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Everything posted by Strategiclayabout

  1. Thank you for the answer Hubert, strike range -1 makes sense . And yep, the escort range display (white circles) seems correct (four squares). Didn't notice anything wrong with it .
  2. Nooooo xwormwood ! You've destroyed our carefull plan to make Adda buy one game, become addict then buy the other . @ Adda: remember you can also play both of the demos before spending anything .
  3. Hello ^^ , - I think I use sprites because it gives a "3D" feeling (more "width" if you prefer). It also reminds me that those units are men and not just counters, so it prevents me to be a butcher (not always of course ). - It's just good to have that graphic choice .
  4. Hello China , - Even if Japan goes heavy in China, you can delay the outcome (location of fortresses you build is a key point) by falling back, narrowing the front, avoiding casualties, getting infantry tech... - You can also try to get USA on your side earlier with some diplo chits (as UK but China can have a shot to it depending on the situation). Having USA on its back in october or september 1941 can be a pain for Japan, especially if it foils an ongoing Pearl Harbor attempt.
  5. Hello Colin I ^^ , - Had the same, so now I only send 3 or 4 jap units max beyond Siberia. Better to have "Lebensraum" on german side . - You can see it as a penalty to help allies if you continue the game because with USSR out it is usually game over for Allies. If you send troops in the Urals, you can expect some logistical SNAFU when Russia collapses. - Add combat destructions and poor infrastructure (Japan would only have the transiberian to get back home) plus the fact Japan usually come in with China on its back or after forcing its way towards Urumqui without rail lines arounds and you're set. - I still agree allowing Japan to annex at least Siberia (from Vladivostok to lake Baikal) Poland-like would be nice .
  6. Hello Adda ^^ , - I quote you: "That means I don’t like solid fronts everywhere and the following forced slug fight it always results in. I want a game there strategic aspects are almost as important as brute force." - WWI is what I would call "solid fronts everywhere" but if your focus is on Europe you'll have WWI et WWII in the same game with W&W. - I'd go for SCGCGold if you want a whole world map, more various kind of countries/strategies/warfare (aeronaval) you play and (only my opinion) more strategic challenge (research/production planning/invasions timing). It has some flaws of course but you'll have to think about your moves for sure.
  7. Hello ^^ , - There is something I'm not sure to understand about aerial cover/interception. When I load a game (39 campaign, patched gold) as axis, figthers intercept range (yellow circles) is of 2 squares. - However when I attack a port 3 squares away (Tarento or the one in Sardinia) with an UK carrier, the italian figther (based in the sicilian city) launch its 2 interception missions :eek: . - So is interception range 3 and are the yellow markers wrong or do I miss something ? Thanks for any answer .
  8. I think I'm shifting that way too. If you play cautiously, using chinese "bonus" of reforming units, you can survive.
  9. Arn't Super Mario Brothers busy at Hirohitoshima at the moment ? I thougth I would post that "bug" just in case but it's no big deal, not a thing you can exploit and it adds some surprise fun. But I still think Churchill ordered Cunningham to be overly agressive and the poor fellow is now court-martialed for unjustified agression in time of peace .
  10. Maybe Operation August Storm 1945 (Soviet Invasion of Manchuria) ? Not balanced but is short and could be a good practicing scenario. Also possible is an Axis offensive in Syria-Iraq-Turkey (hypothetical) in may 1941. (based on Hitler's Order 30)
  11. Hehehe nice one, let me play too . And to make it even funnier : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonne
  12. Hello , - Playing an email game as ally SCGold patched 1939 campaign. - I launched an aerial recon with an UK carrier over the strait of Taranto (sea tile). - It revealed an italian sub but also attacked it though Italy wasn't at war yet (see mobilization %). - We just called it a "diplomatic incident" but I don't think it was supposed to happen :
  13. Hello sand digger ^^ , In this game, partisans are active in known squares/locations: - some squares pop combat units (can defend but very weak in attack and don't pop at full strength) - some squares disrupt supply (no unit popping) * France (Germany occupied) has four supply disrupting squares (Paris, Brest, Bordeaux and a mine) * Manchuria (Japan occupied) has five supply disrupting squares (each city) * China has a mix of popping and disrupting squares (city or non city) * Yugoslavia has two popping squares (Belgrade and one non-city square) * USSR has mostly popping squares, usually cities but also marsh squares around Pripet between Minsk, Smolensk and Kiev and around Leningrad - When you launch Barbarossa, you have nearly 5 turns before any partisan appear and their popping rate isn't big, usually one at a time. - So they can kill your supply line towards one HQ and his units for one or two turns but they'll mostly be used to grab ungarrisoned cities on your rear. - They'll only become a problem if you let them roam free to the point where they can cut all your supply lines in Russia. However they have very low movement so you can outmaneuver them. You can just use some mobile and/or allied (romanian/hungarian/bulgarian/finnish/italians...) units to deal with it and secure important squares. - In other countries, except China (but Japan has a lot of units from the start) you have enough axis troops to just block all partisans squares but in Russia, you'll have to let many open whatever you do. - Here are the partisan views ingame for the west, USSR and China:
  14. From a dozen games played in China with Gold now: Maybe just cutting motorization from Japan's starting tech would help ? It will slow their armies except spec forces (and already motorized ones) or corps and tanks (but you need to buy those). Will be harder for Japan to shift armies and change fronts quickly. * The other thing possible is to put more "popping" partisan squares in China (maybe by replacing some "supply cutting partisan squares" so Japan has to put more units to hold the ground when advancing.
