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Posts posted by Nupremal

  1. you misunderstand what I mean re/bombers - it is not "bombing power" but the ability of carrier fighter cover to defend/attack bombers.

    You can't have China a minor of US and allow tech upgrades. China had an exceptionally, and I mean exceptionally, primitive infrastructure. Read the official histories on Stillwell - I have read the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre history of the US Army and it is clear that it was very, very hard to do that with china. Sure, they got some planes, some tanks very late in the war and very few numbers of them, but not much of anything for the vast majority of troops.

  2. unless there is a change in how it works. If Italy is to be a minor - and of course there is always an option of swapping them out with China, which I could easily do, then you can set their builds in .5 increments (which is what I do for minors). I would suggest you offer the option of allowing upgrades at -1 or -2 levels - i.e. if germany is at tech 3, Italy could be at say Tech 2, and say Romania maybe at Tech 1

  3. Is 6 majors enough? That only provides for the same number as before. Would it not be a good idea to allow for 8 at least? That way we could have Axis (3) + 5 for the allies to include France and China as Majors. At least having the option would be nice.

    What other changes can we expect? Are multiple convoys possible? A summary of how the MPPs are gathered? Any other changes?

    One thing I suggest from experience with Pacific is that carriers, which are otherwise done fairly well, are missing some stat advances. For instance, the air tech giving them better fighters needs to also increase bomber attack/defense - I forget the exact way it works, but it gets very confusing the way attack and defense work. I just want it realistic when you have CAP up you should slaughter unescorted attacks coming in, and it doesn't quite seem to do that.

  4. 1 - There cannot be russian forces because then you are automatically at war when germany and japan and USSR are active. The "neutral" area simulates this and can be activated as follows - neutrality pact, join w/Germany, leave the territory and there can be an activation by russia if you wish, finally it expires if germany surrenders.

    2 - the units do NOT disappear. The siberian transfer = zhukov and the additional units. They either appear in europe or stay in siberia.

    so - no troops vanish. There were some bugs in earlier versions that might have had that appear, but those are fixed now

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