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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. Bil,

    You probably do these photo shop things semi-unconsciously but a quick question on the "floating red arrow thingies with lower shadow effect" (FRATWLSE).

    Is this all manually done, create the red arrow thing with line commands then copy and paste and eyeball translate it a hair over but on a lower layer in a blurred dark tone?

    Heck, never mind, I will fire up paint.NET and try and make some of those "frat-wilzies".


    Aww, crapper, mine blows...

    I love your AAR's.


  2. Broadsword,

    You need to pass the technique on to your son, and he will pass it on to his son, and so forth, someday on CM9 or CM10, they'll tell tales of the Broadsword family secret LMB-RMB method like weaving those expensive rugs from Pakistan, Iran, etc.

    At work today I zoned off and secretly scribbled my plan. I will divide up the map into sectors and start whittling them away. I'm laying down landmarks, usually big churches to delineate the route of the road. Somehow eventhough the overlay is there, it just seems so wooded. Of course it helps to see the woods and use the biggest paint brush to coarsely make those areas wooded...

    Maybe I should have used 2 overlays.

    1 more of a road map and 1 the satellite image or period air recon photo.

    This weekend I get a big pot of coffee and get cracking.

    Sorry Jonny the Scotch has to stay corked... :(

  3. Bil,

    Keep on getting permission to show us more stuff!

    Yee-Haw! thanks.

    So, all along you have clipped off the blank unit info stuff waiting on "HQ" to give you permission? The "Amarrican Fightin' Man" has always had a deep often hidden disdain for higher HQ which makes him an unpredictable opponent but I then re-realize you are playing as the Germans and thus...

    Hey! Try and squeeze on over to the OMG module and see what they gots hidin'!


    Personally I loved the FOW from CMAK where you would see a Tiger then it would become something else. Even troops changed uniform as they were better identified.

    Especially with green troops doing the observation.

    But at least this is a significant restriction of the data which we all could see before.

    Like my latest (first ever) PBEM battle, "Oh, HQ of 10 platoon, I guess he has 3 companies of Canadian infantry coming at me..."


  4. well, there is no speedy-quick draw tool for railroads.

    The double-ended arrow button doesn't run a brighter green...

    So, I had to hand lay the entire railway. working on the chain-ga-a-aaang.

    And the draw tool does not do well at roads at an angle. continuous zig-zag unless I don't know a better technique.

    And it badly needs an undo button.

    I fumble fingered my first click and second click and ended up with a huge squiggle back across....

    Now, plain up and down or left-right and I think it is useful.

  5. Maarten,

    Please don't go back to Wolfheze, I got the ruler tool working!

    Well, I created a new special editor overlay. 3216m by 4000.

    The height was based on putting Reijer's camp in the upper left corner.

    Then just headed south til I crossed Utrechtsweg.

    Then width just maxxed out for now. 4km.

    She's a big girl.

    So now what the heck do I do?

    I've got some mismatch between actual path versus what editor can match, 45 degree only, etc. Do I just wing it? For example the railway. Common sense says trains like to cruise along in a straight line. Roads can wiggle more but still have long continuous straight stretches as often as possible. I propose to make the rail way nice and horizontal, tilt the Wolfhezeweg at 45 down to right and make the Utrechtsweg a mixture.

    All in favor say aye.

  6. Jonny,

    Having my coffee....

    Absolutely! I am reading more on my lunch breaks and it is starting to gel.

    The battle will define the terrain.

    I need some east-west roads north of the railway, a bit of the LZ/DZ area as "spawn points" for reinforcements of the Brits forming up for the march. the north-south built up area of Wolfheze, Down accurately to Utrechtsweg. Then the whole thing eastwards...

    $hitake mushrooms! maybe it is 3km by 4km. I'll dink around tonight after work.

    Dink before I drink. Or vice versa as you recommend.

    What do you think about the QB-Scenario hybrid idea?

  7. Jonny,

    Yes, I promise I will do it correctly (CM map dimensions first, then carefully measured google screen shot made as overlay) and then and only then open the Glen Fiddich.

    Thanks for the tips on google earth tools. They are probably right in front of me and in English. No excuse like in WaatWasWaar!


    Please call me by cell as soon as you get back to Wolfheze.

    Grab a long tape measure on the way...

    Next question:

    I want exit zone objectives for the Brits.

