack a torsion bar or break track linkages when the road wheels snap back.  The rails are a raised surface; the rail-bed slopes away from them.  A tank needs to ease over such things if you don't want it's suspension to fail.

  4. 5 hours ago, Sublime said:

    we had down votes for the forum it didnt work. 

    for one JK woulda been gonenyears ago and though I mock him he does find good stuff sometimes and has just as mich right here as anyone. 


    Yea, it was disheartening to see that happen.  I'm glad it's disabled.

    The Kettlerian Universe is very different from how I perceive reality but I certainly respect John's passion and the wonderful nuggets he finds.  We would likely not get along face-to-face but he merits all the innate social courtesies I can offer as well as the respect of his humanity which is only right.  Viva la difference!  :ph34r:

  5. 14 minutes ago, Mord said:


    As a backup, do what I do. Many years ago I sent an email to myself with all my CM keys. I then created a folder and stored the email in it. Every time I get a new game or module I cut and paste the old keys along with the new key into a fresh email and repeat the process. I also have a text file on my comp. So between my email, BFC, and comp, I am completely covered.



    or . . .  create a text file with all your CM keys and save it in the Directory file for each game.

    By belt and suspenders, Harkonnens be thwarted!  :ph34r:

  6. 28 minutes ago, General Jack Ripper said:

    If you look in the equipment of the unit itself, do they have a radio? Just because they're dismounted doesn't mean they don't also have a hand-held radio set.

    AFAIK, the only time you can actually use a vehicle mounted radio is while you are embarked in the vehicle.

    Hmmm, I've had US mortar teams in CMBN remain in contact for on-call fires by parking a radio equipped jeep with them.  I've also had CMFI German mortar sections sustain contact by parking a radio equipped half-track with them to relay calls-for-fire.  Granted, my experience shows vehicle mounted radios working for disembarked indirect fire units, not other infantry units and such.

  7. 54 minutes ago, sburke said:

    Didn’t amazon pick it up?



    On May 26, at the International Space Development ConferenceJeff Bezos announced that Amazon picked the series up for additional seasons.

    I did not know that.  Bless you, my son, for such welcome glad tidings!  :)

    Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming . . .  CMSF2, R2V, and patch v4.01!  Great news indeed.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I'm in regular contact with him, and not just because we're both sci-fi TV show geeks :)  He's doing very well, thanks for asking.


    Glad to learn he's well.  Please give him our warmest regards!

    Off-topic, as another SciFi TV drama geek, Netflix has cancelled "The Expanse" and I am most forlorn that there will be no more seasons after this one ends.  :(

  9. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:


    What we found out with all of these forces is that the subtle differences from the established templates were far more varied and fundamental than we had initially thought.  In hindsight we should have built every single one of them up from scratch instead of starting with the templates and putting in exceptions.  The scratch method would certainly have taken a LOT of time (which is why we didn't do it that way), but in the end probably would have saved us some time on the calendar.

    The good news is that R2V has the sort of subtly you guys expect from Combat Mission.  Instead of the South African formations being Brits with different accents, there's distinct differences in how they are structured and what equipment they use.  Same with the Indians, Brazilians, Poles, and absolutely with the French.  The German side of things is also more nuanced than you might think.  Which we think makes R2V one of the most interesting Modules we've made.  That is definitely a good thing!


    Emphasis quoted in bold are mine.  Specific to them, can consideration be given to publishing something that shows all those differences?  My biggest struggle with QB's (besides my own lack of knowledge :o) is a lack of detailed information explaining how German Fusiliers differ from Grenadiers or American Glider Infantry from Airborne Infantry, etc., etc., etc.  The community created Dealership mods fall short in this regard.  I would really appreciate documents or spreadsheets showing how platoons differ from each other, ideally for all the CM games but R2V might be a good place to start.  I would volunteer to help if it's just a matter of time and labor.

  10. Is there a comparison study somewhere?  I'm not familiar with Naval Dazzle on land forces.  I'm curious how this was discovered and determined. 

    Also it appears from this picture that the camouflage is on removable panels.  Are there different sets of camo for different conditions (urban, desert, ambient foliage)?  If so, I wonder whether the lower costs of removable panels makes Dazzle more cost effective than painting vehicles instead.  "Close enough" usually results in the cheapest procurement option.

    Thanks for posting.

  11. I have found popping smoke problematic as well lately.  Sorry, no saves but was playing CMFB recently when I noticed it most.  The most annoying situation was when the team ran away and then popped smoke in a completely useless fashion at their final location :o  Needless to say, the concealment intended for their squad mates didn't appear and the enemy's machine-guns had a field day at my expense <_<

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