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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. Okay this is just a waste of time; there is no other way to explain to it, unless you guys are going to become reasonable which I truly doubt. Honestly you guys got banned, because you had a clique going and battlefront wanted to try and stop it, but obviously they can't. To set the record book straight I really didn't even attempt to ban JJR, I did however try to ban Kuniworth, that one I'll take full credit for any day. Case closed.

    Xwormwood, you need to download v 1.02 to see what I'm talking about. If you look you will see that there are unit scripts to put "free units" in the Marshalls, and the islands north of the Japanese home islands. btw I guess you can't keep your promise you made 6 months ago.

  2. Are you kidding me? Jon maybe you are dreaming, but we never got past the invasion of the Philippines, and honestly people like you are why people HATE Americans. I mean congrats on destroying the four battleships at Pearl Harbor, that was an amazing accomplishment for the quality of player you are, you only see that every millennium. Honestly you're a waste of my time to even talk to, and most of the normal people here.

    Honestly who died and made you king, I read your little AAR and I have to admit that factored into my decision of putting the game off. You had Japanese CV's off the coast of Australia with a supply of 0. That's insane if you are supposedly god-like. No offense I just didn't feel like wasting my time dealing with some arrogant person.

    Japan get's troops there now, so you're wrong to say their worthless, they don't have any great value like taking the US coast or Asia, but there not worthless.

    As for Stalingrad you’re not counting the figures of the injured who escaped to return in time. Yes this is no great figure by any means, but it’s still something.

    For my explorer not working, I’ve fixed that, the only problem I can’t fix is how to get the normal turn download pop-up, if you don’t believe me then I’ll post an attachment image.

    I’m just guessing you’re some poser at best, as I don’t know any businessmen, which you claim to be act so hot headed and arrogant.

  3. JJR, I'm going to keep this very simple and very short I didn't quit, I've never quit any game, it was if you read my email putting the game on pause, so that I could complete three other games that I was playing which were somewhat close to finishing.

    Something happened just a few days ago to my laptop and my internet explorer isn't running all that well right now, so give me a day or two to fix it. However feel free to send me your turn(s), as of right now I'm not playing anyone.

    If you want to do an AAR that's fine with me, I just can't guarantee how much I'll be able to contribute to it. Hopefully I'm not too rusty after not playing for a while.

  4. Instead of getting rid of the reduced units system, why not raise the value to either 70%, or 80%. After all no Armies are never completely destroyed so it would be reasonable to give a reduced price, but 50% is ridiculous.

    HQ being mobilized would be game changing, because then you can run crazy all over the USSR with very little concern over supplies. Sometimes I wish they were mobilized, but I'm not sure if in the end this would improve the game. I suppose this idea probably should get tested though it would definitely give Germany a major advantage.

  5. Brad don't worry I know the value of an opinion, but I also know the value in a good idea. Needless to say I thought this was a pretty good idea, however if you want to beta test it against me then, I definitely need to improve it first. The status of the mod right now is it's simply fun for the creator to play, but not ready for "constructive criticism" shall I say.

  6. You’re definitely right Arado in that the game is tilted "favorable" to Japan, but of course in the end the US can win the war by herself. This is something that I'm going to try and prove in one of my ongoing games right now. Needless to say I can't reveal any immediate data, except for it's about to heat up, as I wouldn't want to tip off my opponent.

    Although if it was totally historical then there really wouldn't be much fun in winning the war as all the Allies should have to do, would be to either take the DEI and Borneo back from the Japanese, or deploy their submarines to cripple Japanese merchant shipping.

    Anyway I do believe in making two versions of Operation Z, one historical, and another set-up around Midway, where the Japanese can build an empire/ already have built an empire (unhistorical). I've tried this over the last couple of months with one of the beta versions of Midway Major, and I have to admit that it's quite a good game as either side. Anyway what this mod does is of course allow either side the chance to win the war outright. It incorporates many more units, and is for the most part a large-scale war. Thanks SeaMonkey for this idea, this post wouldn't have been possible without your advice :).

  7. SeaMonkey, I can agree with you on PTO being a stepping stone to Global SC, but I hope there are at least a few relatively historical campaigns in Global SC. I'm usually for the "what ifs", and I enjoyed PDE a lot, but at the same time I do like to play something that's fairly historical with just a few twists and turns.