    That means no pure QB. Right?

    But has anyone ever tried a scenario where both PBEM opponents can edit it with a gentlemen's agreement to not look into the other's side data?

  8. Jonny,

    Honestly I didn't even see a ruler tool, I am new to google earth. But I did see the scale line which said 200m and measured it in paint.NET at 105 pixels and the from there got my 2km by 4km rectangle to import into the z folder per the manual. Admittedly, the CM map didn't tweak to exactly 2km by 4km, but close enough for government work.

    But with this Wolfheze test I did not do that YET. I worked backwards from the size map I thought I had the energy to accomplish with a blend in of what I thought would adequately represent the tactical situation in Wolfheze +/-...quote unquote

    But with Maarten there waiting with his cell phone at Wolfheze station I know we can work this all out.

  9. JonS,

    Well, I started off with my first overlay pasted into the z folder.

    An area east of this. It was a google earth bmp. That would have been 2km by 4 km. Still didn't even have Wolfheze, more "Oosterbeeky" ;-). My brain is thinking some scenarios and QB's. After wasting my weekend I decided to just focus on Wolfheze but surprise surprise I still will maybe end up with 2km by 4 km.

    "If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing right!"

    We need a cut and paste tool for map collaboration over several people.


    I have OMG Then and Now vol 1, It never snows..., stackpole "Arnhem 1944".

    I don't know the one you refer to. Fedex it to me right away. ;-)


    PM sent.

    Maarten , maarten, maarten.,.tsk tsk tsk, always a taker never a giver.

    Your turn in the barrel laddy. Return to Wolfheze immediately and remain there as I need any photos or measurements!! Get a tape measure and a laser level. If you have friends that owe you favors, call in your markers. ;-)

    Oh yes, and how was your visit to the asylum? another ;-)

    Eff it all! I really want to make this map!

    I figure we got months til OMG comes out.

    Webwing!!! Probably already planning either his Monaco vacation or Seychelles....;-)

  10. Trying to put together a little Wolfheze map. approx 700m x 700m.

    For some PBEM QB action.

    Sepp Krafft's Waffen-SS trainees against the 1st Airborne lads.




    I have a lot of great books but still have some questions.

    1. cobblestone streets, so, what was dirt, what was paved and what was cobblestone or bricked type roads? a. Utrechtseweg?

    2. With limits of the map editor (only 45 degree angle for roads, etc.). I put the railway as horizontal and then sloped the Wolfheze road. Good enough?

    3. Anyone got some links to 1944 topos and aerial shots of this Wolfheze area?

    Thanks for any help.

  11. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=108673

    It seems we are drifting past some of these predictions...

    post #9 in the linked thread: quoted..from 2-19-2013

    Believe me, we are conscious of the fact that there's only so much stuff you guys can absorb within a given space of time. The good news for you is that if you don't have time/money to buy something today, it will be waiting for you when you do. Right now we've got a lot of stuff announced, however it still takes us time to put them out.

    The gap between Normandy Upgrade 2.0 and Gustav Line, for example, is probably going to be about 4 months. And those are for two separate Families. If you look at the gap of time between Fortress Italy's first release and Gustav Line it's about 7 months. Which means for someone only interested in Italy there's a pretty good sized gap between the two. Likewise, Normandy customers will probably have around 5-6 months between when Upgrade 2.0 and Market Garden come out.

    The gamers that are hit the hardest are ones like me. I love all this stuff and so, yeah, there's going to be quite a pile of things to choose from! Which is never a bad thing IMHO


  12. My 16 year old son started his own custom PC business. he had a restaurant job and made cash to buy components for 3 different tiered performance machines. Sadly, nobody in this area of rural Texas wanted anyhoo such a device so right now he uses "God's own machine", his 13 year old brother, my other son has "the beast" and ol' Dad is stuck at hind end teet with "mini-beast." But it plays CM just dandy.

    Building your own is the a great way to go.

  13. baneman,

    how exactly do you do time elapsed? just set camera in same position and shoot screeneis and then in paint shop set transparency and overlap on top of each other? or just a more rudimentarety cut and paste? I thought i saw some faint cut and paste lines on some screen shot...

    Your one scout team is out of 9mm? And were they the same guys that pillaged the kubelwagen? Those must be some burning hot weapons....


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