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Posts posted by Boche

  1. Thanks Yankeedog, but well we are limited by the engine so :)

    Anyway, I managed to form something resembling a Ranger platoon in accordance to the information here:

    Only thing is lowest I can get un 27 men, mostly due to the extra 4 man ammo bearers and 4 men in the mortar team, but well.

    the formation I used was an Infantry Batallion. The squads are set to 50% headcount. HQ is set to 60%, when I put it to 50% I only got the assistant for some reason. MG and Mortars are set to 50% althought didnt change the mortar team.


  2. The Ranger platoon had 1 platoon leader, one "special weapons" support section (10 men with 60mm mortar and bazooka) and one assault section (10 men, rifles with one LMG.) Sorry if that was not clear from my previous post.

    The Ranger companies had just the two platoons and an HQ element of only 1 officer and 3 EM - a very sparse, results-oriented organization.

    oh it was clear I just wanted to know how many men went into each section,

    Thank you very much Gunnergoz!

    Edit, yeah I see you edted the previous post, and I didnt realise! sorry

    and thanks for the extra information. always good to learn.!

  3. Ok thank you very much.

    Also dont know if you know, but what would be the organization of a ranger platoon. you already said there were 21 men (including the support section I presume), where there still the traditional (in what I suppose is the assailt section) 3 squads but less men in each or just 2 squads?

    in game offcourse I tried adding a 50% headcount reduced LMG, mortar and bazooka team, all adding 12 men, I suppose without the rangers in game yet I will just have to live with the extra men, atleast in the support section.

  4. In some of the other Battalion TOs presented in CMBN, the "HQ company" has elements such as Recon Platoon, Assault Gun Platoon, Mortar Platoon, Machine Gun Platoon. I'd hazzard a guess that these support elements, or their equivalents in a Ranger Platoon (which prolly doesn't have an Assault Gun platoon, for example) are what the HQ coy platoon leaders are in charge of.

    Ah right, that would make sense, its something I missed that the batallion didnt seem to have a support or heavy company.

  5. hey there. I just have a couple of questions I would like to ask veterans here:

    I found this website that shows the OOB of the 2nd Ranger batallion during D-Day.


    Would I be right to assume that the order of battle stayed the same during the taking of Bergstein and Hill 400?

    Also a couple of question on the HQ company and the rest of the companys.

    It says the HQ company had 4 platoon leaders. does this mean HQ company had 4 infantry platoons?

    Also the rest of the companies seem to have 2 platoon leaders aswell as a first seargent. does this mean they had 2 Platoons per company?

    if so what is the reason the HQ company has 4 platoons and the rest of the companies have 2 platoons each?

    Also after looking it up is it right to assume First seargents are sort of a 2IC of the company?

    its basically research for a possible project depicting the bergstein battle and hill 400 I might work on, seeing as my incredible losses on the famous "school of hard knocks" had kinda put the campaigns on a stall for the moment, trying to get me back into the game and motivate myself with scenario making :)

    ive been trying to find somesort of account of the battle in the internet but all that comes up is wikipedia, which has some but not all the information, a board game someone made and refferences to the "Call of Duty 2" mission of Bergstein and Hill 400, which I have to say inspired the project.

    cheers! and thank you for reading and hopefully your awnsers!

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