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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. My understanding is that Panzerpioneer and Panzerauflklarung troops wore (or were authorized to wear) panzer wraps. I would guess that as they are dedicated mounted troops, their additional equipment is assumed to be in their HTs.

    There may still be some uniforms showing up in the wrong place (as was the case with 1 or 2 troops in other squads wearing the panzer wrap while everyone else was in standard infantry garb), but the halftrack-mounted panzerpioneer and panzerauflkarung units that wear the panzer wrap are not a bug.

    So its not a bug but a feature you say?

    I'm not aware how it was in reality, but from the change log thread:

    Would it be too late to mention a bug where two men of every german pioneer squad carry no field equipment and are dressed as assault gun crewmen?

    Too late because it has already been fixed.

    So the fix is give ALL pioneers assault gun uniforms and no gear?

    At the very least they should hav ammo pouches, though.

    These are Panzer-Lehr-Division guys btw.


  2. I've been comparing the ingame German TOEs with the Zetterling OOBs for most of the German divisions in Normandy and there are some inconsistencies I've found. Now I am not saying that Zetterling is 100% correct in every single case since I don't know, but I'd like to know why the CMBN TOEs are the way they are.


    SS armored Panzergrenadier Batallion

    In the module this units has 5 companies. 4 armored infantry companies and one heavy weapons company.

    According to Zetterling not a single mechanized battalion in a Waffen-SS division had 5 companies, but always 3 inf and 1 heavy coy.

    I've also never heard of a German infantry batallion with 5 companies.


    WH & SS Panzer Aufklärung Batallion (Recon Bn)

    They have 4 companies ingame.

    2x Armored car coy

    1x Armored infantry coy

    1x Heavy weapons coy

    According to Zetterling there was only one Pz Division in Normandy with 4 companies (the 116th), every other had a recon batallion 5, the 4th being another infantry coy.

    Those are the ones I'd consider incorrect. There a few more issues where a formation is lacking customizability to reflect the many many different variations in German units (for instance you can't make every Pioneer company an armored one to get the Panzer Lehr Pioneer batallion), but that is understandable, since it would be one hell of work adding all the different compositions.

  3. Yeah, thats the shadows missing mostly. I wanted to make a clean version with the original camo pattern in its true colors before altering it.

    I've also managed to make the texture show up ingame, but boy, what an elaborate work texture modding is :mad:

    Even the original textures don't align perfectly with the 3D model ;)

  4. Could someone with some modding experience help me on this one?

    Since the vanilla version of CW only contains one (ONE!) texture for the unit in Normandy with the greatest uniform variation I decided I'd try making some on my own.


    This is how far I've got (have to paint the camo pattern by hand :eek:)

    Obviously not done yet (no shadows, details, etc.), still I wanted to load it up to see how it looks ingame. But all the textures I DIDN'T change don't get displayed in the game. I really don't understand why, since I didn't change anything on them (like the trousers or the straps). They turn out just invisible.

  5. CMNormandy2012-03-0612-14-52-60.jpg

    It's an mostly urban battle.

    I'm planning it to be part of a small completely fictional campaign where Overlord happens in the Pas de Calais area (kinda got the idea from "Sie Kommen"). The town is supposed to be Gravelines, although I took complete creative liberty on that one.

    Enemy will be German LW infantery. Since its part of a campaign I'm not planning for much balance though.

  6. Ok, I've done some reading and it seems the German's themselves have found out the skirts were ineffective against shaped charges. I guess I just couldn't imagine how mesh wire skirts could be meant to defeat anything else but a HEAT rocket or why the Russians would put improvised mesh cover on some of their tanks.

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