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Posts posted by cabal23

  1. In ancient times, mariners (pirates), would cover one eye and stare at a candle for a few minutes before they boarded a ship. They would then board the ship they wanted to take down and would have more night vision than their enemies. Perhaps BF could find a way for the Syrians to do this. It might improve their odds at hitting something in the dark.

  2. Using a Javelin to take out a Toyota pickup with a bunch of enemy fighters riding in the back 300 meters away is probably bad use of your available combat power, particularly if you think there might be armor in the area or a bunker that needs to be demolished.

    Oh but how entertaining and satisfying to see that truck go up once that Javelin comes to bear on it. I would not win the award for best use of my resources. Though I have watched a sniper take out the same truck loaded with troops. It just isn't as satisfying as a Javelin.

  3. I think Battlefront may have added a, "Run for your life" calculation that is tweaked too high

    That's as may be or... the Marines experience level is just set WAY too low in that scenario to give you a believable result. An exciting and entertaining one, certainly, but not realistic. Because of the huge disparity between the two armies, in my opinion, even the very best units the Syrians have, Republican Guard, Special Forces or Airborne, should rarely rate better than Regular when fighting with the US and everything else they have should be green at best but mostly conscript. Meanwhile, US troops, especially Marines, should really start as veteran with a fair mix of Crack units and for the best US formations, crack/elite.

    I disagree with your statement that Marines should start off Veteran. A guy fresh out of boot reporting to his first duty station is not a veteran. He has never experienced live fire for real under stressful combat situations. Now in a month you may say he is veteran having survived a few battles and learned a few things from his team mates. I just finished a scenario soon to be posted about a platoon of very green soldiers(I provide an realistic explanation why in the briefing) with a few crack/vet leaders going head to head with a much more capable Syrian Spec Forces group. I also can't agree that Syrian Special Forces can't rate above Vet. That's silly to suspect that there aren't capable soldiers in the Syrian military that are well trained. They may be fewer, but I am certain they exist.

    I agree with Webwing that it's a play style thing. You will have to be much more careful with those green soldiers than usual. I think we are spoiled because most scenarios I play the Marines are always the more highly motivated, trained, and armed force on the field. I thought it would be cool to turn the tables a bit. I think I have seen this conversation about red vets not being the same as blue vets too many times. My solution is to bump blue down a notch and red up a notch and I think you have slightly more fair fight if you are looking for equally balanced forces. Also playing around with the other soft factors can make a much more interesting battle.

  4. "1) A scenario UI revision. The manner in which a player chooses his scenario needs to be reworked. The strength of this game system is the amazing number of scenarios which can be created and played. Yet, there is no way to organize them, tell which one's been played, review them, give feedback on them, delete savegames, etc. For a more in-depth look, I refer you to this: http://www.battlefront.com/community...ad.php?t=72661"

    It already exists, it's call Z-Bee mod manager. As for deleting savegames, I keep a folder on my desktop linked to saved games, outgoing and incoming so I can clean them out periodically. Not need to program something so easy to do yourself.

  5. To be honest I think threads like that should be locked upon opening. Not only is in bad taste to talk about our hobby while things are fresh and ugly but the asymmetrical aspect of this conflict is too extreme to have any connection to CMSF. This is more asymmetrical than the Nazis invading the Warsaw ghetto.

    So why bother playing a game that mimics real world situations at all? Our "hobby" will always have a parallel in the real world. War is not going away anytime soon. I think some people need to lighten up. These people talking about closing down threads because they can't draw a simple conclusion to CMSF need to just not read the thread if it so upsetting. I would expect more from a community of war gamers and people who are, were, or going to be soldiers. I totally see the parallels to this game. It is a game about a conflict in the middle-east. There just so happens to be a conflict going on in the middle-east. Conclusion drawn. Are we going to all stop playing this game once a real conflict in Syria breaks out to avoid hurt feelings on the forum?

  6. I know someone will post a much more impressive list but I can give you a few to start. I also recommend getting the Z-Bee Mod manager. It is a brilliant piece of software and worth the 30 minutes it took me to go learn it. Essentially it will turn any scenario into what you want it. Want your soldiers wearing temperate uniforms and have camouflaged vehicles fighting in European cities? Easy, find the mod and apply it to all temperate scenarios. I use it for all my Russian on Russian scenarios. It is so worth the time it take to set up. It is very user friendly too.

    My list would be:

    MOD Highway FIX PLUS Tutorial

    Detailed Foliage Icons Mod 2.0


    Iconed Bases Mod

    Oddballs Soundmod


    Water tile Mod

    Scipio Flames

    Scipio Weapon Icons (Final)

    The list could go on but I am sure others will add some to flesh out the best.

    There is also an even lens flare that tones down the sun.

    As for uniforms check them all out. Very few are not good. So download them all and apply them to the scenarios you want. I spent a day downloading mods after z-bee came out. That should get you started.

  7. Make sure you are posting on Cmmods and the repository. I have noticed some people just posting their scenarios to the repository. I for one have had nothing but trouble from dowloading from the repository as of late. No problems pre-holiday's so I have no idea what the issue is.

  8. Well to answer your question Sgt, I am running Marines. What do you mean make sure the patches match. I installed Marines, then directly installed 1.11.

    On another note, every time I exit CM:SF, Windows wants to generate an error report. I am sick today and going through all the scenarios i have downloaded so if an error is gonna pop, I most likely will find it. Aye aye!

  9. "4) Can't give dismount order to passengers if vehicle has other orders or if passengers drive. Similarly cant give orders to driver if he is mounting this turn"

    I second this. I also had an issue when I gave multiple orders to mount strykers and one unit refused to after three turns of telling him to enter the styrker. Finally after the other two units had mounted I was finally able to get him to mount. Weird? That unit just stood next to the stryker.

  10. Are there any US Woodland vehicle mods out there that will convert both army and marine vehix into woodland theme? On that note I had some issues with the Chech/Bosnian beta mod that was on CMMODs awhile ago. Anyone know a good Russian themed mod that will convert my soldier and vehix from Syrian to Russian?

  11. Maybe I am oversimplifying things here but this is the only way i have found to do what you are saying efficiently. I have the demo team set up next to a wall. Then I have the assault team adjacent to the demo team. I set the demo team to breach the wall. Then set the assault team to pause for 15 sec. and then set their way point for the 1st level of the building being breached. What SHOULD happen is the breach goes off and both the demo team and the assault team enter at the same time. I have yet to own a room from doing that. The sheer number of men entering all at once usually will defeat a room full of soldiers.

  12. It sounds like the stuff of legends and heroes to me. This is what commendations are handed out for. Every now and then someone puts their life aside and makes an attempt to do something that will rightfully get them killed. In effect what happens is through some grace of god or just luck, the tables are turned and it works in favor of the little guy. Happens all the time and can be found all throughout military literature and true stories. Nothing gamey about that for sure.

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