    Colin, if you want a different strategy then the usual India and China then listen up. Judging by your opponent (If you think he's a novice or the AI), then send your troops from Manchukuo, Korea, Philippines, and those islands that you take in the first turn, and send them on invasion of Hawaii, from the closest base. From here send a huge Japanese strike force out to attack Canada, and then of course move down to attacking the US. If this works then send your troops back to fight however you want, but definitely take China out to ensure you of a tactical victory. Be sure though that your opponent isn't that good, because you will get your ass kicked and likely lose the war in 1944 if you make this mistake.

  8. Colin, take a look at China's terrain, then take a look at Europe's terrain. What you're going to see is Europe is much more open ground (better suited for tanks), then the entire Pacific and in particular China which is extremely mountainous, with many rivers and a few forests. Take a look at what happened to the King Tiger (Tiger II) Panzer in the Ardennes; this would be the equivalent to what Japan could do with armor in China. In this instance I think SC is a little too nice to these behemoths of tanks which require a ton of fuel (I think it's something like 237 jerry cans to fill a Tiger II). Anyway to get back to the Pacific why not just try Japan having two strikes with her tanks, and then comeback talking about the major differences it makes to play balance.

    Bill, I wish I knew how to have the rising sun flag fly over Vladivostok in 1945, I suppose I just don't have enough units there, as I typically always go after India, and China, and they shift my focus to the Pacific to deal with the US leaving Manchukuo with only the basic garrisons.

  9. 1. What are you looking for Japan to be some freakious superpower and take over the whole world?

    2. Soviet/German armor has two strikes, and to be honest I agree with it. Stalin deployed quite a few troops/heavy tanks to deal with the Japanese garrison of Manchukuo/Korea, and depending upon how well you know your history you would know that the Japanese positions were overrun very quickly due to Russian tank superiority. Thus Russia is the only primary armor nation (Russia, and Germany), and should be given two strikes, because the Russians simply blew the Japanese away, and this is seen with their heavy tanks having two strikes.

    3. To be honest the French didn't really produce any real fighting units once liberated, so to have them producing tanks such as Russia or Germany is just ridiculous. Sure they produced small garrison units to defend Paris and other major cities, but this was only after the Allies had penetrated deep into the third Reich.

    4. You answered your own question "Its true they did not develop it that far or well". To be honest I think the creators were over generous with Japanese armor; they gave them three units (which can easily be reinforced/upgraded). Not to mention often times two of these units gain at least 2 or 3 bars of experience, which makes them be able to defeat a less experienced upgraded Sherman division (level 3). Japan's best tank at the end of the war was inferior to the western Allies best tank in the beginning of the war.

    I hope this helps to answer your questions.

  10. Baron, go to edit country data in the editor, and then chose edit diplomacy from here you can edit the ranges of successful diplomacy hits. There is one range which is clearly labeled as minor (8-15% increase in readiness per hit), and another one labeled major country (approx 7-10% increase in readiness per hit). Hope this helps.

  11. Well AZGungHo, you could go to edit unit build data in the editor (edit countries), and that I think this is what you’re referring to. From there add some oil and coal resources along with an appropriate industrial modifier and you will get this effect. The only big problem with this idea is the AI or player, will for the most part be unable to use MPPS up so they will just accumulate to ridiculous amounts, maybe even 9,999 MPPS.

  12. Definitely some land units, adding a few ships (cruisers, DD's, subs), and maybe one not full strength fighter should do the trick. What you could also do is add a few scripts starting in January 45' with US units arriving in the Pacific, your choice, either way I'm thrilled to see that you're taking an interest in bettering this mod. Good Luck :)

  13. It's a great mod no questions asked, but something I think you could improve on would be the US being stronger in 44' and 45' in particular. You also could give the US some form of a garrison unit so that the Japanese player can't just capture her by sending one little division down there. Great job overall though Mr. Carver!!!

  14. What happens to Egypt following the transfer of the UK government to Alexandria? It seems to me like it disappears, yet in the map view you see it as a country which is fully active. Anyway one quick fix you guys could do to fix this entire Alexandria surrender error would be to make Alexandria (city & port tile) British not Egyptian. Once you do this it will fix everything as long as the player has a unit garrisoned on the Alexandria city tile. Then again I'm sure you guys could just fix the script, but this is what I always do when I make a few mods and play as the Axis.

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