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Everything posted by emptyT

  1. Hi I don't really do alot of posting on forums so help! - how do I edit my post?? doh! Ideally all of them but if they can go on server as suggested that would be cool. Ok so I get an edit button on this post but not on previous??
  2. Hi Meandean part of the problem is there arn't that many players on multi. You may fair better if your Stateside. But I don't think that was your problem as you were wanting to play with a pal. I had problems at first but putting those numbers in (port forwarding) sorted me out. Previously I had to switch off my firewall. Get your pal to do it also! When you both get in: 1 player hosts a game and an earth icon appears in chat, next to his name. Get your pal to click on that and he will come into your game. You then set up the game, map size, etc. Then click on Rommel and add your pal, Someit like 'remote player - pal' You can change the flags by clicking on them. When you've set up the game then click 'accept settings' bottom left. Your pal should then click 'accept settings' also and game will start. I add this only cos it took me a while to sus it out! Good luck - its a spunkilicios little game in multiplayer!
  3. Hi Brit Yep thats studio Max. I watched your video on creating a unit so it would be handy to have your files with all the settings, etc. My email is --. So you can eat again now??
  4. emptyT


    My Wish List - EoS2 A list offered in the spirit of love and reverence as a total fanboy, of additions that can't currently be made in the fabulous Rules Editor. 1. A night phase – viability reduced by two thirds? Possibility of surprise attack, covert landings, etc. 2. Weather (in regions) – low cloud, no fly/ collisions (Bastogne) – Wet, reduced movement – Snow – Eastern front, everything to near standstill, attrition to men and materiel. 3. Road/ bridge building engineers (add rivers) – Improved logistics to rear. Resources initially have no roads to them. Bridges can be destroyed. 4. Change forts to towns and allow building in them – perhaps limited choice (determined in Rules Editor) – add the possibility of 1-off bonuses, possibly time sensitive (willing troops, stash of cash, expertise in something giving a bonus tech) to be found occasionally? Towns and cities not manned gradually return to neutral 5. Spies – build a spy, drop him behind the lines and allow him to enter a town without taking it over, but supply intel as to what is happening in the locale. 6. Vehicle wrecks which can block roads and hamper travel. They can also offer cover. Bulldozers can then be used to remove and they can be transported rear for recycling (resource bonus). Some vehicles are merely disabled allowing a player to fix and gain free vehicle or take his own back. 7. Combat experience gained more by combat than age. 8. Resources should be developed (Build mines, etc) allowing these improvements to be destroyed. Convoys should be set up between resource and city. Sea convoys also, fishing boats. 9. Add a moral element – prisoners. Troops don't always die in combat. Do you shoot them or transport behind your lines to camps?? Perhaps add a Red Cross factor - higher morale for your troops? Allows additional game play for breakout scenarios, escape and behind the lines havoc. 10. Area fire for artillery – ability to target areas you can't see and perhaps get lucky. 11. Change 'can contain' to weight factor so transports can be more editable and realistic i.e. can carry 5 paras or 1 vehicle. 12. Terrain damage from artillery and bombs, linked to weather, providing cover. Engineers can repair. Comments and additions welcome
  5. Yo Jeep just read this and looks interesting. I am working on my own rules along similar lines. I will download and play with my pal and report back. EOS AI RULES!
  6. Hi Brit what does the image editor do? Also whats the chance of getting hold of your SMax files for units? I would like to add/ change some units without ideally starting from scratch! If its a no no then noproblemo! Keep up the good work - when do you start at Nasa?
  7. Ok I can't contain myself anymore. Rich - if you weren't such an obnoxious, self opinionated, know-all fool you would have a friend you could play with and we wouldn't have to put up with your bitchin here!
  8. Nasa - wow cool! You'd think astronauts would be too busy to play games in space
  9. Hi by icons I meant I found some extra units which aren't used in the game. Couple of questions: How does population increase? Are roads drawn in code? Is there a way of making a road building unit? Whats the new job? Is it a new project? or are you working for a large developer? or can't you say:) np if it is the later.
  10. Hi Brit Effin' fantastic job you've done here m8 - ignore the whinging! What were you gonna use the Freighters for?? Mass transport? Is there a way of making the hovercraft use land and sea? I've messed with the editor but it seems its an either/or choice. Is that correct? Keep your chin up Dood - you've done an extraordinary job here on your own! Most developers have 100's of peeps working on a single project.
  11. Hi Brit/ all Firstly let me say what a fantastic job you have done with this Brit. And to actually have the developer on the forum, answering questions and fixing requests is unbelievable! This is the game I have been looking for for years! My pal and I have been playing Historyline 1914-18 since Windows 95, wishing for an updated version and then I found EOS, and prayers answered. And then the bad news...................very depressed to hear sales are not going well but as Kelly say's, luck was not with you on the timing **** those bankers!!) I was going to ask, how many of us are there out there who don't want EOS to die?? Are there enough of us, (presuming there are no millionaires among us) to invest in Atomicboy software with say a $20 per month investement to pay Brit's wages and keep this dream alive?? and maybe develop other projects? I have some ideas on games that should be made, and I'm sure the rest of you do too. Start a poll - cum on guys - who's in? Re: marketing, what you have here is a game making kit. What about doing a new set of images and re-launching as "Strategy Game Maker" Most things are already customisable, add a couple more (ie: a forward repair base, road building, etc) and voila? Have you tried getting EOS in the shops? Amazon, etc? I think, with the deepest respect, one thing that may have put trad strat gamers off are the slightly cartoonlike graphics?? I have some new map and mountain textures I have been using. They were just knocked together quickly but if they are thought to be an improvement then they could be worked on. Email me at mark@ddept.co.uk if any of you would like to see them. I can't upload them here as they are too big doh! Brit, if you need volunteer help with any new projects, then let me know. So if my dream of Atomicboy2 isn't a reality, best of luck Brit and thank you. ps. are you a Brit?
  12. Hi Brit/ all Firstly let me say what a fantastic job you have done with this Brit. And to actually have the developer on the forum, answering questions and fixing requests is unbelievable! This is the game I have been looking for for years! My pal and I have been playing Historyline 1914-18 since Windows 95, wishing for an updated version and then I found EOS, and prayers answered. And then the bad news...................very depressed to hear sales are not going well but as Kelly say's, luck was not with you on the timing **** those bankers!!) I was going to ask, how many of us are there out there who don't want EOS to die?? Are there enough of us, (presuming there are no millionaires among us) to invest in Atomicboy software with say a $20 per month investement to pay Brit's wages and keep this dream alive?? and maybe develop other projects? I have some ideas on games that should be made, and I'm sure the rest of you do too. Start a poll - cum on guys - who's in? Re: marketing, what you have here is a game making kit. What about doing a new set of images and re-launching as "Strategy Game Maker" Most things are already customisable, add a couple more (ie: a forward repair base, road building, etc) and voila? Have you tried getting EOS in the shops? Amazon, etc? I think, with the deepest respect, one thing that may have put trad strat gamers off are the slightly cartoonlike graphics?? I have some new map and mountain textures I have been using. They were just knocked together quickly but if they are thought to be an improvement then they could be worked on. Email me at mark@ddept.co.uk if any of you would like to see them. I can't upload them here as they are too big doh! Brit, if you need volunteer help with any new projects, then let me know. So if my dream of Atomicboy2 isn't a reality, best of luck Brit and thank you. ps. are you a Brit?
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