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Posts posted by Mishga

  1. A new scenario, Tanks Ahoy, has been posted at www.cmmods.com for your gaming pleasure. It's a night time tank battle that's playable from either side, PBEM or as a QB map.

    The playtester for this one was Darkmage whose input was invaluable and reported in a very helpful fashion.

    The scenario has briefings included and can be played out over an hour. Have fun :)

  2. Odd. I never came across this before. All I can suggest is to make three copies of the one scenario and put each plan on each scenario. Test till your hearts content then combine the data into one plan. Very time consuming and a bit perfectionist.

    It has been a while and I am rusty at scenario making but can you not mark the plans you don't want to test as "not used"?

  3. Mark, I will see what I can do. A personal photo or something to share? ;)

    I don't know how long Meach will be around for as he had to be unbanned to allow me to post. As soon as Steve realises he's back he might ban him again. I don't think he will post much. He was in two car crashes in the space of a month, neither of them his fault so he's recovering by watching Spongebob and drinking copious amounts of tea.

    Thanks for the welcome back. Now where is those hunky Marines for me to play with?

  4. Yeah, the 2P scenarios are good for PBEM. They were designed with that in mind and as top priority. Very different from the generic QB maps.

    It really widens your gaming experience putting scenarios and QB maps together. For me it's about 70% of my enjoyment the other 30% is made up from playing and seeing my husband enjoy the maps I make.

  5. No, the map is appointed at random.

    In each map there are several slots for plans. The AI picks a plan at random so you never know quite what the AI will do. This is all sorted out at the design stage. In each plan there are lots of different choices to make when plotting an AI script. Plus for each plan you can make seperate groups, each with a seperate plan.

    So with enough time and energy a designer can make QB maps with lots of permutations of AI.

  6. And more sliders to choose from. Supply, Leadership, Morale and Motivation etc etc. As it stands all that is lumped into Quality, as far as I can tell.

    Good quality red infantry are usually very low on ammo and only ever reach green. More options equals more fun. I would also like to be able to tailor things a bit more for QB's.

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