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Posts posted by Rokko

  1. Tanks placed under a tree = totally invisible to infantry

    Sad truth in many many cases, happened to me way to often which is why I complained a lot about LOS in combination with foliage.

    I had tanks moving through trees within 30m of infantry not get spotted, I had tanks firing not get spotted, etc.

    Interestingly, this very often happened to me with Stuarts, also, like in your example.

    I would argue that a tank within 30m or so should be almost automatically be spotted by infantry, simply due to the noise.


    Of course, they are not totally unspottable, but it takes unrealistically long, while tank-on-infantry spotting (buttoned and unbuttoned) seems much faster.

    There is an example in the Panzerfaust thread where a tank-hunter team took 12 seconds to spot a tank in clear view on a road with a building in the background; all within PzF range!

    12 seconds is pretty damn long I'd say.

  2. JonS,

    I don't know, after all I'm not involved in the development process :D

    But I've looked at it and you wouldn't be able do the map without relying heavily on zigzag roads with bocage on both sides, so some weird LOS instances would occour (I mean the main road from Caen to VB).

    I think a 13 June scenario wouldn't work very well there.

  3. So true!!! 4 different angles is simply not enough.

    As a mapmaker trying to recreate a real landscape you have to make compromises on dimensional correctness, truthful LOS and good looking roads/fences/bocage.

    Meaning, if you stay completely faithful to the map size and the way roads go, you will get a very akward look and lose much of the real LOS (given the roads have bocage on both sides).

    If you settle for straight roads and faithful LOS, you will completely lose dimensional correctnes, the map will turn up vastly over- oder undersized in some parts. An example for this is Breaking the Panzers.

    Very difficult to balance those 3.

    I wondered why there was no Villers-Bocage map with the CW module, but when you look at it in Google Earth you will understand why.

  4. Well there is a specific model for SS officers. They wear jackboots, breeches, a tunic with collar tabs making him a Sturmfuehrer (can't say which exactly). BF said they'd like to make rank specific textures, but ATM it's not possible.

    Besides, many officers in Normandy wore highly customized camo clothing. They could just go to a divisional tailor with some camo cloth and get whatever they wanted.

    And would only have the special camo rank insignia on the upper sleeves, no collar tabs.

  5. If you ask me, the German steel helmet is a very iconic item of German soldiers from the 20th century, hell it's even like a symbol for soldiery itself (at least for me, nothing more iconic than that).

    Also bear in mind that a helmet mod is more simple than a tank mod. Also, I don't really see what could be retextured on the British tanks, they look pretty fine to me.

    BTW, I myself, being probably seen as a hardcore W-SS uniform grog in this forum don't collect neither SS uniforms nor helmets ;)

    It's just an interest of mine, not an obsession, I would simply like to see an accurate representation in this game, which strives to achieve as much authenticity as possible.

  6. Well some things like collar tabs on the pea dot 44 tunic are just wrong. Simply didn't exist, believe me.

    Also the collar tabs themselves are wrong. Only officers (Untersturmführer and higher had white surroundings of the collar tabs. NCOs had white surrounding of the collar (not the collar tab!) and enlisted men had plain white color tabs.

    Also the eagle on the pea dot uniform is wrong.

    The pea dot '44 tunic that is delivered with the Commonwealth module is entirely correct.

    And while there were about a dozen different pieces of clothing worn by the Waffen-SS forces in Normandy, each of them can be clearly identified and correctly implemented.

  7. well then just use the Commonwealth Module helmet cover with Wysemans textures, there's nothing wrong with them.

    Besides, while he did an incredible job retexturing the M43 uniform, he did make a number of mistakes in terms of historical correctnes.

    Besides Besides, both CW Waffen-SS and LW truppen get a helmet model from an earlier development stage of the game (there was some nagging about it before CMBN was released and BF fixed it), so there's a good chance they'll replace the model and thus an entirely different texture file would have to be modified.

  8. Been still working on that thing, but since BF announced we'd get an official one with an own 3D-model rather soon I decided its not worth putting further effort into finishing it.

    I'll definately use the pattern though to retexture the they're gonna give us, it just took too long to paint the friggin thing to not use it any way shape or form :D



  9. Of course it happens, I have seen it myself.

    I also saw a stray 57mm round knocking out a Panther's top armor due to lucky trajectory.

    I also saw 57mm frontal penetrations on a Panther's turret front (no idea how, but didn't cause damage).

    What I wonder, do armor plates get weaker somehow after several hits? I tried a Churchill VII with its awesome frontal armor (superstructure I think it was) and a Panther couldn't penetrate it from 800m, but after 5 hits or so penetration and knock out was achieved. Or was that actually a weak spot penetration?

  10. You can do it, but it's going to look like crud. And you'll have the same lack of control over where the texture winds up as we faced as the developers.

    Well, I have done it, and it looks ok kinda, despite being to short and having incorrect sleeves.

    Problem is, camo patterns don't look really good. The pea dot pattern is an exception due to the small size of the individual colour elements.

    But with bigger patterns you get the problem of textures being stretched, twisted, blurred and what not. Also the texture edges don't indicate how the the 2D texture gets wrapped around the 3D model.

    But this is a general problem with all soldier models ingame.

    I have also noted that for the m43 tunic model the egdes of the collar don't match. So the texture collar is bigger than the 3D model collar and is "painted" over the tunic itself.

    I don't know a whole lot about 2D/3D art, but it seems a little bit like there was a little too less coordination between your 2D and your 3D artists. Could be wrong though.

    Anyways, I like that you guys have thought about this very thoroughly and were not like "ah lets just retexture the Wehrmacht guys, that'll do it".

    How about a selectable customization in the Editor? So for SS-PzGr-Bn you could select their uniform with each squad or maybe platoon given the same uniform.

    I'd argue you on the composition of 12th SS, btw. I don't have any official documents that say X M42 smocks and Y pea dot tunics were delivered to the division, but I made a crude count on all pictures I could find of 12SS in the Normandy timeframe (I have the divisional history and a pictoral history).

    Smocks were predominantely shown in these, about 2:1 to pea dot '44 tunics. Last came the one-piece-overalls in Italian camo.

    BTW, are you aware that the waffenss-gear texture is unused in the module? It is there, it looks beautiful, but it doesn't get applied ;)

  11. We do not have specific textures for specific ranks. That's something we want to work into the game in the future

    They were done, but due to code limitations we couldn't work them in. Yet. We have to do a major recoding of how Soldiers and their models/textures are assigned. The alternative was to have the average unit contain a mix of M43, Smocks, and M-44 camouflage (Peas-44) uniforms. Which is completely wrong, so we didn't go that route.

    Wow, my eyes just got wet :D

    So, does this mean modding a smock in at least as a texture (on a wrong 3D model) is in vain?

  12. He's kinda right, still, the module contains a whole bunch of new scenarios and the map quality has increased compared to the base game by a wide margin.

    Also it's nice to have the new formations, even if their uniforms suck or are incorrect :D

    Also, the number of new vehicles is substantial, especially considering the relatively short time in which it was developed by a small team.

    Even if there are quite a few things that bug me I'm still considering to buy Market Garden.

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