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Everything posted by abneo3sierra

  1. I agree Aff... so I would not want it to be forced on game makers, but I do think the idea of having it in there, is a kind of good idea, if nothing else as an option...sure, you CAN blow up the whole town, but you will take hits for it...although it seems only one side really took "hits" for it in ww2, so you may be right..and also if carried to sci-fi, etc... do "human rights" even count if you are fighting lizards? lol..interesting question...
  2. For this topic, I agree with your first sentence wholeheartedly though. I think it would be great if "gamers" had to obey the Geneva conventions..not in favor of actual rules to game makers, but it would be great if "breaking" the Geneva agreements actually carried penalties in game..so the gamer could do as he wished still, but would lose victory points, etc. As far as the Red Cross, or anybody for that matter, forcing game publishers to obey the laws of war, in a game, I think that is way too much.
  3. To clarify there, medics are allowed to be armed for defense. They are protected according to Geneva rules while performing their medical duties. If they use their arms offensively, it is not against the Geneva rules, it simply erases their protection as an invalid target. The para-rescue teams, which are Air Force, rather than Army, receive medical training, but it is only about half of their training, and they are considered an elite combat team, not simply medics. Other than that I actually agree with you Jon.
  4. Ohhh..it ended up that bad ? The main thing I remembered about it was that it looked like it would be great... Some games I guess just try to keep adding so many things that they mess up what otherwise could have been a decent thing, trying to make it a world beater.
  5. Ahh, cool Pak, thanks! Will google it, I just could not remember the name.
  6. Has anyone here heard of a BFC game that was heavily advertised not so long back, maybe around the same time as "CMSF" was coming out. It was regarding 1800s, Napoleonic era. I cannot for the life of me remember what the name was, but nothing in their store seems to match the game. Did this game end up being dropped? Thanks to any who may remember what I am talking about.
  7. Wow, thank everyone for the opinions! I still remember when the switch was made, from WW2 to modern,how many people were disappointed in that, myself included. I have purchased Normandy now, and yes, it is beautiful. I compare it I guess to building a house. At the beginning you need so many blueprints, so much effort into the "study" aspect..while once you have the foundation laid, it is simply a matter of continuing. Great job BFC. And I think the proof is in the familiar names here, some of which I recognize from my first ventures on this board in the "CMBB" days.
  8. Thanks everyone for the awesome replies...now you made me have to get this one lol.
  9. As a Battlefront fan who purchased the CM-x1 games, then the CMSF games..I have not yet found something BFC makes that I have not enjoyed. Here, what I am asking for, is if anyone has played both CMSF and CM-Normandy..who may have any "selling points" for Normandy vs CMSF. For example..is it more easily to be immersed in ? Graphics better? Game run smoother? With mostly limited playing time, I guess what I am basically asking, is this.."Other than a different era in time, what is different between these games?" Any and all comments will be appreciated.
  10. haha Aff, good to see you. I had thought of perhaps adding in something for those of you in the other hemisphere, but at that point it just would start to become too long and rambling much as this reply is doing, so have a great late spring day!!
  11. To all of my old friends (and sparring partners) here. I hope everyone is having a great holiday season (and for those not in USA or non-religious sorts, still a happy winter to you also)
  12. Same author makes a game "Decisive Action" that is a lot of fun, as well as being pretty realistic, based upon corps/division level combat.
  13. Ken, I do believe that I will make my final post for the next few months at least, to you. Wish you good luck! FYI..other than AMTRAK, all rail systems in the USA are private companies. This includes rail systems used by the military.
  14. That is true SO..but I think many, perhaps even most, people have suddenly begun to think they are entitled to take, but not give..here i n the US a few people pay most taxes..in Europe, as this post discusses, a few countries, are effectively supporting millions in other countries who refuse to do anything to help themselves. Governments have no money, other than what they steal from their people..they produce nothing, they do serve a purpose, but mainly the idea of that purpose has through history been to help themselves and their supporters, at the expense of others..nowadays, it may be cloaked in different words, such as the ones you just used, but it still is the same thing...it still is lords and nobles, taking money from other people in exchange for promised "protection" etc.
  15. I am not saying there are not "crooked" docs, Diesel, just am saying that to place them all in that category is wrong. And I am not sure where I stand on the "right" of advertising being a democratic right..I realize that to enforce things in that area, is to begin down a slippery slope though, so not an easy solution..I do think that there should be SOME type of "fact check" that is actually visible or audible maybe during these advertisements, rather than the "speed talking" or tiny letters that generally follow it...but as I said, yes, a tough one, and not easy to solve that, without risking infringement of any number of rights along the path..
