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Battlefront Repository

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Posts posted by Battlefront Repository

  1. This is a Regimental/Divisional level game of the Allied attempt to cut off the Germans in southern Italy in the winter of 1944. The scenario begins with an invasion that offers the Allied player an opportunity to gain a major victory by cutting off the north-south highway early in the campaign. If the Germans can contain the beachhead the battle will turn into a fight for Rome itself.


  2. This game encompasses all of WW2 in both theatres taking into account historical production. It is based on the PDE version of this game. The level is corp/division. Almost the full map sized is used and the only two spots on the globe not used are West Africa and the bottom part of South America.This is a HUMAN vs HUMAN game currently until I move over the AI from PDE.Please send comments and suggestions to winky3x17 within hotmail


  3. This game encompasses all of WW2 in both theatres taking into account historical production. It is based on the PDE version of this game. The level is corp/division. Almost the full map sized is used and the only two spots on the globe not used are West Africa and the bottom part of South America.This is a HUMAN vs HUMAN game currently until I move over the AI from PDE.Please send comments and suggestions to winky3x17 within hotmail


  4. This new map covers the critical spot where a 10th Panzer Division armored spearhead threatened to shatter the U.S. 1st Infantry Division on 23 March, 1943. The map features the G.P. 15 highway east of El Guettar, the Wadi El Keddab, and the valley and hills near the base of Point 336. A few notes: The wadi was impassable to vehicles on this day, due to recent heavy rains, except along G.P. 15. I have designated it impassable on the map, but vehicles seem to be able to cross it anyway. The barbed wire line represents the start of a U.S. minefield, which ran somewhere between the wire and the wadi. Infantry should survive better on this map, which has pleanty of covering terrain. I've also included many personal foxholes and slit trenches topped with sandbags. I'll be working on one or more scenarios for this map as time permits. Enjoy! -- Broadsword


  5. This Scenario captures the last years of the Pacific War and allows players to fight the last bloody battles of the war. Just as in SC2’s 1944 Operation Overlord, we now have a campaign modification that starts at the beginning of the end. In the summer of 1944 the Americans had broken through Japan’s outer ring of islands and were poised to begin the final phases of the war. On the Asian mainland the Japanese had launched two offensives, one into India and the other in China. By June the Japanese Indian invasion was going poorly with the Commonwealth's forces holding firm. But, in China Operation Ichigo was proceeding well, with the second phase, the attack on Changsha, expected in late June. In this modification the Allied player has several decisions to make. The British can push into Burma, or launch an amphibious assault to liberate Malaya. The Americans must decide on retaking the Philippines or invading Formosa; all the while taking more Japanese islands, positioning bombers closer to Japanese mainland targets. The Chinese have some American help and might be able to hold out, although they will have a difficult time recovering any lost territory. And, the Soviets are an ever-looming threat to Japan’s rear. The Japanese player needs to hold out. The decisions that need to be made are how far to push the Asian land offensives, and when to use the much reduced Japanese fleet. Enjoy the game and I invite all and any comments.


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