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Posts posted by Nupremal

  1. Some notes on the AI and how it could potentially be improved. I know it is easier said than done:

    1 - The AI does not appear to consider entrenchment bonuses and does a lot of unnecessary moving. For example, it bumps a garrison unit and replaces it. I would suggest it keep the garrison unit so as to preserve the entrenchment.

    2 - The AI does too much SR - does it get that for free or does it pay? Even so, it does so when it could move normally, and this lowers morale. It also tends to do so right in front of enemy units, which makes it easier to kill the recently SR'd units. Suggest that except for a city or fortification, it does not SR adjacent to any enemy unit. In fact, an argument could be made that no one should be able to do so.

    3 - Air Units - it does some bizarre things. One I think it should never do is repair when adjacent to enemy ground units. Instead it should redeploy or move out of the way. This will prevent easy air kills by the human player and it also feels absurd when the AI does this. It also moves in bizarre locations it has no need to.

    4 - The AI does not seem to upgrade units enough. Also, does anyone know if it buys units at full tech always, or sometimes, or some combination? It does seem to buy rebuilds that way, which is smart, but not sure about new units. What if it can afford none, some, or all upgrades, what does it choose?

    5 - an AI script mod for "unbumpable do or die" garrison might be nice

    Some other game notes:

    1) - We should NOT be able to see "potential tech" only ACTUAL. So if I right click a russian I should not be able to see say Infantry tech 0 (2) - just the 0

    2) Is the script for a decision w/friendly positions an and or an or script? The reason I ask is my Ukraine script went but one position was not there but was a fortress - it appeared to work as an "and" for cities but NOT for the fortrerss. Is this correct or a potential bug?

    3) Another bug appears to be I can see units exiting a loop.

    Oh - I have a screenshot but nothing seems to be able to fit here as 19k is too small even as a jpg. In any case the USA made an amphibious in a lake where you cannot leave - no idea why

  2. A few comments:

    1 - Yes you need to kill some Frenchies sometimes takes them time to surrender. I usually roll up the Maginot once I am behind it as it becomes vulnerable - some artillery and some attacks where the line is not defending does it.

    2 - There is a script to evacuate the UK but it never seems to actually happen no matter what I do. The AI wants to defend more and won't run. I may revisit the script but it is correct as far as I can tell. I have seen the French evacuate. I did that so they might get some Free French on occasion by leaving when Paris is doomed.

    3 - A unit in Narvik will actually disrupt the port of Oslo during fall/winter to simulate loss of Port/Iron Ore so you won't get convoys half the year. Problem is the unit does not stay put. So in new one I gave it a garrison order so it does not wander off.

    4 - Graziani is in there as an RSI for later when the Italians surrendered.

    5 - Yes I have the two pop-ups for multiplayer it works. For next build I changed it to 3/4 AI so it does not appear 2x

    6 - China has some interesting things going on. For one, if you make the all-out you are going to have problems with USA getting more active much faster, plus there won't be much available for the juicy targets once they hit you with their resource and oil boycotts. Also, maybe it didnt happen in your game, but the ports generate free units for the Chinese as long as they hold them. Nanning does the same and later imports are allowed as long as certain areas are held to simulate the various lend-lease routes through Indochina, Burma, and the Hump.

  3. Allied Decisive Victory

    Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo by Janurary 1, 1945

    Allied Major Victory

    Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo by Janurary 1, 1946

    Allied Minor Victory

    Berlin and Rome by January 1, 1946


    Allies control Berlin or Rome by January 1, 1946

    Axis Minor Victory

    Axis still hold Berlin, Rome, and Toky on January 1, 1946

    Axis Major Victory [1946]

    Axis control Berlin, Rome, Paris, Warsaw, Tokyo, and Changchun on January 1, 1946

    Axis Najor Victory [1945]

    Axis control Berlin, Rome, Paris, Warsaw, Tokyo, and Changchun on January 1, 1945

    PLUS Axis control any 1 of the following:



    Cairo, Baghdad, and Tehran (all 3)





    Axis Decisive Victory [1944]

    Axis control Berlin, Rome, Paris, Warsaw, Tokyo, and Changchun on January 1, 1944

    USSR Surrenders (Moscow, Kuybychev, and Omsk)

    UK Surrenders (London and Glasgow)

  4. the problem with making new files for models is you need to be a graphic artist. I can cut and paste models around, which I do, but making a new one from scratch is not within my skill sets. Otherwise, look through all of the various mods and their bitmap files and look for other icons you may want. You can then easily copy them around using paint with a little practice. Otherwise, if you really want them, start learning some graphic arts skills.

  5. One thing you may not get is entrenchment. Your odds will be bad - so soften the target up - air is best, but also you can repeatedly attack and dislodge the enemy unit once it gets down to 0 more effectively. I would suggest just playing it a lot - you will just naturally get the hang of it after awhile. The rules all make sense, actually - and just ask here you can get answers.

    Ports don't work at strength 4 or less, though u can land there in 2 turns (1 turn to enter, second to land). You cannot leave though unless the port is strength 5 or better.

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