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Everything posted by EoS

  1. It seems, results of battles correspond to the law of normal distribution. The relation my_attack/enemy_defence shows a expected value of damages which will be put to the enemy unit. And on the contrary, the relation enemy_attack/my_defence show damages which can be put to my unit. The unit will be destroyed if damages is more as current HP. It is possible to receive result considerably different from expected, but as a whole, results correspond to the "bell curve". I have noticed that one unit can destroy several units in a one turn. Pop-up help says that in case of "one unit against several units" battle, one unit attacks simultaneously all enemy units with full power. It seems, about it spoke Brit, he does not want that power grew exponential with growth number of units. And I will agree with he. Duration of combat does not influence on damages. Your unit can appear in fire zone only at the end of a turn, but all the same will put\take full damages. Though I can be mistaken...
  2. There is one more minor bug. Trade is possible even if players are at war. I have noticed that AI trades if cost of the offered technologies is more as cost of the requested technologies. Thus has no importance: - is the technology unique (the science should cost less if it is already investigated by other players) - what relations between AI and the player (for allies a cost lower).
  3. N3rull, I see you are the expert in EoS and probably know the answer to my question. How join 2 ships being in the sea without time loss? I certainly can send them to one point, on next turn to join and send in the necessary direction. But how it to make "on fly"?
  4. The resources scattered on the sea perfectly well replace routes. Transfer and management of resources will strongly complicate the game and chiefly will add nothing in the game. Are destroyers really useless in EoS? Do you want that the opponent's army starved or its fleet has lost mobility? Perfectly, to take sea resources with destroyers and after several turns the opponent will start to die of starvation. It would be reasonably to add the stock limitation, so that the stock of resources sufficed only for ~5 turns, and the building Depot, which would increase this limit by 1 turn. Capture of a city with Depot would reduce a stock and a limit of resources by 1 turn supply rate.
  5. Yes, the dreadnought doesn't need a shipyard, but battleship and carrier need.
  6. Somebody certainly knows... Brit, could you explain about combat mechanics. Otherwise it is difficult to define the reason of mysterious battle. Was there a bug or it can fix with change in ruleset.
  7. The game is great! The more I play, the more I like the game. I have noticed a small bug in technologies trade with AI. AI agrees to receive a technology hint which it already has. I swapped with AI (Zhukov) the tech hint "Electronics 1" twice: on turn 19 and on turn 25. The player can too receive a hint which already owns. It is necessary to supervise hints always, that not buy they twice. I offer: 1. to exclude a technology from the technologies trade list if you already has a hint for it. 2. to display hints in the list of known technologies (for example as not checked checkbox) It seems a hint give a very big bonus. It would be better to make the bonus variable in rules from 0 % (deactivated) to 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% (now).
  8. Would anybody like to play today at 19:00 GMT?
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