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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. I run each turn several times and cruise around the battle map listening for the faint sounds of mines going off. The engine lets you see the small puff as it goes off even if you do not have LOS or see any type contacts. I ran a test and sometimes 1 mine popping off takes out 2 or 3 guys not just one. War is vicious..

    The only thing I thought AFTER buying mixed mines and starting my game was that I should have stuck with straight AP mines in those little garden paths.

    Any mortar strikes being set-up? Harass mission on quick duration. Just a few rounds to upset his apple cart. I don't know if he bought apple carts, he isn't doing his own AAR thread ;-)


  2. I checked my manual and nothing jumped out at me.

    So, my little circles for my mortars are all red in the asset window.

    I have 2 mortars off-map but there are like 5 or 6 circles and now after usage for several turns they are all red. I can't have them stop yet.

    What can happen? A cook-off wipes out my mortars?

    They just stop firing while some guy pisses on them like in "we were soldiers.."?

  3. ok, all joking aside, grenade throwing anecdote,

    My 1st CMBN H2H battle still ongoing, Macisle's new map, CONSCRIPT German Army half-squad up on the bocage main line, hiding for a few turns, other units see green question mark circles near them, so I go unhide with these mortar bait trip-wire sacrificial anode soldaten guys and a slight face towards the enemy contacts. they were out of contact with their HQ by the way, the next minute they absolutely rocked, potato mashers flinging like non-stop, lots of MG42 and MP40 fire, wow! It said 6 grenades in the info box, but they flung like a dozen. and this was over their hedgerow, the road and the other hedgerow.

    ....the next turn they bugged out and some surrendered, but they lasted longer than I thought.

  4. ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [At this point, the friar is urged by Brother Maynard to "skip a bit, brother"]... And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."[1]

  5. Bil ;-), you gotta set-up a symposium, we fly in to Richmond on a friday, grab us by mini-van, take us to the Omni, a casual mixer cocktail party that evening, the next day cram us into the hotel conference room, go over this OKOAC stuff, lots of little break-out groups and roll-play, the wives all go shopping, later we gather for more cocktails and dinner, sunday some H2H battles, we fly-out that evening. yada yada yada

    tax deductible probably I am thinking.

    I think you are awesome. I really gotta start doing this type disciplined analysis before I hit the red button. Wow.

  6. Baneman,

    Thanks for doing this AAR. By the way, I am on one of your flanks in an amazingly exactly the same village ;-) also defending against a Canadian attack but of course as a QB.

    My first CM PBEM battle. One week in real time and we're only on the 3rd or 4th turn. Real different vs playing AI, Way sloooower game progress but much more riveting as you well know. Alas, my lone picket didn't score yet.

    I will be watching your progress, if you're part of the front collapses, we are bugging out!

  7. I am new at in-depth playing and am trying to iron out a few questions.

    Manual didn't seem to jump out with info.

    Can you cross your own minefields? I say no.

    I set-up a line of mines and then "quicked" a platoon through it.

    At first it seemed that they were making it through okay.

    "hey, those are our mines, of course we know where they are and can cut through". a shrek and a platoon HQ made it across, then a squad went through and bang bang bang, red crosses and "minen!"

    Any other stipulations on this? A veteran squad can go through or something?

    again,..manual didn't say much it seemed.

    Can you have a TRP and say an onmap mortar can just fire at it without LOS.

    It seems the answer is no. I thought back in CM1 that if you had NOT moved the mortar then it could fire at a TRP even without LOS. Maybe I aint remembering this correctly. I guess I wanted to click on a mortar, not an FO, and have it independently fire at a TRP. I mean you can have a mortar fire indepdendently at a target in LOS why not at a TRP? Or maybe there is some veteran and above only rule?

  8. mjkerner, OK, I went in and tweaked it a bit.

    I instead pulled the road the other way. I did not want to pull the low wall towards the church. (by the way, the inspiration for this nuance of wall around a a church with graves and ramping down road, was a mission in gearbox's brothers in arms video game, I think it was Hill 30 anyway they really did a lot of research) CMNormandy2013-04-0619-20-36-71_zps6dbd84c2.png

    does it look better?

    Macisle, so, can I freely grab some of your spices to make my lasagna more tasty?

  9. Macisle,

    Maybe nobody asks for permission, but is it OK if I borrow some of your little map "nuances" I call them and sort of "paste" ( I wish there was a copy and paste map editor tool) them into my own maps? Like trying to make my lasagna taste like yours? You have so effectively used spices. I try and make a map from scratch, sometimes with some B&W photos at hand, sometimes with just a mental image but as I look at the 3D preview, I get so often frustrated in that I am not getting the look I want. In one map in a campaign I am sluggishly proceeding to complete, I had come up with this little ramping down road alongside a low wall next to a church. I was so proud of how it looked but now I see your map and think this little part isn't so great and maybe actually unrealistic in the way a lower elevation would suddenly be there.


