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Posts posted by cabal23

  1. You're dead wrong.

    Ok so maybe I am wrong here, but as an ex-manager for the world largest game retailer, I can assure you that retailers buy enough games to cover their "guesstimate" of how many copies they think they will sell. It is someones job to make sure they buy enough to fill demand and sometimes they get it wrong and retailers get stuck with too many copies of a game. Also hype and pre-orders play a huge part as well. So unless BF did something outside the scope of all other PC and console games, retailers bought x number of copies of CMSF and are stuck with them unless they have a deal worked out with a distributor which rarely happens. For example we were able to ship thousands of copies of Lineage II back to NCsoft when Lineage II didn't sell what was expected, but that rarely happens. I think this happened because it was an MMO and had keys associated with each copy so they could put those into circulation elsewhere, like Korea.

    For those copies of CMSF sold BF got their cut and the retailer will make theirs. That is why you find $4.99 pc games, because the retailer took a chance on a product and it didn't sell. Last time I checked games aren't on consignment to the retailer. Now they have to decide to drop the price to make way for product that will actually sell or keep it at the same price and hope it sells, cutting their effective real estate for their products that might sell better. Most stores choose the first. I actually bought my first copy of CM(the very first one) for $1.99 in a bin at Gamestop. So BF made their money off that game regardless if I payed $1.99 or $199.

    Now as to what BF made of all the various versions of this game floating around I can't claim to know, and I assume the direct to drive version produced more profit since less material was used in the making of the product. So could you please clarify the NO your dead wrong comment so that we may all understand how this works.

    I am just going off my experience and things could have changed in the past few years since I worked for GS.

  2. I feel 20+ patches are the only fix for this game. It feels really incomplete for what I was able to play before I gave up with the camera, laggyness, overall ugliness despite descent specs. I updated everything and still not great performance. I think I will let this one go too. I spent too much energy waiting for BF to fix CMSF, I will not do it again with another half arsed game being released too early. i have no way of knowing how much polish they will put on this game, but so far it needs a lot.

  3. Sorry to be the opposition to your idea of a stellar product, but the search engine portion is purely a marketing tool. Although some user aren't bothered by the fact that this toolbar gives you wildly different search results, than if you just searched in google, it really is a revenue based advertising scheme. Some of the features are great, but I find software that relies on the first ten appearances of a search are all products you can buy, to not be my cup of tea. I have to disagree with you Moon that this product does hijack my search. May BF didn't do it, but someone gave me a much different search than if I searched normally. Once again no big deal, but this company has been running from the idea that they deal with adverts. As the BF crew has also been lead to believe. Here is a test.

    Search T-90 in the toolbar, then do it with a normal google search through your toolbar. 10 ads with the toolbar, none with google normally.

    So yes there are ads/sponsers with their toolbar search engine. Other than that this seems to be a fine product. I just thinktoolbarbrowser pulls it off without the extraneous garbage.

  4. I will agree with the reviewer. I think it is a fair review considering the amount of polish the game needed to be complete. I mean Marines shored up a hole bunch of holes left from the vanilla version. So I think it was fair and perhaps the WWII cmx2 will be reviewed even better because all the kinks will have been worked out by then hopefully,

  5. Will we ever be able to actually see the flavor objects in the scenario editor while we place them on the map in future versions of this game? I know you can see them in the 3D view, but why no icons on the map screen when we drop a flavor object into that space.

    Currently moving flavor objects around is quite time consuming because it is a guessing game. Sometime I just forget using them because I know I will spend the next half and hour moving this tiny little bench around trying to get it in the right position so it's not sticking half in and half out of a building. I just think the process could be simplified somewhat, but I am not a programmer.

  6. Also be sure you aren't on the receiving end of A-10 gunfire. I had troops calling it in a nice distance away (so it seemed) and I never suspected the a-10 would strafe the enemy and I would be at the end of its strafe path, because I had no idea which direction the gunfire would come from. My men were still quite a distance away. The strafe path of a a-10 can be long and brutal!

  7. If you play PBEM you have to check this out, it is pretty amazing and I think the learning curve is minimal. I also like the fact that you can play either of two rolls depending on how strategic of roll you want to play or how tactical. I think This will be a lot of fun and everyone who has Marines! should hop on over to their website and sign up. One more thing that will take this game to a new level of multiplayer fun.

  8. I just checked out Vassal last night and wow, where have I been? Holy smokes this is one of the coolest utilities ever!!!!! What a great way to play Warhammer 40k and not dump $100's of dollars into miniatures. I think this meta campaign is a brilliant idea and anyway i can help sign me up. If only as a player, please keep me updated, I would love to participate.

  9. I used to be in audio engineering and the software we used had serial port protection. If you lost on of these it was a huge production to get another. On just that merit alone I would never support a company or product that decided to go backwards 10 years and make a user use hardware copy protection. These are games folks, not $700 audio software suites. What makes these games special from other games? No other games use physical copy protection. And don't get me started on SecureRom and the other copy protection services. Garbage all of them, I could point to thousands of PO'd customers who have had to deal with this intrusive junk. It just isn't worth it. I think BF can look at their sales and see that perhaps maybe a few sales are being lost to piracy, but the market that buys wargaming games usually is not the person who torrents command and conquer. So I think this whole post is pointless, though good suggestions. But piracy is not something you will ever stop regardless what silly device you imagine. If people want to pirate it, it will be pirated. What keeps me warm and cozy at night is knowing these games are usually way beyond the interest level of your casual gamer/downloader and the community will continue to support BF's games.

  10. Bad thing about adding a new Syrian unit or two would be that only people with the British module will be able to use them. It's a shame they can't do like like was done for the Total Annihilation RTS, where every now and then they released a new, free unit to download. Just give everyone who bought the game a freaking free truck for the Syrians. I mean just admit it was huge over site and we will all be happy.

  11. It's a shame, our old friend madmatt, last time I checked, has stopped playing the game and isn't doing anything new. His sound mod was THE sound mod to have for this game. BF's kinda sucks compared to his(sorry BF!). I loved how realistic his was. Perhaps I will take a swing at it. I used to be an audio engineer way back in college and I still play around with audio software, so maybe I can create a nice one. Now I just need to locate some authentic radio chatter. Shouldn't be too hard.

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