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Everything posted by lhughes41

  1. First thanks for fix. Second word of warning, opponents will need to install as well as you, else creates load error.
  2. I am only catching up myself :-) I forget the exact name but basically it is the Global Scenario writ large. If you go to the forum for AOD and look at the ladder stickies you can probably find exact name but it would be clear once you downloaded. Or try the free demo :-) The opponents on there are very good. I am getting humbled ...but of course that is only because I am learning the new scenario ;-) But there are also some newer folks like you and me. On the other hand getting paired against one of the more advanced players is quite educational and improves one's 'game' rather quickly (though only in the next match :-( ).
  3. If you don't have luck getting a game here you might want to get "Assault on Democracy" and join the ladder there. That is the current 'hot' global game (more detail via bigger map).
  4. You might want to join the ladder. I believe there are opponents waiting to play...
  5. As a courtesy fyi, many folks are now playing global scenario in Assailt on Democracy these days. There is a ladder there. Very similar but finer scaled version
  6. Isongud, that is most interesting. Sounds like Sealion is differnet in AOD and might be more viable. Might need to think about this more in my game now!
  7. Maybe i strong readiness increase for US rather than outright DOW. The reason i think it would be both historical and fair to make successful Seelowe a significant Bene is that it is extremely unlikely to succeed (or at very very high cost) if the UK plays to prevent it.
  8. Thanks for your thorough reply. Agree with your analysis. I do wish this would become a bit more viable, it should be an important threat to keep the English honest. Like the mentioned player, I almost welcome a UK invason. So for example in my current mirror game with me as Axis, I feel my opponent is almost certainly very very weak in the UK. But I hesitate for reasons above.
  9. THanks for replying so thoroughly. I was getting depressed that the forums seemed dead. I actually have combat experience now with Belgium from my ladder mirroring with Dalibor Unfortunately I took the rule change as too important with devestating consequences: -- me as axis -- instead of doing the standard winter run through the lowlands (as per above) I waited till May...ugh.. took me till October to conquer France. Felt like a newbie. -- me as allies -- my opponent did not respect the importance of the new rule ;-) and did standard holland during a weather lull. I cleverly rushed into Belgium (I thought). Consequence: lost a lost of unentrenched allied units early in the campaign. I am looking now at probably a May or June surrender:-( So I have come to same conclusion as you say above: that while the rule is sensible, it probably doesn't really change the ahistorical "winter rush." Unfortunately I am likely to lose both games now with that the too late/too early french campaigns. Wish you'd posted earlier!! ;-)
  10. In SC gold it was fool's gold to conquer England (Seelowe). Considering the effort involved, the subsequent garrisoning, and the severe war readiness spikes for the U.S and USSR, the "ticket" was not worth the price IMHO. Has this changed in AOD or is a successful Seelowe still too costly? Thanks!
  11. Once a year pics is a nice idea and would form a nice corpus for study by aspiring SC players as they reflect on the comparative moves of the masters! If senstive the pics could be sent say after 6 more months passed in game..or maybe a year later for simplicity.
  12. Belgium joining allies if Germans attack Holland is a good idea. However, I think it will have quite significant effects on gameplay. Holland is an early grab during the limited weather breaks in late fall, winter, 39-40. Seems unlikely that both Low Countries will now be grabbed successfully during that time period. So that means a better forward line for Allies if this Axis gambit is attempted. The net outcome therefore I believe will be much historical timelines to the fall of France. all to the good, but my point is that I think the implications of this are very large in terms of effecting Axis success if AFrica or USSR. Do others agree?
  13. Actually "during the action" would be even better
  14. Will there be AAR for any of the finalist game(s). That would sure be nice!
  15. Thanks everyone. Astute advise on every front.
  16. Appreciate the quick and cogent reply!
  17. I've been impressed by the AI in AoC. It plays a solid game. But AoD is a dramatically more complex situation. How does the AI hold up? I presume the allied AI does better than Axis? I played Gold, i presume AI is improved from that? Thanks for any replied
  18. Thank you! I noticed at least one tile spotting around target while playing AOC, hence the question
  19. Does a airplane receive full spotting range around a target it bombs? Howzabout on the flight path to the target? Thanks P..s. Is the answer the same for new releases like aoc too?
