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Everything posted by AleMichi

  1. I hope for an italian front too. There are many interesting battles as Gela, Simeto river, Agrigento, Palermo, Messina (these in Sicily where fight German and Italian Armies VS British, USA and Canadians) Salerno, Cassino, Anzio, Gotic line (in the continental Italy Germans Vs All). Theatre of War 2 is the right game to do this
  2. I have downloaded SFSExtractor.306 from the Repository of ToW2-1943, unzipped it in program files/battlefront/theatre of war 2/MissionEditor and run the .exe. The extractor's window pop up but with no list of folders and/or files inside. I have edit the Mission Editor Location and the Extractor Location. My OS is Vista 32 ultimate. Maybe the Extractor works only in ToW1? Or it need a new filelist (I have filelistMay17-09-311) If any know some hints to work with the Extractor in ToW2, please let me know. Thanks
  3. ok I go ahead. I'll give you my news. Thanks
  4. Well, I explain what I am doing... In the folder ToW_Models/Models/Human (extract from ToW_Models.rar of the TOW Mega ModPack-Part 4-Models in the ToW Repository) I have found four folders (/Can, /Hung, /Ita, /Rom) I presume that the files inside these folders are the models to show the new soldiers in the eastern-front (except canadian). I had copied this folders in program files/battlefront/theatre of war/models/human and then I had created four new folders (called /Can, /Hung, /ita, /Rom) in program files/battlefront/theatre of war/data/units/human, then I had copied the file hier.ini, parts.ini and unit.ini from another soldier's folder from ToW1. Now I have open this file to edit the right inputs... ... and I feel lost... ...where are the right weapons, shell o bullets, names, faces, magazines... I am not able to finds this items. Have You hints to help me to work with these soldiers for show them in the game (by battle generator). Thanks
  5. Oh Knokke, I am very pleased that You answer me. I am going to try Your hint. I let You know as soon as possible. Thank (congratulations for the Typhoon)
  6. Hi all, I'd like to mod some battle in ToW1 with Canadians, Romanians, Italians or Hungarians soldiers, I do not know the way to configutate them from Mega Mod Pack to shown them in the mission editor or battle generator. I have read the manual of Mega Mod Pack without found any configuration soldier example. I have try in several ways unsuccessful. Thank to everybody that spend their time to help me.
  7. It is possible to import maps from Tow1 to Tow2?
  8. In the new page, it shoud you prompt (in string in upper side of the page) to install a new item "YandexBarIESetup". After installation close all windows and start again.
  9. Can we know the new date for TOW2 CENTAURO expansion pack? (The summer is finish...) Thanks
  10. Thanks Sneaksie, I have download the balancemod file and load in my game and it works, I can find and use the new tanks in the order of battle of any single mission and play it. But I don't understand because I cannot find the new tanks (Matilda, Chuchill, Stug etc.) in the mission-campaign editor. Maybe, there are files to edit o to make configuration. P.S. I have ToW2 ver. 1.3.0. and balanemod129.
  11. I'm sorry but don't understand the russian l.
  12. Thanks for the mod, but I have problems to play ToW2 with the balance mod 1.1 or 1.3. The game start, but when the mission is load the tanks have no crews and the infantry is not show. What I have to do. Any help to play this nice game. Thanks,
  13. Hello, I have downloaded the new ModPack zipped files and follow the instruction to make configuration. For the maps is OK. For the buildings and statics files and folders I don't find the folder data/settings (and the file static.ini) in the main directory of the ToW game. I need your help to find this folder and file. Thank for any help. Regards
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