  15. Hi Big Al ^^ , - If you go for supporting invasion, maybe: * deentrench benefits switched from naval tech to amphibious tech (0,25 or 0,5 per level) * shore bombardment reducing supply instead of entrench for naval tech (0,5 per level ?) (not sure if game engine can allow that but ships already do it when hitting MPPs supply sources) - Would simulate the fact that a naval shore bombardment "pin" a unit (destroying vehicles and supplies, blocking movements and reinforcements). - Like some kind of naval "interdiction": a unit already with already low or limited supply (7-6) can be hampered or paralyzed if enough ships mob it.
  16. Hello godfather ^^ , - To hunt convoys you have to move a sub or a ship on or adjacent tiles with colored lanes. (red = ally convoy, blue = axis convoy, white = inactive). - The sub has to be in "hunt" mode (maning without the "S" of "silent" mode on the unit). The ship has to be in "raider" mode. As a result, your opponent will lose MPPs from this convoy and your units will lose 1 supply per turn. - You can also put your sub or ship on a merchant tile (white ships) near a port and it will reduce supply and MPP production. The ships don't need to be in "raider" mode to hunt on merchant tiles. - If you put your units on a tile which is both a convoy (red lane) and merchant one (white ships), effect should be cumulative. - If you have several subs hunting, MPP losses will increase but never more than convoy max capacity (you can check some numbers in the stats screens). *** - Your opponent will know where your subs are but with 1 turn delay (a sub icon with a "?" will appear where the sub was) so keep moving (unless you want to set a trap or lure enemy forces there). - Your opponent will also know on his turn where you are if: 1) you put/move your sub on a tile adjacent to an enemy port/town/city/ressource/unit. 2) your unit is revealed by aerial recon or intelligence. *** - For planes, I'm not sure (not enough practice), Bombers have a raider mode but they do recon when sent on convoy lanes tiles so you're left with merchant tiles of enemy ports. Hope it was clear .
  17. Nowadays on airlaines it's more like a big muscular guy telling you: no liquid, do you want a patdown or X-Ray ? Nooooooooooooooooooo sound .
  18. Hello lhughes41 ^^ , I had the same problem once when I started to play this game. I think you wrong-clicked "disband" unit instead of "operate" in the unit scroll menu. It's just under so it's easy to miss the click and kill your unit ' . Can be a suggestion for Hubert to put the "disband" command in a less dangerous place since you use "operate" a lot more than "disband" . P.S.: if it was supplied, I think you can buy it back for lower cost and production delay (a little * near the unit's name in the production unit list)
  19. For D-Day, wasn't the naval shore bombing ineffective because they fired too much inland, above the fortifications ? I think I remember something like that.
  20. Only an idea but maybe you can do the same thing with tech as for tac bombers in gold 1.01 ? Meaning: 0,5 soft attack & deentrench by naval tech level (say better targeting/firing rate), beginning at 0 for level 0. So you'll need tech 2 to get noticeable effects for shore bombardment. For morale, maybe a 10% loss by tech level (say more effective, powerful shells) with something like 10% for cruiser and 20% for BBs at level 0 ? Not sure.
  21. Hehe a "bitch" much, nice one Big Al . - And to answer your question, only my opinion but so far, no I don't think it's too much. Units in cities/towns, on ressources or fortified tiles are more or less protected and each point your ships lose is costly. - Plus you can still have some tac bomber around with naval tech to hammer enemy ships (unless your opponent has a big air advantage). - Can't say about ships with naval level 3 but it's quite hard/long to get so it seems ok.
  22. I didn't play brute force a lot but I'm for continuous map . I understand mcaryf1 concern about Panama but that kind of options can be solved with an event while saving a lot of map space. If the axis is in position to invade USA, then it's probably game over already so maybe Americas should be off map (boxes). Thanks for your work .
  23. Hello SeaMonkey ^^ , Maybe it's possible to launch Sealion in 1940 but you have to sacrifice nearly everything to it right from the start, producing paratroops, special forces, and aerial units early. Then pray for good weather and a two-three monthes blitzkrieg in France ending in june. Still a big gamble and it'll probably be very hard to launch a good Barbarossa in 1941. I'll have to try it soon. Also thanks for the Manchester thing, good to know to avoid killing a game .
  24. I agree. - A bit more data about DOWs would be nice. Something between surefire events and complete surprise . As it is, it's hard for new players to understand what's going on. - You can DOW and roll over some countries nearly without any consequences while others invasions will (always) have huge consequences. Experienced players will know which ones, newbies won't and it can kill a game .
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