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A Canadian Cat

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Posts posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Now that the Stug crew is back where they belong that last Stug can withdraw to the woods.


    I have decided that the Panthers need infantry along too so trucks arrive to pick up the rest of the platoon that never quite made it to the farm complex.


    I tried to call motar fire with 5 Company’s mortars but the cannot fire in the woods. The will redeploy behind the woods.


    I have had enough of this pesky Churchill tank so I now have two Shrek teams going after it. And they have pauses at their targeting way point this time too. I really hope they can get the job done this time.


    The attack from the other side.


  2. There is almost an exciting moment early in the turn. My Shrek team finally gets a bead on that Churchill tank.


    I expect a beautiful explosion only my heart sinks when they decide – “nah this is too good we need more of a challenge” as the run off back to cover.


    That tank has been a sitting duck for, how many turns now, and I cannot finish it off. Grrrrrr! I think what happed is that the tube guy was bringing up the rear. Any time I have seen this move work with no pause the tube guy arrives at the way point first. While he is waiting for his partner it is enough time to commit to firing and he will take the shot. This time, for whatever reason, the loader was leading the way and therefore when the tube guy got there it was time to go.

    Now this was too close. Spotting rounds for my 150 land right near the lead infantry in town. Way to close for comfort. No one is injured by several teams are suppressed.


    More bad news, another Churchill tank is sneaking out of town and threatening my infantry entering town.


    Clearly this tank is going to be a problem.


  3. If there is no target available, issueing an 'area fire' command on a place where you know there are enemy troops might be a good option. Especially true for long range HMGs and tank main gun fire. Foe example if i see a questionmark and keeping my troops concealed is not necessary/not an option, i hit it with 'area fire', preferably HE.

    This is not unreasonable advice but I tend to take it easy on guess work area fire. The problem comes, if during the turn, a better target appears your men no have to choose between doing what you told them to do and doing what they would naturally do. To often they keep doing what you asked them to do, to their determent.

    I have been using the new Target Briefly command for this. It allows you to put down some area fire but frees your men up for most of the turn in case something develops.

  4. Hmmm, I seem to have had a different experience. It's been a while, but I'm sure I passed tanks over it, albeit reluctantly and carefully. Nevertheless, they made it across and without any track damage. I was quite surprised. I have no explanation for our different experiences.

    No way, Large Rocks are impassible to Tanks (and other vehicles). Many maps have hills with large rocks *do* have gaps her and there that create paths that tanks can get up the hill. In that case the AI pathing system will "find" them and allow a tank to go from the bottom of the hill - and that process will be "reluctant". Even if you hut for the gaps your self and plot a good path it is painful to watch the tanks pick their way along. Probably appropriate but still painful.

  5. Good stuff Ian.

    Isn't it fascinating that the average number of walls to Yellow, Orange and Red is less when you're moving Slow than Fast.

    To me the average looks pretty much the same (the slow test does show some early damage with one platoon of tanks though). I chalked this up to 15 runs not being enough to smooth out the bumps and what Vinnart said about the tanks showing down when they approached the wall (i.e. they are all really going slow over the wall).

    Anyway my take away is the same as what I was already doing - spread the wall beaching around amongst your tanks. Don't let one tank keep breaching walls. When a tank gets to yellow their breaching days should be over (except for emergencies). Trust me you do not want to watch a tank drive around with orange track status.

  6. By the way going slow or fast over a wall makes no difference in minimizing chances of track damage. The reason is that no matter the speed the unit automatically goes slow when in contact with the wall, or object. I made a test map awhile back, and did some extensive testing. One can go though around 6 walls to go from no track damage to yellow, and about 12 wood/wire fences/hedges. Once it goes dark green it usually takes a number of breeches to go yellow. Wheeled vehicles do very poorly with hedges so avoid breeching them with jeeps/ armored cars.

    Each track damage does dimish speed, but the difference between light and dark green is not great. Yelllow cuts speed in half. I set up a race on the test map I made.

    Ninja'ed by Vinnart but I will post my quick testing anyway since it took me a while to create it. :) This was done with 15 PzIVs (three platoons). They ran on a course of about 1km with three types of walls (brick, stone, rural stone). First, the type of low wall made no noticeable difference. There is quite a bit of randomness involved but patterns emerge that I suspect will hold out over more test runs - but I am not doing any more. It looks like on average 5 wall breaches will cause a PzIV to get to yellow and 10 will take it to orange. But sometimes it only takes two walls to get to Yellow. In the thirty runs only three tanks took no damage running over their first wall.



    The other thing I noticed looking at the raw data was that just because your tank had early success or early failure does not mean it will be one of the tanks that beats or exceeds the average. In two cases (look at the slow tank 2 platoon data) the HQ and number 1 tank managed to get to yellow after two wall breaches but then went the next 8 and 6 walls with no additional damage and ended up right on the average for getting to orange.

    Raw data.

    Fast tanks saved game

    Slow tanks saved game

  7. Operating vehicles off-road at Fast is gaminess of the highest order, unless the vehicle is under extreme duress.

    Well in my defense :D I thought Fast was "go as fast as possible". Three tanks starting next to each other, one on the road, one in a field and one in a forest, given fast orders 200m forward will not travel that 200m in the same time. I see my tanks slow down when the enter rough area and then speed up again on open ground. I do not think there is any gaminess to be had here.

  8. I'll tell ya's what. I'll have Braun drive Slow over the next wall, and we'll see what happens!

    Slow is not a guarantee of not damage from driving over a wall, we just think it reduces the chance. Come to think of it I have never tested just assumed that it helped. I have to admit my AFVs move fast pretty much everywhere except if I want them to hunt or they are going over a wall or fence. Even rough terrain I just send 'em fast.

    The only other thing I do, is if a series of movement orders ends with any of my men in front of the AFV and I have given the tank an area target command at the end I make sure there is a short strech of slow before the target command. I have had several instances of blue on blue casualties because the tank commander orders the gunner to fire before the driver comes to a complete halt: tank's nose dips just as the gunner pulls the trigger, round goes into the ground right next to my squad.

  9. ...

    one particular bent in parts of the discussion that I do disagree with. That is the view that some things just can't be explained away as bad luck or just one of those crazy a** things that happen in combat.


    I want mistakes to happen, I want the unanticipated, I want the variable behavior that some times a guy steps out the doorway and gets drilled when he should have been taking cover.


    I know that is not an opinion everyone shares, hell maybe nobody else shares it. I like the ambiguity though.

    I am with you on this for sure. That chaos is makes this game so much fun to watch. I would not want to change any of that. Those moments where the last few guys in a squad surrender, except one who ends up saving the day. Those are great moments.

  10. When I say well known I guess I mean well discussed... but then I've been on the board for a long time. Anyway, here's something Steve said about it a while back:


    There's some interesting discussion if you are interested.

    Thank you very much for that link. I understood that it was an Action Square visibility issue - and due to the design. Steve's post was very informative about what is going on and the issues with making changes to resolve it.

    He even called out the reason players do not run into it often (and why I think players might hit it more once market garden comes out)

    So while this problem exists for all terrain, it generally isn't noticeable outside of fairly dense urban areas.

    I am glad to see that BFC understands the issue and have been working towards making things better.

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