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Everything posted by folkie

  1. I like this thread, Eagles fans and deadheads! : )
  2. (I'm an Eagles season ticket holder and they play that scene before every opening kickoff.) fly eagles fly, on the road to victory! elvis, also an eagles fan.. apologise for the off topic comment. and now back to our original programming : )
  3. steve, no problem glad to be of help. so was it a wirblehole anomaly?
  4. just rewatched the turn and right around the 42 second mark my wirblewind teleports itself to the other side of the river. must be some sort of wormhole i found. pm'd sburke so hopefully he can get the file into the right hands
  5. just bumping this in case battlefront is interested in seeing the file
  6. . no, i have a nvidea card. i gave it movement orders to move from the side road up onto the main road on my side of the river and next thing i know it's on the other side of the river. which kinda kills the battle because if i can't cross the bridge i doubt xxx corps will be crossing to save the brit paras
  7. just had my wirblewind teleport itself to the far side of the river in the "men can only die once scenario" and it won't cross the large arnhem bridge back to the german side. i can put waypoints up to the last pylon before going over water and after that all the waypoints point back to the wrong side of the river. i have a save game file
  8. actually, i just restarted my computer and now i'm up and running. off to holland!
  9. downloaded it, but all the market garden battles and campaigns are grayed out?
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