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nik mond

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Posts posted by nik mond

  1. More often scenarios focus only on the action: the companies involved in heavy fighting, and don't focus on the sister companies luckily positioned a few bounds away engaging the lesser threat, because those guys would be a boring one sided affair to play. Other gamey things such as units might get gunned down trapped on the edge of map, or forced to rush/hold/deny an objective for points.

    Historically sure, some engagements were fought to decimation. It happened, accounts of units being demolished, battalions rendered combat ineffective. Its just that it happens more often in game scenarios because you deserve a good fight.

    Its also rare to recreate battles utilizing tactical snail doctrine, although I would like to see more of those because I think people could appreciate that.

  2. There are other methods used which influence forces not to surrender so readily. An equal weighted occupy objective towards the back end of the enemy side with a vet battalion HQ occupying can work towards keeping the battle going longer. Safely nested in position to keep the morale up, and its worth a few points towards the balance until the player moves in for the kill.

    Reinforcements arriving after the scenario works, but can be confusing to some as they have to manually end the scenario or keep hunting for the last man.

  3. 1 hour ago, ironcross said:

    Im planning on getting Shock force 2, when it launches on Steam,but if its on Steam how will i be able to load Mods onto the game? I do it on my own Computer on the other games, but not sure how to on Steam.

    Just go to the Steam Shockforce 2 Community hub and ask.

  4. Did a quick spot check of units August 1944. SS Panzer Jager (marder) and Sturmgeschütz battalions. Crew are wearing field gray as in the picture above. Which is correct. I went into the editor and checked what the SS crews were wearing in Panzer III and IV's. They are wearing panzer black mixed with camouflage, no gray from what I saw. Perhaps a full black could have been added there, but the camo&black mix is OK. I didn't check all epochs and all vehicles but based on above I would say no issue.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Thanks.  I think as long as we don't take such narratives and turn them into games, we should have a better future as a planet.  Which is why when people have asked us to make a game that involves a conflict between the West and China we've said "no".  It would be interesting only until a real work broke out within 1-4 years of beta testing.  Let's not go there.

    When 9/11 happened many of our non-US customers (and quite a few US customers) pointed out that voluntarily destructive foreign and economic policies of the West, and in particular US, basically invited such attacks.  As the horror was unfolding I emphatically clamped down on such criticisms here because it wasn't the right time for it.  I have a similar feeling about the Pandemic we're in now.  We need to get through this crap first, then figure out what went wrong, and hopefully set ourselves up to do better next time.  Just because that sort of thing didn't happen after 9/11 doesn't mean it won't happen after COVID-19 is in the rear view mirror.  One can dream, right?


    One can dream, and hope.  Unfortunately the rear view might be a while yet. Well my belief is that a second wave of this is coming. Where I live, a little island province of 155,000 we have been virtually untouched. Not a single case yet in the hospitals. 27 positives cases resolved at home, no new cases, and no deaths. Once the regional borders open up we'll have our turn, and this will play out similarly in other semi isolated jurisdictions all over the world. But we did buy some time.

  6. Bostom Asymptomatic Cluster Testing Positive (link)

    On CTV today Dr Sharkawi was asked about a cluster of people in Boston who tested positive and had no symptoms and were fine. He suggested it could be a sign of the virus mutating, then he quickly added it was too early to tell and ended the topic.

    The thought occurred to me, could this be a tamer Covid 19 vers 1.1 starting to spread? If people are asymptomatic, could this be the beginning to the end of Covid as we know it? One can hope it would certainly be quicker than waiting for the vaccine.   (sadly everyone with an earlier strain will still have to suffer as we know too well).

  7. I suppose the foreshadowing to the trenches of WW1 by the sieges in the civil war was by the amount of cannon and mortar that kept arriving to have any effect. Artillery field howitzer rate of fire was not on a comparable scale to the great war. The 20th century anti recoil and breach loading mechanisms played a major role leading to the stalemate of broadfront trenches in WW1. I'm sure if the Model 1862 cannons were modernized at the same rate as CW rifle technology it would have been different. (I play TW lately too, Napoleon and WCII)

  8. On 4/16/2020 at 1:09 PM, Erwin said:

    Anyone notice the reporter's question yesterday in the WH briefing re Covid-19 starting as a Chinese Bio research virus that escaped?