  16. I think to steal people's money, whether in the form of taxes, or of armed robbery, are both wrong. I resent a government deciding that they have a right to my money as much as I have..the perfect solution would be for governments to actually promise less, do less,and take less from their people,allowing the people to have the right to work hard and actually make a benefit for their hard work, rather than working hard to make the money,then having a government agency decide that money is theirs, so they can pass it out to people who refuse to pull their fair share. Just my opinion though :-)
  17. I think to stereotypically accuse doctors as a group of being corrupt is an awful thing.. next time that people who feel this way need a doctor, perhaps they can "suck it up" and take care of themselves? My then-fiancee went through 36 hour shifts of residency training, then after our marriage, still had days where she did not sleep,taking care of this or that patient, while usually having to deal with things such as Medicare and Medicaid which essentially prevent a doctor from even making enough to pay back their own expenses, all the while having to pay outrageous malpractice insurance,student loans,etc. It is not 'greed' that pushes them through this, but rather a genuine desire to help..it generally takes years of practice, AFTER the years of school and of residency, before doctors even begin to see an overall 'profit' for their long hours and years of work. The problem, if there is one, is the companies selling the medicine, who run television ads "ask your doctor if xxxxx is right for you" AS WELL AS a generally uninformed populace who would take medical advice from a television advertisement to begin with...in the same way as they take their political opinions, etc from spot moments on the daily news, rather than using their own intelligence to research things of importance to them.
  18. Actually it is a fairly common topic of discussion..most are torn between what they see as their duty and oath, and what they see as their moral obligations,along with the hope that maybe they can help better from "inside" than from "outside"..certainly it is not the paycheck lol, which is not enough for what we do...certainly at my grade, and probably well above me as well.
  19. Neptune Spear would imply a SEAL team operation as their badge is of course the Neptune Trident.
  20. This is the attitude of my family there, as well, and would be mine also.
  21. Stalins Organist.. I am fairly certain that all parts of the transport system are taxpayer supported, as well they should be..my break from that is the difference between using money to help fund something, vs taking over the management of whatever it is. Roads do not count, because they are not a service, but rather in a different category. A better example for mine would be the AMTRAK system mentioned, where not only are they federally funded, they are run by the government in the same way as the Postal Service, and the VA medical service..very very poorly, especially when looked at in a side-by-side comparison with private industries that do the same things, better.
  22. I think that the strategy is determined (unfortunately in the opinion of some of us hahaha) by the executive branch of government(read, the president primarily) the lack of strategy says much more about the failures of the current and past administration, than it says about the military. As for stating what resources are needed, the military has stated this, to both of said administrations, and was given perhaps 70% of what was stated as "needed" under then President Bush, and closer to 40% of what was requested under President Obama..if I recall correctly you are a reporter...so to view it this way..you are assigned a job to do in a specific city..a major story breaking, shall I say...the city is far away from where you are, however, so you tell your boss that you need some money to pay for your expenses..say, the flight ticket, probably food since you will be eating at those great restaurants in that city lol :-) etc. Your boss thinks it over, and tells you, no, we cannot fly you there, here is some spending money though, and some carrying money to hitch a ride there. Now..you may still get there, depending upon how much you have to hold up the thumb,yes, you can get lucky and somebody may give you the ride, but in all likelihood, you will be A) later than if you had received the plane ticket you asked for, and Might miss the story all together, while en route. Is this your fault as the reporter? Or your cheap editor's fault, for skimming here and there on expenses? Now, to make it a better example, imagine how you would feel if the reason for not getting what you need to do your job, is because the editor decided his family needed a vacation, so he took your transportation money to fly his family to Spain for the holiday. After all, they are his "constituents" and he is responsible for taking care of them, more than you. Also, you said you would fault the politician for approving a spending bill which the military says is necessary, in the paragraph immediately following faulting the military for not saying what resources are necessary. :-)
  23. I agree Womble.. the current system is something like gambling, except that one side usually can see the others cards.
  24. From a non-European, but one with family still in EU in Germany, I think what that party stands for is a great deal of what I would support if I was there. As it is, I think it is immediately unfair to reward nations which did 1-nothing to help themselves, and 2-actually incorporated policies that hurt themselves, and then ask the countries that 'did it correctly' to help them...this seems a lot like having 2 roommates in university, one studies,works hard, skips many social events to improve his grades...and earning perfect scores..while his roommate parties, stays out late, never does his work...then, at the end of the term, the professor takes some of the score from the 'good student' and hands it to the bad one, to even it out. This type of policy never rewards the better ones, and has no incentive for the poorer ones to 'man up'. And yes, it is a bit nationalistic, but that is not a bad thing, either. People should be proud of their nation, Finns should be proud of what makes them different, just as Germans should be, French, Americans, hell...even Aussies, probably :-D
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