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Posts posted by Mishga

  1. Thanks, Guys!

    I was busy being a full time Mother and Guild Leader in Warcraft but things have eased up with the kids getting a little bit less demanding.

    Above all I hope you have fun with the missions and please let me know where you feel there is room for improvements.

    I aim to get one mission out per week but I am open to ideas and inspiration. If forum members want to see a particular scenario, give me a brief description and I will get to work.

    OK, my missions will always be in the "Beer and Pretzel" category but as I gain experience with reinforcements, multiple group plans and timing they will become better.

    This latest one, Last Stand at Blood Ridge, is pretty much a lost cause for the US but it is winnable. I feel that people like a challenge to take on.

    On a side note. I don't go in for political correctness in scenarios as I believe in portraying the good along with the bad that can happen to our sons and husbands in time of war. So it's nothing Anti-US or anything silly like that. Just sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.

  2. George,

    That link was invaluable. It allowed me to polish my scenarios up no end. Cheers!! I even played about with a paint package to make the pics look like hastily taken combat photos etc etc.

    I would be honoured if you would check out my scenarios at CMMODS.com and give me your feedback as your the best designer here. Any inspiration is welcome.

  3. Second little scenario at www.cmmods.com but using George Mc's guide I managed to put in some images and briefings so this one looks a little better for the user.

    This is a real beer and pretzel scenario, it won't tax your brain cells to play as either side. It was more an exercise in polishing the product than anything else. Please feel free to download and give feedback.

  4. Hiya, troops.

    I finally plucked up the courage to submit my work to public scrutiny. This is the first scenario on CMMODS for me. It is under Meach as he has the account and I was not sure how to get my own.

    I figured out how to apply some briefings but maps etc are not in there yet. That's next on my list to figure out how to do.

    Feel free to download and please give me your feedback, criticism, bunches of roses, bottles of wine or foriegn holidays smile.gif

    It's infantry only but it's a complex plan which once I get some feedback on will improve with multiple plans and groups etc etc.

    www.cmmods.com is the usual place. Enjoy.

  5. Gunz,

    I am working on a very complex planned Blue assault. It sucks as a QB map as the units get randomly assigned to groups but it's cool as a scenario from both sides of the battle.

    It's a bit rough around the edges with no briefings as to be honest, I cannot figure out how to do them. If anyone else wants to try it out email me and I will gladly post out the scenario. Be warned though it is rough and ready in it's presentation but in the email I will detail the objectives.


    Meach likes his whisky and says he would run the place for free if he got a dram of the good stuff now and again but he might have difficulty putting down his hooch in such a small place tongue.gif

    As for Meach, well, he has his issues but he's coming round. When he's unbanned he will apologise to Gibson on the forum.

    He was out of order and he knows it. The big dumb lump is his own worst enemy.

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    I've got no choice but to ban you for flagrant violation of the Forum rules against swearing (two posts in a row). The little smiley faces don't make up for the violations. You know it, I know it, and everybody else does either. Sorry mate, no exceptions on this one.

    Email me in two weeks and if you agree to refrain from violating the Forum rules going forward I'll unban you. For now, however, you need to cool your jets.


    Hmm...not quite sure how to put this but Meach asked me to say

    "****, gibby the stuck up cunt smile.gif " And the ban can stay as long as you like cos he "don't really give a ****"

    I apologise for his crude and innapropriate behaviour. He is totally out of line. He states that he wishes "all the best to BFC and hopes they apply the same rules to all who swear"

  7. I am currently playing around with counter attack plans. Quite complex AI involving an attack that gets met head on by some units while others lie in depth with AT and Sniper coverage.

    Lots of groups doing there own thing whilst in a co-ordinated defence. Not working that well at the moment as soon as you use QB due to the random element of forces. I.E battle tanks sitting back instead of making a flank rush while the Infantry run ahead and get exausted.

    In the scenario it's the other way around.

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