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Everything posted by Crushingleeek

  1. And who knew it, Dr. Emrys teaches us once again.
  2. i think its pretty standard. IIRC, the standard issue font in WWII was just like that, so I think this is actually fairly accurate. How dare you question the font.
  3. and there you have it gents. what's our next 200-post debate going to be on? I swear i hope its not the clock
  4. thanks, got it has anyone else noticed that if you give the AI a fire support plan, some off-map artillery, it has infinite ammunition?
  5. can someone explain why "hunt"ing is so tiring on the soldiers?
  6. thanks, hopefully close. i feel like that, but then either RL or more ideas prolong it. must be what BF feels a lot
  7. I think there should be the ability to blind fire artillery if you want.
  8. between you and cpt mike of course. Last night a single 81mm mortar shell, landing just about on top of my US mg team (at most one action spot away), and pinned it for 32 seconds in light forest terrain with nearest tree some 4-5 action spots away. Interestingly, it took a whole 5 seconds after the blast for the team to become pinned. the immediate 5 seconds after the mortar impact, suppression level was only one red bar. (thought whether the delay was due to tree bursts, but trees weren't that close.) 2/5 men were lightly wounded. there's my anecdote
  9. He once tried to be wrong, but he failed miserably. He is, the most interesting man in the Werhmacht.
  10. i've read quite the opposite, which is not to say one is right or wrong. you'll surely hear accounts of polar opposites regarding the same thing on every subject in WWII (*Ahem* original post). German officers were saying, at least as it pertained to 29th Div, that the Americans were quick to be suppressed, did not exploit advantages when they presented themselves, and retreated well before needed. This is, in part, why at the Bulge, they even had the idea that maybe if they broke through and captured Antwerp, maybe the western allies/Americans would negotiate a peace. Of course, the 29th would have something to say about this. ie, of course this is the sour excuse of a defeated army.
  11. but he was playing vierville. and vierville was taken on june 6, 1944, so this would be "initially." and realistically, vierville wasn't really contested.
  12. but, to play devi'ls advocate, platoon and to some degree squad leaders (someone who would have an mp40) of the 352nd division, which was in the area of vierville at this time, were primarily seasoned veterans taken from the eastern front. so its possible the guy that gunned down cpt mike's squad was a real killer.
  13. exactly! try having one guy take out 3 machine gun nests in CMBN. pretty sure it's one of those things that won't happen, even 1 in a million. but if it did, I'm sure there would be hell to raise in the forum!!
  14. Phil, Steve, can I join the team as third programmer? I have no programming experience. but I talk a lot.
  15. I am a campaign designer, and I like to put together small-scale scenarios (see Outlaws). I would love the ability to assign normal rifleman teams (of 1 or 2 men). Scout teams don't substitute because they have demo charges, often come with automatic weapons, and binoculars. Scout teams manually separated from their squads leave me to deal with the rest of the squad which I don't always necessarily want, and have automatic weapons. Similarly, ammo bearers, who serve as nice riflemen, require there to be a heavy weapon, which I don't want. Alternatively, the ability to have a headcount go all the way down to 10% might help. I know the majority of engagements did include automatic weapons, particularly on the german side, but I'd like the option to create some specific, and hopefully refreshing situations for you guys. Also, the option to start soldiers off with no ammo would be great. Combined with the option to start scenarios with casualties on the map (with ammo), much like you can with vehicles, would enhance immersion, (and provide a nice alternative method to obtaining ammo.) are any of these things easily altered in "the code"?
  16. trigger: "Morale of unit 'A2' of player axis is less than rattled, then set waypoint objective 3 for unit A2 of player axis." script that should satisfy everyone here, fanboi or critic
  17. I think the sense that I get from reading these, as well as published historical accounts, is that maybe indirect fire should be more effective at suppressing, and suppression should last longer after barrage ends, but at the same time, indirect fire should cause less casualties. If so, I agree, but that's getting a little nit-picky, a sign of a great CBMN. We'll see when Cpt Mike provides screens. IMO, the only thing, ONLY thing CMBN suffers from right now is lack of triggers to generate more realistic AI behaviors!!! plz plz plz.
  18. St. Laurent, between D3 and E1 draw. The 115th 29ers had a heck of a time here
  19. i'm about to upload a dog green sector omaha beach scenario as part of a campaign for the US 29th Inf Division if your interested.
  20. Oh how simple it all seemed on paper...
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