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Posts posted by scottsmm

  1. The death warrant on every Japanese soldier in the Indian theater has just been signed, as I retake Calcutta and will soon re-take all of India likely in 3-4 turns. I'm now going to come clean and would like to inform Tim that I've had a carrier near Tokyo for quite a while spying on all Japanese unit activity, which so far has mainly been only naval activity.

  2. All is not lost for Tim, and he knows it. There is a very powerful Japanese navy in the home island ports, as I've been monitoring it for quite some time and have just stopped recently as I get a lot of intel reports detailing the Japanese ships locations. In short if he wanted to he could send this force to save India, but it doesn't appear at least for right now that he wants to do this.

    There will be absolutely no quarter given to any Japanese surrender (anywhere). Truth is there all savages which have inflicted embarrassing defeats upon me early in this war, and somebody has to pay the price. On top of that we've been informed upon various massacres recently committed by none other than the Japanese Army.

  3. Desperate fighting is taking place by all Allied units in Asia. All Asian countries have placed their hopes in the hands of the US counter-offensive. The only question is when and where this shall take place? Needless to say when it happens it's going to be done with force.

    Tim would you say it's fair to say that the war is now in it's decisive stage?

  4. I need to get my act together before I lose both India and China. I guess the US though has been given ample time, and owes a great thanks to her Allies as she prepares to launch her island campaign. When this happens though I'll finally be able to play my trump card which should give the Allies a decisive edge against the Empire of Japan :).

  5. 100% neutral doesn't produce a single MPP after the Allied turn is over. The word “keeping” in that sentence was meant to imply the point that it stayed that way for the duration of the game, until of course I DOW war on her. Although what I noticed was the AI got some spare MPPS at the beginning of the new year (throughout the game). This however wasn't a reasonable amount though to get all the breakthroughs I mentioned above, it was around 70 MPPS. Sorry for not being clear, please let me know if you need any further clarification.

  6. True. I personally wonder if there is a god out there sometimes, because if he was a kind god he would have let the assassins put the second explosive in that briefcase, or had it so the meeting wasn't in the Wolf's Lair. There were a lot of things that botched that attempt, and it makes you wonder if you could pin the blame on just luck. The assassins only would have needed a split second to have added the second bomb in the suitcase (would have killed Hitler), the Wolf's Lair had open windows if they were closed the blast would have killed Hitler, If the suitcase wasn't moved at the last second, well I think you get the point. I've done a lot of work on Hitler and assignation attempts on his life, and to be honest with you I'm 120% amazed at the fact he survived to take his own life. I mean in one occasion, Hitler avoided death by 12 minutes, in another occasion the SAS decided not to shot him, because Winston Churchill decided at the last second that Hitler's blunders were more beneficial to the Allies. The last one I mentioned of course wasn’t luck, but instead a strategic decision made by Winston Churchill. Hitler himself said "he owed his life to luck, and not the Sugar Sugar divisions (German codename for SS), the Gestapo", or any other service meant to protect him.

    It seems to me that whenever you talk about WWII, it always no matter what the topic is gets to Germany, and often ends with some sort of discussion of Germany.

  7. Hubert thanks for the clarification, but to be perfectly honest with you I've experienced the exact opposite of what you said in a couple of games. Not in PT as there is never a chance to really test it, as most of the majors are already activated, but in WAW I've noticed that the USSR (at 0% Allied) can get level four heavy tanks along with 3 advanced aircraft, level 2 infantry and anti tank weapons, etc all at 0%. The 0% should mean that she gets only what she invested in, and what she already got, but to be perfectly clear I did this on Fall Weiss and I didn't touch anything relating to Soviet research. From there I kept the USSR at 0% throughout the entire game, but she got all these breakthroughs by mid 43' and I declared war on her in early 44'. The reason why I attacked her so late was, because I was going for a complete Axis Victory script I incorporated into the game, the side reason was that I was scared to attack this neutral country which had better research or equal levels to my own.

  8. Barricade, Welcome to the SC forums, if you have any questions about SC PT feel free to ask me either through a PM or on the forums here. I'd like to second what Arado said as by playing WAW you'll get a true feel for how the other games are going to be play out. It includes a lot of new units which are in WAW, PDE, PT, and whatever new games Hubert is working on I'm sure. One thing you'll need to know is that you will have to purchase SC2 Blitzkrieg to have any of the expansions work (WAW, and PDE) Note you don't have to buy SC 2 if you only want to get SC PT as it runs off a slightly different game engine. If I were you though, I'd purchase all of the games as there all different, and all are very enjoyable to play. Hope this helps, and welcome to the forums :).

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