    I would just steal some nuances of tile type and elevation combos. Not the entire map.

    I will mention your name in the designer's notes, is that OK?

    I need a bee in MY bonnet.

  10. pre-ordered!

    OK, if I had everyone in the EU who wanted me to fly there with the games in my suitcase? I could open a paypal, you guys send me the money, I get the airline ticket and meet you there in Europe somewhere...how about Roma? of course I can also get to a post office and mail it once there. I hang out a few days, stroll over the see the art and drink some vino, have some bruschetta...I would need like what 40 or 50 people to make it worth it? ;-)

  11. If I only could actually have the time and energy to make all the scenarios and campaigns that buzz around my brain...

    Now working on a new CMFI scenario "Laughter on Snakehead Hill".

    1st of a series of SGT Rock and Easy Company Scenarios I have thought to create.

    Also working on a CMBN mini-campaign, hope to get it out soon...I would have used CMFI but I needed CW forces and couldn't wait for GL.

    I have part of a CMFI scenario done as a mini splinter off of Broadswords Tunisia mod.

    "Wilson's wadi"

  12. What are the parts to writing a scenario and can a team approach get more quality scenarios written and posted?

    Person A. initial idea and chairman of the board, writes briefing and designers notes.

    Person B. Map

    Person C. Units

    Person D. AI plan if vs AI

    Person E, Briefing images (cover image, strat map, op map and tac map)

    Person F-Z. playtesters

    When one guy has done a scenario then he has obviously been Person A thru E.

    Maybe he was even F thru Z if no external playtesting was accomplished.

    What are the biggest obstacles to a new scenario designer getting his scenario completed? Could help by someone else get his project finally completed and posted?

    Delicate questions: Did we see in CMBO, CMBB and CMAK a lot of crap low quality scenarios make it into the repository? Is there any fear or concern here that crap scenarios might make it into CMX2 repository?

    Not to end on a bad note: There could be a great scenario out there in someone's mind just waiting to be written but they currently lack the skill or experience in some certain area and with readily available outside assistance, it could get posted.

  13. ....trying to answer the main question of this thread vs getting up on a soap box like I maybe did before...

    I would not pay for new scenarios and campaigns.

    I would not want things to go that direction.

    More detail if you care to read: The huge and time lengthy stock scenarios and campaigns are often not my cup of tea. I prefer tiny to small and on the shorter length scenarios. Somewhat due to my computer power and personal life of how much time I can spare towards sitting and playing but sincerely because I often get lost in the massive number of all those squads. I have achieved total victory in a 1hour40minute battalion-size battle but feel less connected at the end. I like to see the granular action of certain squads and soldiers. I doubt my cup of tea would be on the CD they sell.

  14. I have only published on the repository one small CMFI scenario and have had a CMBN mini-campaign in production now for 2 months. I just helped another guy work on his new soon to be published scenario, I helped him with the strat map, op map, tac map and scenario selection screen cover bitmap images. Maybe a "scenario/campaign building team" concept can give us more scenarios and campaigns?

    But like was said in the earlier post on this thread, "get crackin'!"

    Don't complain, open the editor and try and make a scenario. Then maybe try a small campaign. If you need help with the usual hard spots like the AI or map or briefing/images, ask for help on the forums. Someone might lend a hand or at least give advice. many kind folks have answered my questions. I have lent a hand like I said above and enjoyed the learning experience. Dividing up the work is actually a smart move as well. Maybe this is for another thread...

  15. Born 1964

    Boardgames in High School, a friend had "Harpoon", popular in 82 was doing the Falkland Islands conflict with the forces that game had. Did some other friend's Avalon Hill board games, something about the Eastern Front at Army or Corps level. SS Panzer Corps was a black counter with high values, but don't get slowed or stuck in the Pripet marshes.

    Got married in 89, played a bunch of solotaire boardgames. Ambush, Purple Heart, Silver Star? Got a computer in 94 to play Avalon Hill Operation Crusader, Stalingrad, V for Valor series, Velie Keluki or something like that. They always had nice box art.

    then got CC1, was that by Atomic Games? CC bulge, etc. Steel Panthers. Some crappy game called Cross of Iron. Finally saw CMBO and bought all of that series. I did play some of the Squad battle series, Dien Bien Phu, Korea. Some other panzer campaign Bulge?

    Yep, CMBN, CMFI (CMX2) series is the best out there. Thanks BTS..

    One thing I miss from CC was scavenging. My little ant soldier would pick up an enemy weapon and keep on cranking. I know this has been hashed over before but I would love to see it again.

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