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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. Tim right now I pity the position you’re in. I have well of 70 Allied ships with even more on their way, and meanwhile you've lost about 20 of your ships. As for my turn I've sunk the Musashi BB, Ise BB, and Shokaku carrier. Not to mention Chinese partisans keep popping up and liberating city after city and as of right now it appears as if Tim might be giving up on taking China out of the war. You are going to need much more than just a divine wind to stop the Allies!

  2. It's going to be a bloodbath in Japanese waters, as Tim still has an abundance of Japanese ships, but he's underestimated my own fleet so hopefully I will be able to win the big battle ahead. At this point Japan doesn't have any safe places to hide, so Tim won't have much of a choice but to engage my fleet. Meanwhile I've launched an attack on the Philippines, and will likely secure her by Feb 46'. I've also recaptured Saigon.

  3. Is India worth 4 carriers? You'll lose every single one of them if you use that strategy at least against 95% of the people here, I'm sure though that you already know this.

    I've tried your idea against the AI quite a few times, and it works, but this is only the AI and it isn't a person. For example the AI can't take China out, but a human player can.

    A conclusion that I've come to is no matter what strategy you implement over in China you will always lose her. I've tried quite a few things out in defending China and the best strategy there is would be to be extremely flexible and flow with where ever your opponent wants to attack, and do your best to delay your opponent as much as possible. This of course means using partisans, air raids, construction of fortifications, building your DESTROYED Armies, making the most of the terrain, etc. Back to this specific game however I would give myself about a B- for my defensive strategy in China. Another good way, to decide whether or not your China strategy was successful or not is whether your opponent regards her as a "major pain".

  4. Tim, to be honest I reacted to what you were doing in India until I launched a major counter-offensive which ended all Japanese resistance in the area. So if you concentrated everything from Burma, I would then move troops up to combat you where ever there were rivers, and well if you take a look at that route there are a lot of rivers, so it would be an easy defensive position for the British. Not to mention you would eventually have to split your forces up as you would have to go for both Delhi and Colombo. So in the end whether you like it or not if you want to win in India you would have to split up your forces. The real mistake that you made was not attacking and taking Ceylon, as that would have given you a great defensive position, and it also would have revealed the position of my naval fleet.

  5. Guys I'm sorry but I don't have much sympathy for people who complain about the distance between Japan and India, I mean take a look at the distance between the US and India. I was able to reinforce the Indians with US units even though it took about 10 turns to do, and I had to run the gauntlet of enemy ships off the east coast of Australia all the way to the shores of India. That is something no Japanese player has had to do when trying to reinforce India with units. Not to mention after the huge build up of naval forces, it rained for three consecutive turns which gave Tim an advanced warning (probably from some Japanese intelligence report) of my US naval activities, and he was able to escape with all his carriers :(. Thus meaning Operation India Freedom wasn't a decisive victory which I had hoped for. This of course is why I'm currently engaging my opponent in a huge naval confrontation, which is something I hoped to avoid especially because the battle will be on his terms and not mine. I guess this is the price you have to pay for Mother Nature’s unpredictability.

    As for the question of free units I only received the British 8th Army (1 HQ, 1 Tank, 2 Corps, and 1 AA). Although I was able to replace the British units rather easily when they died as they were extremely cheap.

  6. Tim, what screenshots do you think I should put up from previous battles? I'm thinking something along the lines of showing the painful procedure of transferring the US navy from its bases in San Francisco to its new base at Calcutta, an image of the war in India as it was turning against me and subsequently an image of the battle of India once I turned the tide of war in that theater, and maybe I should put up a screenshot of the last road of China. The last road of China is a source of comedy for me right now, as Tim is trying everything to break through and he simply can't move up there because of the terrain.

    BTW don't worry I'll take a few screenshots of the big battle :).

  7. I can honestly say, from my brief playing experience with Rambo that he was a much nicer person to play with then what it appeared to be based solely on what the forums suggested. He's also great at playing SC no questions asked.

    Anyway if you give Japan mobility level one that would do amazing things for her Chinese/Burma/Indian theater campaigns. It would definitely have changed the game I’m in with Tim right now, as he would have likely conquered China by now, and would have stood a much better chance with his invasion of India.

  8. Tim, you must have at least 20 ships to fight right? I can't say I've destroyed much more than a dozen of your ships so must still have a sizable force.

    BTW Tim, when the war is over, I would like to show you a few things as Japan. The first six months is absolutely pivotal to the Japanese, as once a year or so passes the Allies can either decide to build their forces up to the max to ensure the death of Japan, or they can began an immediate counter-offensive. The choice is up to that Allied player.

    Tim whenever you feel like it, please feel free to point out some of the mistakes I've made in this war so that I can improve myself.

  9. SeaMonkey, I'm sorry, but I have to completely disagree with you on what air units should target in SC. Fact is artillery are very cheap units which have practically no defense against any units, so it's only sensible that you would want to attack higher value land units with your air units such as tanks, and armies. Although in real life I would agree with you that you should target artillery with your air units, but in this game, I think you would be making a sizable mistake if you do that.

  10. You do realize that, because of this one man (Hitler) an estimated 50 million men died, and nations followed him until they were utterly devastated and totally defeated. I'm not sure if things could have been worse without him, but I would agree that with or without Hitler Europe wouldn't have been a very peaceful place, it never really has been. There always seems to be some war going on over there in Europe.

  11. Zukkov, I think you nailed it. I mean there are just some many things that could drastically altered the fate of the world, over the course of a few thousand years. BTW I heard that once on the battlefields of WWI a bullet missed Hitler by about 6 inches and got his best friend instead. Well what if that bullet went 6 inches to the right and killed Hitler instead? Or what if Germany won the first WWI? There is definitely a delicate recipe out there which determines what the world looks like, change one ingredient and everything changes drastically.

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