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Posts posted by Nupremal

  1. Well, I have been busy with other things and of course I am disappointed that I have had issues making this version work. That said, it is very playable to me now, so it would interest me if there are any other playes with good PCs that can play me by email. Changing the map is very hard to do. In fact, I may just go back to the drawing board at that point, and I won't do that for some time most likely. n

    As I said though, I am otherwise able to play a game by email. I also prefer if someone contact me by windows messenger as it also makes it much easier to play PBEM as we can have IM discussions.

  2. 1 - Yeah 2GB won't cut it but I am not sure that XP issue is true. You can still play but it is a tad challenging. I am doing so now as my current PC is not up to snuff it is 3-4 years old. I would say you just need a newer generation PC. I think 8GB is considered decent now. I went for 12 myself.

    2 - I never added AI - he just assumes the standard default AI = AI. It does not, it will move stuff it won't do any scripts so you won't get builds or any kind of transport. It will be pretty useless.

  3. I didn't try to make anyone else's map look bad - you can see the problem - not only did it take more time to do than would pay anyone unless they like making maps, which I do because I am strange I suppose - but also it would kill too many PCs - for those who do like it, I made it. It really does need a lot of power -newer quad core probably w/good very fast ram like 8gb or more (I am going for 12). Also a work in progress as it is not balanced or tested yet.

  4. The loops are very important because of 2 reasons:

    1 - on the Map edge it divides the Pacific, so it is necessary and also allows for the Islands to matter. You must control the island to use the loop indicated.

    2 - The oceans are so large movement by sea even with my greater move rates is lengthy. The loops allow the true naval powers to transport in realistic times. It also requires control of key locations. These are also usually (but not always) supply centers. Those key ports help with movement across the greater distances, so they act as bases and so "speed up" your naval movement

  5. Ok I am updating it so do a new download :)

    Here is the error - actually its sort of a bug - for some reason, the rail lines from Tokyo or Hiroshima won't supply the Japanese cities of Nagasaki etc... I could not fix this!

    I changed it so Nagasaki is an IC also.

    Hubert - can you see why this bug occurs?

    also notice the north cities start at 5, but then get to 10 after you start the game - why does that happen? It is also a bug but I can live with that one.

  6. I will need to playtest it won't be right out of the gate. I am done except for partisans, which I am just finding annoying to do. That is something that could be scripted better - for example if we could have something like a random unit appearing anywhere in occupied territory at a certain % (like 1% or 2%) that would be easier to script and more realistic. But, as it stands, I have to do a lot to get it work right... plus of course I kind of want to wait a few more days until my new PC arrives. Again, the old PC doesn't cut it the video is too heavy to handle.

  7. problems here - you can only have 5 tech levels - but you could work with that. Early Tanks would instead be cavalry maybe... You would have wide gaps then per tech. Not easy to do or control. Second problem is the "sides" - despite various belligerence ratings, you don't have more than 2 sides. Finally, no provision for peace once at war.

    as it is now, it won't work. You could do different eras. Would also need someone with artistic ability to make icons - I suppose could use counter ones but I dont like those.

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