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Posts posted by Deadmeat1471

  1. When looking at this, i tend to agree, i think the tac bombers need better ship attack, say 5 or so to represent historically the advantage of carrier based planes. This way, a battleship has about 10, a fully staffed carrier (3 tac bomb 1 fighter) would have 15, this seems fair, if possibly underpowered still.

    What do you guys think? i dont see the reason for such underpowered air naval ability.

    *Also a tip, have fighters go forwards slightly and aft on a looping patrol order (CAP), im not sure if fighters scramble and take off if the group is attacked, but it can provide a scouting bonus and preemtive defence against enemy bombers anyway.

    ** hm, i think i realise now, with air forces you can bombard from long range and remain there, its working quite well im finding.

  2. To be honest, no one has created an AI which is truly a challenge without some elements of 'cheating'. Whilst id like as Brit to refine the amount in which the ai relies on this to survive, i accept it will have to remain.

    I dont think it hinders gameplay though :D

  3. New to the forum and finally bought the game, ive made a scenario based on my home town, which i have to finalse (map/terrain done, scenario needs units adding) i was just wondering if any people are still here and if they would like to see my scenario.

    The scenario brief (incompelete)

    The Stevenage War

    11:35 30th August 2009


    In 2009 the problems of mass immigration into the United Kingdom came to a head when the Muslims Shiek Mohammed Salla, resident of of Luton declared the town a Islamic city-state. However what made this event more than just another 'crackpot extremist' to be ignored was when PM Gordon Brown accepted the secession of Luton from the United Kingdom.

    He was, unknown to most, conspiring with the Islamisist in Great Britain and abroad. Merely a week before he freed a Libyan terrorist and in return the dictator Gadaffi provided arms for Browns Islamic Front in Luton. Brown, hidden from all, had converted to extremist Islam.

    The Islamisists having control of Luton, planned to spread south towards london, to link up with their puppet, Brown. The target is Stevenage.

    The terrorists have been filtering into Stevenage for a few days now, smuggling weapons with them they began a reign of crime and on the 29th the people were alerted via BNP channels in the media to the comming wave of terror.

    The Military has stayed out of the frey, Brown knowing they are a conservative force and will not want to convert to Islam went to all means to keep them from entering the Islamists path.

    Instead he ordered a small contigent of United States mercenaries to enter Stevenage and protect the Muslim population from reprisals, whilst allwing the Islamists to Initiate their purge of Stevenage's Christian majority.

    The people have had enough, 'The vile jackboot of the new world order and Islamofascists will tramp on us no more!' The citizens say. Nick Griffin of the BNP has for months been storing weapons and preparing for the defence against Islamic terrorists, though he didnt expect to need them so soon.

    Griffins followers have massed in and around a pub 'The man in the Moon', and are preparing to move into the town center and call on the people to rise up and push out the conquering forces. This call caused the minority however well armed Islamic and the poorly armed but majority Christian population of Stevenage to take sides and the first shot was fired mid day on the 30th....




    Police station:



    Freedom fighters:

    20x rifle/mg infantry

    5x Armored civilian cars

    100x civilians

    +5 infantry each 30 mins

    +1 entrenchment each 30 mins


    30x rifle infantry

    5x rpg infantry

    10x civilians

    10x IED bombs

    +1 entrenchment each 30 mins

    +1 IED bomb each 30 mins

    The views and opinions stated in this scenaio do not reflect my own in any way, no whining please.

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