  20. O as the allies I noticed the carrier differences ;-) :-( BTW TacAir seems weaker in general than in WWII. Is that correct? As the allies I put an over emphasis on TBs based on my WWII experience and it has not paid off in a cost effective sense. Were I playing again I would emphasize infantry and armor more for the allies. This even with Tech 4 air. So am I right to think they are weaker than WWII? Or is this all in my head?
  21. Hi, I wrote this for the designer of this intriguing scenario: Robert Carver. But thought others might be interested. ***WARNING**** Do not read if you don't want script spoilers!!! Personally I recommend you play "blind" like we did and not know what the other side is like or what will happen. But if you are on the fence about whether this scenario might interest you then perhaps read on (or if you have played before): -------- So we both decided to play blind. That is no prior experience with scenario, and no examination of scripts or the other side. Very fun to get surprises by contrast to the WWII Global scenario which we each know pretty well these days. So Alastair (playtester for WWII scenarios and WWI I think too) opened a bit cautiously with Soviets in Europe thank heavens as this gave me time to start rushing in reinforcements. By 2nd turn he had decided to go for it and rush me in France -- having felt out my forces -- but that one turn had given me time to form a defense on the Rhine (albeit at the cost of American armor). Some learning moments were realizing that air was both ftr and TB at the same time. Also, the armor icons -- which like level 5 from WWII (logical!) -- threw us off and we both reacted to their advanced look as if they were armor 5 when in fact they were armor 1 :-) The first script surprises were Israel, and Arabs joining each side. I also did the Kuwait event (create oil wells for UK) and then stupidly didn't garrison and Soviet Iraq got benefit of my investment :-( In the West, I managed to form a defense on the Rhine... Soviet paratroopers dropped in Japan.. Nationalist China started evacuating the continent seeing how hopeless it was against Mao :-) . Then Soviets got into Italy which triggered our first real major script surprise which was Spanish entry. I started feeling much better :-) The western front stabilized for quite a while on the Rhine frontier but the square with 3 sides exposed to Soviet troopsstarted turning into a grind/experience mill for the Soviets so I had to evacuate. During the winter this turned into a hole for the Soviets to effectively cross the Rhine. Meanwhile in the Middle East I had brought a fair bit of air and took Syria. Soviets then made a major assault and conquered Turkey and came into Middle East. Nonetheless, with the help of the Isrealis (they start as an experience corps!) and NATO airpower I managed to get the upper hand there and now in summer 1950 I have reconquered much of the Middle East including Iraq and Turkey. Unfortunately, I am stalling as I try to enter the Caucusus. Alastair focused his efforts in France and he is making a major armored assault as we speak and France is in some peril. Other interesting script surprises: I invested very heavily to bring India in on my side and had them at about 88% percent or so when your India joins the commies script fired :-( That was very frustrating. Cost me about 1000 mpps to no gain. If I had gotten India I would feel the game was definitely moving my way with France relatively stabilized at that time. Then Alastair surprised me with a tank from Persia (which he had taken away from me as he retreated from Iraq) and Pakistanis started being in trouble. Then the Mujadeen intervened.. very cool! So it is a struggle there though he has a bit of the upper hand. On the naval front I pretty much trashed the Soviet fleets and am now using massed carrier in Middle East (in the Black Sea now!). Red Chinese have gotten to a frightening scale and showed up with tanks and airplanes in Thailand where marines and yanks are holding the line. The whole partisan aspect has been fun too. All in all very well designed with many turns of the table where each of us thought we had the game and then events shifted things. Also the long term build up of China versus the strong air/naval advantage of NATO is intriguing. The Soviets and Chinese being the only ones with artillery though helps compensate plus the untenable Nationalist China side. I as a rule don't like alternative history scenarios so it is high praise for me to say how much I've enjoyed this scenario. Thank you!
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