    China is the worlds major manufacturer and exporter of phages. These are virus engineered to attack bacteria and used for agricultural purposes to eradicate certain blights. Other countries produce and sell phages as well. Its nothing new. From what I searched I didn't find anything relating this to Covid.

  9. 9 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Of course if I die from Covid19 it will be a tragedy and I will be really p'd off.

    However, I have been trying to look at the bigger picture as I was a bit puzzled why Trump has so much emphasis on people getting back to work.  Then I realized that Covid 19 is actually a potential geopolitical game changer.  Whichever major nation (specifically US or China, maybe EEC/Europe) gets back on its feet economically first, will have the opportunity to dominate the world economically by expanding into desperately needy markets, taking larger market share etc.  If this is correct then one can see why it is imperative to get folks back to being productive asap as this pandemic could be a huge opportunity for China to dominate the world or for the US/west to suppress China's aggressive expansionist goals.  





    That, and there is an election coming up. Trump was riding high on a wave of statistical tremendous economic successes. Won't be able to use that with the way things are now.

  10. Back on topic. Dr Birx the Corona Virus National Advisor just made a very progressive statement (interview with Dr Oz just now). They have a rapid RNA Antibody test, and in less than a month they estimate testing could begin in mass. The goal is to test the entire population of the USA in a relatively short period of time. Why is this so important, its not a cure? Well, if you have the antibodies for the virus, perhaps through asymptomatic exposure, or maybe you were sick and recovered, whatever the reason, the goal is to get these people cleared and back to work in essential services. 

    This is interesting, and I could see it coming to that where the immune keep the wheels turning and the susceptible stay isolated.



  11. Statistically I think DC is up there for per capita homeless too, followed by NY state. Its unlikely safe distancing is practiced within that risk group. I would expect this might explain the high rates of infection among police. Not sure didn't read anything indicating such.

    As for China its been mentioned on several covid forums how dependent we are on them as a supplier for Pharmaceuticals, and PPE which puts us in a tread lightly position. Fortunately we didn't rely on them for Biomedical equipment, such as vents. Thank acquisition processes requiring FDA compliant, and CSA compliant standards for that. (add intertek for Europe etc)

    Pre Covid era dependence on China as a Pharmaceutical supplier

  12. The controversy is not so much how bad it is. Rather, at which point do you carry on with life as before? We are still early in this so fine. In about 3 months lets say people are going to want to talk about the end game, phase 2, whatever.

    And then what?

    "...But, speaking only for myself, and as one who celebrated his eighty-first birthday this month, I would rather take the risk of contracting the virus than see my children and grandchildren experience a depression or worse."

  13. All points of view are good. This thread's a distraction if nothing else. I tend to use irony as a joke, sometimes to a fault hence the mandela insinuation. But yeah balance of power is definitely going to change because of this. Way of life will change permanently. A lot of passive income dished out to ease the strain on the individual and not knowing when the end will come leaves a very uncertain future. Could spring-back, could collapse. Priorities first. Take care of the people. Hunker down and low profile.

  14. Kind of a funny thing. 🤣 I live in a place where beer is only sold in government regulated facilities. The local media makes this statement "In 24 hours the following non essential services will be closed indefinitely: Beauty Salons, Gym facilities, nail salons, Agency Liquor Stores...."  Lol. everyone was like whuttt??? The proverbial facebook twitter switchboard lit up, phones were messaging hey no beer in 24 hours. So of course everyone lines up, and I mean all at once. All quite civil, nobody hoarded, very polite "oh you take the last case of Keiths, oh no sir you may have it"... you know Canadians. Two days later our local Government medical spokes person apologized for not appropriately estimating the public's response to the closure. I guess that will make the after action report.

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